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National Geographic Ignores The Flaws in Darwin's Theory
Discovery Institute News ^ | 11/8/04 | Jonathan Wells

Posted on 11/09/2004 11:21:22 AM PST by Michael_Michaelangelo

Was Darwin wrong?

In the November 2004 issue of National Geographic, David Quammen answers this question with a resounding "NO. The evidence for Evolution is overwhelming."

In Quammen's view, most people who reject Darwin's theory of evolution do so out of ignorance, so he proceeds to lay out some of the evidence for it. But the evidence he lays out is exaggerated, and the problems with it are ignored.

Quammen explains that Darwin's theory has two aspects: the "historical phenomenon" that all species of living things are descended from common ancestors, and "the main mechanism causing that phenomenon," which is natural selection. The evidence presented by Darwin, he continues, "mostly fell within four categories: biogeography, paleontology, embryology, and morphology."

The first category includes evidence from similar species in neighboring habitats, such as finches on the Galápagos Islands; the second includes evidence from the fossil record, such as extinct horse-like animals that preceded modern horses; and the third includes evidence from similarities in early embryos that supposedly point to their common ancestry.

All three categories are rife with problems that Quammen overlooks. For example, the Galápagos finch story is complicated by the fact that many of what were originally thought to be thirteen species are now interbreeding with each other -- even though Darwinian theory regards inability to interbreed as the distinguishing feature of separate species.

The fossil record of horses is also much more complicated than Quammen makes it out to be; actually, it looks like a tangled bush with separate branches rather than a straight line of ancestors and descendants. Even worse, Quammen ignores the Cambrian explosion, in which many of the major groups ("phyla") of animals appeared in a geologically short time with no fossil evidence of common ancestry -- a fact that Darwin himself considered a "serious" problem that "may be truly urged as a valid argument against" his theory.

Finally, embryos fail to show what Darwin thought they showed. According to Quammen, the evidence for evolution includes "revealing stages of development (echoing earlier stages of evolutionary history) that embryos pass through before birth or hatching." Darwin (as quoted by Quammen) thought "the embryo is the animal in its less modified state," a state that "reveals the structure of its progenitor." This idea -- that embryos pass through earlier stages of their evolutionary history and thereby show us their ancestors -- is a restatement of German Darwinist Ernst Haeckel's notorious "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny," a false doctrine that knowledgeable experts discarded over a century ago.

It is actually Quammen's fourth category, morphology (i.e., anatomical shape), which Darwin himself (as quoted by Quammen) called the 'very soul' of natural history, that provides the basis for the other three. In each category, similarity in morphology ("homology") is interpreted as evidence for evolutionary relatedness. According to Darwin, features in different organisms are homologous because they were inherited from a common ancestor through a process he called "descent with modification."

The biologists who described homology a decade before Darwin, however, attributed it to construction or creation on a common archetype or design. How can one determine whether homology in living things comes from common ancestry or common design? Simply pointing to the similarities themselves won't do, as biologist Tim Berra inadvertently showed when he used different models of Corvette automobiles to illustrate descent with modification in his 1990 book, Evolution and the Myth of Creationism. Although Berra wrote that "descent with modification is overwhelmingly obvious" in Corvettes, we all know that automobile similarities are due to common design rather than common ancestry. Only by demonstrating that a Corvette can morph into another model by natural processes could someone rule out the need for a designer. Similarly, the only scientific way to demonstrate that similarities in living things are due to common ancestry would be to identify the natural mechanism that produced them. According to Darwin's theory, that mechanism is natural selection.

So the four categories of evidence on which Darwin relied to support his theory of the historical phenomenon of evolution rely, in turn, on his theory about the mechanism of evolution. But what is the evidence for Darwin's mechanism?

The principal evidence Quammen cites is antibiotic resistance. "There's no better or more immediate evidence supporting the Darwinian theory," Quammen writes, "than this process of forced transformation among our inimical germs." Perhaps so; but then Darwin's theory is in serious trouble. Antibiotic resistance involves only minor changes within existing species. In plants and animals, such changes had been known for centuries before Darwin. Nobody doubts that they can occur, or that they can be produced by selection. But Darwin claimed much more, namely, that the process of selection could produce new species -- indeed, all species after the first. That's why Darwin titled his magnum opus The Origin of Species, not How Existing Species Change Over Time.

Yet no one has ever observed the origin of a new species by selection, natural or otherwise. Bacteria should be the easiest organisms in which to observe this, because bacteria can produce thousands of generations in a matter of months, and they can be subjected to powerful mutation-causing agents and intense selection. Nevertheless, in over a century of research no new species of bacteria have emerged. Quammen cites Darwinian biologists who claim to have produced "incipient species," but this merely refers to different strains of the same species that the researchers believe -- on theoretical grounds -- might eventually become new species. When the truth of the theory itself is at stake, such a theoretical extrapolation hardly constitutes "overwhelming evidence" for it.

So the evidence Quammen presents for Darwin's theory falls far short of confirming it. Biogeography, paleontology, embryology and morphology all rely on homologies, and the only way to determine whether homologies are due to common descent rather than common design is to provide a natural mechanism. Yet Darwin's mechanism, natural selection, has never been observed to produce a single new species. Scientific theories (Quammen acknowledges) should not be accepted as a matter of faith, but only on the basis of evidence. And given the evidence, any rational person is justified in doubting the truth of Darwin's theory.

As Quammen points out at the beginning of his article, public opinion polls conducted over the past twenty years have consistently shown that only about 12% of Americans accept Darwin's theory that "humans evolved from other life-forms without any involvement of a god." The reference to "god" is significant, because it shows that science is not the only thing at stake here: Darwinism also makes religious and philosophical claims. Most importantly, Darwinism is committed to naturalism, the philosophy that nature is all that exists and God is imaginary -- or at least unnecessary. It is not surprising, then, that many people reject Darwinism on religious grounds. Nevertheless, Quammen maintains, most Americans are antievolutionists only because of "confusion and ignorance," because "they have never taken a biology course that deals with evolution nor read a book in which the theory was lucidly described."

As someone with a Berkeley Ph.D. in biology, I dispute Quammen's characterization of Darwin's doubters as confused and ignorant. On the contrary, Quammen's article makes it abundantly clear why it is quite reasonable to doubt Darwinism: The evidence for it is "underwhelming," at best.

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires every state to formulate standards for science education. As a guide to interpreting the law, Congress also passed a Conference Report recognizing "that a quality science education should prepare students to distinguish the data and testable theories of science from religious or philosophical claims that are made in the name of science. Where topics are taught that may generate controversy (such as biological evolution), the curriculum should help students to understand the full range of scientific views that exist, why such topics may generate controversy, and how scientific discoveries can profoundly affect society.''

In other words, students should be encouraged to distinguish the actual evidence for Darwin's theory from the naturalistic philosophy that accompanies it. Furthermore, students should be taught not only the evidence for the theory, but also why much of that evidence is controversial. Congress recommends this; the American people overwhelmingly support it; and good science demands it.

Quammen claims that evolution is "more crucial nowadays to human welfare, to medical science, and to our understanding of the world, than ever before." Yet no country in history has made more contributions to human welfare and medical science than America. Is it just a coincidence that the vast majority of citizens in the most scientifically successful nation on Earth are skeptical of Darwin's theory? I think not. As a scientist myself, it seems to me that a healthy skepticism is essential to good science. This caveat applies to all theories, including Darwin's.

If Quammen's article had accurately presented not only the evidence for Darwin's theory, but also the problems with that evidence, it might have made a valuable contribution to scientific literacy in America. As it stands, however, the article is nothing more than a beautifully illustrated propaganda piece. The readers of National Geographic deserve better.

Jonathan Wells, Ph.D. Senior Fellow, Center for Science and Culture Discovery Institute

TOPICS: Extended News; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: creation; crevolist; darwin; evolution; god; intelligentdesign; mediahype; nationalgeographic
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To: Michael_Michaelangelo
That is a sophist's take on evolution. I tend to agree with the author on many points, but that doesn't make them scientific proofs. "Evidences"?

Plus, his evidences were microevolution, not macroevolution, so I'm not even sure why his article is titled as such.

In short, a lot of words, but not enough to convince me of a scientific FACT, and if convinces you, I suggest you do some more research on what scientific fact consists of.
161 posted on 11/09/2004 2:18:15 PM PST by Carling (What happened to Sandy Burglar's Docs?)
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To: Texas Songwriter
"Please tell me how a retroarticular process behind the mandible (more properly referred to as the dentary) is dispositive of archaeopterex's ancestral lineage. . . ."

I think you may have that backwards from the text quote of the article I posted. Let me repost just that portion:

". . . The Archaeopteryx skull is also typically reptilian in structure, exhibiting: a number of openings or "fenestrae" in the skull, arranged as in therapod dinosaurs and not birds; a heavy but short quadratic bone which is inclined forward as in reptiles; a bend in the jawbones behind the tooth row; a long retro-articular process, which is found in reptiles but not in birds; . . ."

I believe it was the author's clear intent in that segment to establish the archaeopteryx's reptilian ancestry as positive, not dispositive as your question implies.

I'll repost the link to that article as a "pop up" link below:

Archaeopteryx and the Creationists
162 posted on 11/09/2004 2:19:29 PM PST by StJacques
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To: Lurking Libertarian

Were those supposed to prove something? The one example that may pass the muster is the house mouse, but then the changes occurred over 250 years and could (note that word) be the result of outside factors or breeding with other species.

Still not a fact.

163 posted on 11/09/2004 2:21:35 PM PST by Carling (What happened to Sandy Burglar's Docs?)
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To: Carling
What I am saying is that it is odd that scientists are willing to put their own "faith" into accepting evolution as fact when they know they can't replicate this theory in the lab.

Scientists do not say evolution is fact. It is theory. A theory consistent with observed facts. If observed facts conflict with the theory, it is modified as needed to match observed facts. If it is replicated in a lab, then it will go from being a theory to being fact.

164 posted on 11/09/2004 2:21:58 PM PST by WildTurkey
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To: WildTurkey
Scientists do not say evolution is fact. It is theory. A theory consistent with observed facts. If observed facts conflict with the theory, it is modified as needed to match observed facts. If it is replicated in a lab, then it will go from being a theory to being fact.

Actually, if replicated in the lab it will become a law, but the above is what I have been trying to say. There are conflicting theories on how the universe was created, but no one knows for sure, now do they. For the record, I tend to side with the evolution gang with a touch of God's hand involved. I'm nuanced!

165 posted on 11/09/2004 2:25:53 PM PST by Carling (What happened to Sandy Burglar's Docs?)
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To: Heartlander
OK… But some ‘use’ TOE to explain everything and since TOE excludes ID in any form or fashion, what is left but ‘random acts of chance’?

Some say that TOE excludes ID in any form or fashion and say it depends only on 'random acts of chance' inorder to make a false argument against the TOE.

166 posted on 11/09/2004 2:26:01 PM PST by WildTurkey
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To: Michael_Michaelangelo

Darwinian Evolution ping

167 posted on 11/09/2004 2:27:18 PM PST by TChris (You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.)
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To: dartuser
And the evidence against it is generally discarded, even by proponents. I again use the "it used its wings as a net to trap bugs" explanation of how birds first flew. Once it was disproven (mostly by an aerospace engineer) the proponents said "Oh, well, the theory served its purpose."

I think you have entered the world of 'random thoughts'. I have no idea of what you are trying to say.

168 posted on 11/09/2004 2:28:35 PM PST by WildTurkey
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To: Lurking Libertarian
Example #1 from your link of witnessed 'speciations' is: Evening Primrose (Oenothera gigas) While studying the genetics of the evening primrose, Oenothera lamarckiana, de Vries (1905) found an unusual variant among his plants. O. lamarckiana has a chromosome number of 2N = 14. The variant had a chromosome number of 2N = 28. He found that he was unable to breed this variant with O. lamarckiana. He named this new species O. gigas.

You realize this example is controversial, right?

169 posted on 11/09/2004 2:28:40 PM PST by Michael_Michaelangelo
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To: escapefromboston

Though I look forward to the use the term "straw man argument" and childish name calling
Like THESE??

170 posted on 11/09/2004 2:30:54 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
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To: ClearCase_guy

National Geographic, apparently NOT learning from the Chinese Chicken Fossil Hoax of a couple of years ago, this month reported....

171 posted on 11/09/2004 2:32:39 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
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To: StJacques
"do we have documented instances of mutations across a variety of living species that are sufficient to establish a factual basis that, given the postulated length of time required to form a new species, evolutionary development is plausible?"

But Darwin asserts that these mutations are random in nature and not "programmed". Unfortunately, we do not see random mutation since that would quickly lead to the extinction of every living thing on the planet.

Intelligent Design (ID) asserts that the mutations are programmed in and somehow intelligent in their direction.

172 posted on 11/09/2004 2:33:40 PM PST by Erik Latranyi (9-11 is your Peace Dividend)
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To: michaelbfree
they had been totally hijacked by the Greens

Just like Scientific American!

173 posted on 11/09/2004 2:34:20 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
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To: Codeflier
It makes perfect sense that God would set the process of evolution in motion.

It does?????

174 posted on 11/09/2004 2:36:04 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
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To: PatrickHenry
...leave this thread to the creos.

Pat, are we the BLUE or the RED this time?

175 posted on 11/09/2004 2:38:47 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
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To: Carling
For the record, I tend to side with the evolution gang with a touch of God's hand involved. I'm nuanced!

I think even Creationists say that God works in mysterious and wonderful ways. They then go on to say they can explain that there is no mystery.

176 posted on 11/09/2004 2:39:50 PM PST by WildTurkey
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To: Erik Latranyi
But Darwin asserts that these mutations are random in nature

No. He says that it is through selective adaptation.

177 posted on 11/09/2004 2:41:02 PM PST by WildTurkey
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To: Elsie
It makes perfect sense that God would set the process of evolution in motion.

It does?????

Only if you believe in God.

178 posted on 11/09/2004 2:42:26 PM PST by WildTurkey
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To: WildTurkey

I thought you would say this. The logical conclusion of your argument is that if free will does not imply randomness, then evolutionary chemisty must itself be following an intelligent design, whether its own (unlikely) or another.

179 posted on 11/09/2004 2:44:48 PM PST by MoonMullins
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To: Aquinasfan
...all matter was packed into an infinitely dense space.

HMmmm... that must have been a BIG Black Hole: something which scientists say that once matter enters it, it'll never get out again.

(Kinda makes ya wonder how it got out in the first place...)

180 posted on 11/09/2004 2:44:56 PM PST by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
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