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CBS Evening News: Questions Linger Over Bush Memos
CBS News ^
| Sept. 13, 2004
| Dan Rather
Posted on 09/13/2004 4:15:44 PM PDT by Oldeconomybuyer
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To: Oldeconomybuyer
Mr. Rather's story appears to be circling the drain...
To: Pete
Dan's meaculpa: COULD HAVE.
To: Oldeconomybuyer
This is very significant!!!
As an old CBSer, trust me, this shows that bosses at Black Rock are trying to backpedal on the story, while Rather is trying to keep it at full steam ahead.
This was never posted without approval of some highly placed people at CBS.
Rather will go ballistic when he sees this. Like Captain Queeg, he will rant over disloyalty, incompetent junior officers/staffers.
This is going to get deeper before it goes away.
posted on
09/13/2004 4:30:23 PM PDT
(Kill all Islamic terrorists now. Then they cannot kill our sons and daughters tomorrow)
To: Pete
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Dan Rather's mistake was addressing this again on tonight's broadcast. His only chance was to ignore the situation and let his Friday comments stand - and that was a long shot. By addressing it tonight, he has set the precedent that he is required to respond to questions. That means this thing doesn't die. Buh bye, Dan.
posted on
09/13/2004 4:31:43 PM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
This is laughable. Bush's NG career occurred thirty years ago. CBS decided these were good documents because they refer to dates that coincide with dates that were already known about Bush's career.
So if I create a memo from FDR saying he knew in advance about the Dec 7th sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, my reference to Dec 7th would make ny document more reliable?
I guess the fact the documents in question accurately stated Bush was in the National Guard was also supportive.
posted on
09/13/2004 4:31:45 PM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
I'm afraid this is coming to a head too soon.
The best-case scenario is that CBS stonewalls for about two weeks, after which the other networks break with big stories about the forgery. Most people who watched the 60 Minutes report don't yet know that there's a serious controversy, and will be stunned when they see the proof of forgery become widely accepted. If that happens in the next few days, there will be time for the Kerry campaign to recover, or at least to avoid responsibility. If that happens in two weeks, there will be no chance of recovery.
Partisan political operatives would have trickled out the revelations for a while, letting the story build and build. The web is just too fast to milk it.
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Journalistic ethics violated by CBS:
Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.
Journalists should:
Admit mistakes and correct them promptly.
Test the accuracy of information from all sources and exercise care to avoid inadvertent error. Deliberate distortion is never permissible.
Diligently seek out subjects of news stories to give them the opportunity to respond to allegations of wrongdoing.
Identify sources whenever feasible. The public is entitled to as much information as possible on sources' reliability.
Always question sources motives before promising anonymity. Clarify conditions attached to any promise made in exchange for information. Keep promises.
Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting. Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context.
Recognize a special obligation to ensure that the public's business is conducted in the open and that government records are open to inspection.
Recognize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than do public officials and others who seek power, influence or attention. Only an overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyones privacy.
Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived.
Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or damage credibility.
Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and shun secondary employment, political involvement, public office and service in community organizations if they compromise journalistic integrity.
Disclose unavoidable conflicts.
Encourage the public to voice grievances against the news media.
Abide by the same high standards to which they hold others.
To: Oldeconomybuyer
CBS is now preaching to the ignorant and the Bush-Haters. Anyone who cares about integrity in the media has concluded that CBS has involved itself in perpetrating a fraud, but CBS, in all its arrogance, is now preaching to the choir -- refusing to admit it was taken in (or was trying to take in the voters), and providing more fodder for those who already have an irrational hatred of Bush. They had planned this "new revelation" to be a big splash against Bush, and it isn't. They've spent more time defending themselves on this story than they have bludgeoning Bush with the bogus documents.
Any new "experts" CBS brings in to authenticate the documents are themselves frauds, but to the foaming leftwingers in CBS' diminishing audience, they're adding credence to CBS' propaganda.
posted on
09/13/2004 4:32:28 PM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Hang in there Dan!!!
Keep on denying what is no longer in dispute.
Let's make this election a referendum about whether or not folks believe the documents are forgeries.
posted on
09/13/2004 4:32:55 PM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
CBS News said last week the memos it received about President Bush's service in the Air National Guard came from "solid sources." it names "a disgruntled former Guard officer" as a principal source for CBS, noting "he suffered two nervous breakdowns" and "unsuccessfully sued for medical expenses."
These two sentences spokes volumes about their integrity and professionalism.
posted on
09/13/2004 4:33:24 PM PDT
To: ServesURight
CBS News was once a mighty news organization that has now become synonymous with Weekly World News."Sitting in for Dan Rather tonight, Bat Boy.
posted on
09/13/2004 4:33:37 PM PDT
To: Oldeconomybuyer
CBS said Monday it relied on an analysis of the contents of the documents themselves to determine their authenticity. The new papers are in line with what is known about the president's service assignments and dates, CBS said. For instance, CBS said, the official record shows that Mr. Bush was suspended from flying on Aug. 1, 1972. That date matches the one on a memo given to CBS News, ordering that Mr. Bush be suspended. Gee, a forger would never be able to find out that August 1, 1972 date, would he?
To: Oldeconomybuyer
Attn: President & CEO Viacom
Attn: Dan Rather
Attn: Ms Maples, Produceer 60 minutes
Your attendance is requested at an FCC hearing to discuss the following:
1.) Suspension of CBS broadcast license for perpetrating a fraud, deceit and forged documents on the America Public.
2.) Disbarment from the broadcast industry for above abuses.
Please make yourselves available. Absence will be considered an admission of guilt.
FCC Chairman Powell
This is what I would really like to see, followed by an FBI inquiry and arrest for forgering government documents.
posted on
09/13/2004 4:34:50 PM PDT
(Why isn't Berger in jail?)
To: tioga
To: Oldeconomybuyer
What time does Blather come on tonight(PDT)? I haven't watched that idiot in years and years.
Nam Vet
posted on
09/13/2004 4:35:13 PM PDT
Nam Vet
(I couldn't live a day without my VRWC Decoder Ring)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
james carville and company made the memos. the CYA has his name written all over it. he would not have known when the CO retired and wouldn't have any way of finding out. i'll bet a dollar to a dog tur@ this is it.
posted on
09/13/2004 4:35:40 PM PDT
To: GreyFriar
Mr. Blather also mentioned a "memo" acquired by USA Today that bolstered CBS's case. But it was too small to read and he did not read its contents. It was too small to read so he didn't read it...but it bolstered his case?? HUH???
posted on
09/13/2004 4:35:55 PM PDT
("Weak people are beaten," Putin 9/04/2004....Hey Kerry, ARE YOU LISTENING???)
To: Oldeconomybuyer
CBS website reporting shows integrity on this issue.
To: gopwinsin04
I think this is being driven by Dan Rather. I would venture to guess that Dan doesn't even know how to turn on a computer. He refuses to examine the evidence...evidence that is sure and convincing to ANYONE who will sit down and examine Microsoft Word versus type written documents. That is why it was so easy to spot in the blogosphere...we all know a skunk when we see it. Rather has a bunch of toadies who say "Yes sir" when he tells them to find evidence that it's not fake. That's why his evidence is so weak.
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