Did you just hear the president's speech? He's fighting back and addressing the stolen ammo issue head on! He said Kerry is making claims without knowing the facts...A poor quality for a commander in chief. He also commented on Kerry's being "unchanged" by 911. He spoke about being at the WTC ground zero and meeting with fireman and they told him not to let them down. He says he will always fight for America and never let us down. Go Mr. President!!!!!
Please let this be over soon, so my stomach will settle down and I can spend my FR time posting pics of Lindsay. :^)
In battle the side on defense is at a disadvantage. Although we are defending some states (Ohio and FL) Kerry is defending more of his turf. This is a good sign in the knife fight that this campaign has become.
Kerry's campaign claims Kerry will be making his "closing arguments" today even though there are five days between today and election day. What the hay...? Has he run out of physical steam. Is he just going to let his ads do the talking for the rest of the campaign?
"Karl Rove said 2/3 of Bush's stops in the final two weeks will be in states that he lost to Al Gore."
THAT is an interesting comment.
Vietnamese-Americans really get it about Freedom's Enemy JOHN KERRY.
Little Saigon leads the Way: Cools to KERRY
Arkansas and West Virginia? i thought we put those away a long time ago
I hope this is right about OH moving more towards Bush
we keep OH and FL we should be AOK
By the way I just saw the neatest ad. By There is a difference - We need the Republican Party.
Scenes of Reagan, tearing down the hussein statue, the Berlin wall. First commercial that sent a real thrill up my spine.
Does this not speak of clear coordination between the DNC and MoveOn?
Am I missing something here?
Oooo goody, more rabbit holes they are pouring money down.
If GW Bush takes Hawaii and New Jersey, john Kerry is taoast!!!
How would the DNC official know where Moveon is buying ad time? How would Moveon know that Kerry wants to shift resources to West Virginia? I thought there was no co-ordination between the DNC and any 527.
Can you imagine the hell and fury if Karl Rove mentioned where the Swift Boat Vets should be placing ads?
Kerry also upped the ante in Massachusetts, and has fallen into a tie in New Jersey. These guys are all over the map as more and more people discover the real John Kerry.
... but... but... but... Isn't coordination between the DNC and MoveOn.org illegal????
Heh, as if I expect the FEC to lift a finger to prevent Democratic tricks. Nice to note that the reporter didn't pick up on that. Who are we gradukamating from our J-schools these days, anyway?
If the Kerry campaign is announcing precisely where Move on.org is buying ads and is ensuring they are in the same states as the campaign, does than mean they are in collusion?
ABC seems to have missed Kerry attacking our troops again, just like he did in 1971, it seems to be a habit with him.
I am in West Virginia and I can tell you all of a sudden there are all kinds of Kerry ads on local tv. They are from the Kerry campaign, Move On, the DNC and the one with that pathetic hispanic soldier with the damaged arm.
They are buying a lot of air time all of a sudden.