Posted on 12/24/2004 8:21:47 AM PST by Tumbleweed_Connection
President Bush has implemented economic policies that resemble those of the Roman Empire, which forced the baby Jesus into homelessness on the night of his birth, former civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson said in a pre-Christmas rant late Thursday.
"In the last [Bush] budget, we cut housing again, and that was Jesus' dilemma. In Bethlehem, his family ended up homeless," Jackson told MSNBC's Campbell Brown.
"Rome was a wealthy country that left Jesus and Mary and Joseph, in a sense, homeless," he complained. "He was born an at-risk baby."
The GOP bashing Democrat said that while Bush's reelection campaign had been successful in "marketing the language of religious values," the Bush White House isn't practicing what it preaches.
Jackson charged that under Bush's policies, the U.S. "appears to be indifferent toward the poor as we seek tax cuts and no-bid contracts for the wealthy; as we engage in wars of choice - driving our nation into isolation."
"Today we are celebrating the wealthy and war, not the poor and peace," he contended, while urging the Bush administration to "restore the Lyndon Baines Johnson vision where we wipe out poverty - not wipe out the poor."
"Hey, watch it talkin' 'bout my precious little girl..."
What man would be willing to face this unspeakable hell for just the wealth and power he has now for just a blink of the eye in time compared to all eternity but only a man who does not believe in God Almighty.
Here is a picture of Jesse Jackson marching with N.O.W. (National Organization of Women, a liberal feminist group) members against Welfare Reform, along with the results of the reforms they opposed. State Reform took effect around 1992-1994 and the National Bill was passed in 1996. The Republicans swept the house in 1994 promising a Contract with America. People are the same the world over. It is the political structure and governmental interference that make all the difference. Get Government out of peoples lives and they will succeed. To believe people cannot succeed without government help is to subscribe to what President Bush calls, the soft bigotry of low expectations. The reason they arent succeeding is BECAUSE of the government help, which only serves to subsidize poverty and single motherhood! For some reason, saying these things and passing bills that help millions of people out of poverty is said by the left to be cruel, hardnosed and racist.
-snip- Despite what we've seen so far, if millions of poorer (especially minorities) were thrown into poverty following Welfare Reform we could not declare it a success. In the same sense, if the spending in the late 60s early 70s lifted people out of poverty then we might declare President Johnson's war on poverty a success. But, everywhere we look we find the opposite of what we might expect. In fact, the following graph suggests that the poverty rates stopped dropping as government programs to combat poverty kicked in!
(all numbers in this chart drop dramatically (following welfare reform [state reform 1992-94, national reform 1996]).
You're exactly right. It was because of a brutal centralized government TAX COLLECTORS that Jesus was born in a manger.
If Jesse and the nitwits news people ever read their Bible they would know better.
Matthew 2:11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.
Has Jesse figured out a way now to extort money from Jesus?
Yup, most of Jessee's cloth probably has Armonte on the tag
In the end, when Jackson standing in front of the lake of fire; and God says, "Alright...Who wants to push him in?", I'm going to be the one yelling, "ME..ME..ME..ME..ME!!!!!"
Anybody can become a "Reverend." The Reverend sharon Stone could tell you that.
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Sounds a bit like Jessy to me?
JJ would use his mothers death to promote himself...A hollow man!
The beauty of Christ's life is that no one could extort money from him for any reason. BUT! That doesn't mean someone like JJ wouldn't try. Truly one of Satan's minions....
Jesse would have been extorting in Rome not Isreal... Jesse would NOT have even known Jesus existed.. or cared.. like NOW..
Get rid of him? He seems to be competing with Moore. Power to him.
'Course, when Bill Clinton was President, Joseph and Mary and baby Jesus had a fact, when Bill Clinton was President, the homeless did not exist...isn't that right, Jesse? Now that Bush is President, well, you know, just fill in the blanks, man...
Isn't it just nice that she had to ride the symbol of the Rats party!On the other hand it is pretty good evidence that she rode Joseph's ass on at least one occasion.
This person has no shame and can't stoop any lower than he has. I feel total disgust for him.
Enough of this POS!
Wrong Jesse. LBJ created more poverty with his government dependency programs.
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