Posted on 09/10/2004 7:42:49 PM PDT by Ed Zoekuiper
The signatures might be digitally scanned images from the original "hand written" memos, which they transferred to the "typed" replicas.
It would explain why they relied on a guy who is a signature expert, not a "document" expert, and why they only showed him examining the signatures and proclaiming them legit.
I think you give Dan Rather and CBS news WAY to much credit. They are not smart. They are elitists though.
FSU lost again? Huh.
Another thing MSM doesn't get yet is that the blogo/freeposphere doesn't respect their established news cycle. They think they can safely leave on a Friday night for a quiet weekend. They aren't able to defend themselves as the story explodes ALL NIGHT LONG. When they arrive back at the office on Monday, the world will be a different place. Even if they try to regroup tomorrow, they will already be HOURS behind the curve.
we just . . .
He just . . .
It felt like a Kafka novel.
Because I wouldn't have had the hubris to just keep lying
and I couldn't understand how he did.
and all I could think about was those SOB's laughing in some Georgetown bar.
Dan ... Dan .... Dan .... NONE OF US are smarter than ALL OF US. Those days are long gone.
Welcome to Cyberspace.
Found the same POB zip as you....
next stop is to check Texas Secretary of State to see if used by a business in a corporate filing, or dba ---.
I'm cynical too because I can't yet come to grips with Rather stooping to what amounts to nothing but a propaganda piece with the sole purpose of swaying a historical election. But don't you think he would have said he had the original handwritten documents today when he was feeling so much heat? He will have lost too much credibility to produce handwritten notes now, they presented the documents as copies of the originals.
You still haven't explained how Killian's signature on the typed memo fits into your (whacky) scenario.
Oh, right. They're going to rest their case on documents which they can't produce, not on official letterhead, no signature, allegedly written by a man who's been dead for 20 years, about events which occured more than 30 years ago, with no corroborating witness?
I don't think so.
It is great! Like you, I don't want to miss anything -- this place is really addictive!
Still, I'd feel better if Gen. Hodges would just come out and deny the Post story. Maybe he'll do that tomorrow.
My response:
I agree that would be helpful, but I don't think it's going to happen. CBS was stupid to run the story, but I don't think they're stupid enough to fabricate quotes from their authenticity "trump card".
Wow - do you have a crystal ball or what?! And I was completely wrong - CBS is way more stupid than I thought they could be! I've learned my lesson.
yep...I do remember all the stonewalling, and fibbing!
Classic misdirection, just as a magician would use to fool the crowd.
Everybody gets wound up about fonts, proportional spacing, superscripts, etc., and then Rather yanks the rug out from under us, and says, "yeah, well that doesn't matter, because the ORIGINALS were handwritten, those things you are calling forgeries were just WP versions of the originals, to make it easier to read them.... thus all the forgery claims are now moot, and the original handwritten documents prove Bush lied..."
Rather said the docs he had were copies... the whole point of what he broadcast tonight was to bona fide signed typewritten memos.
Freepaholism is real. It's REAL, I tell you!
"Where is a 527 of ours? We need one to hit hard and blame the democrats for this, make some political capital."
Why can't FR become a 527?
We could make a commercial outlining this whole story.
Not for the presidential race, but to point out the CBS propaganda--- to undermine their credibliity and get people not to trust the MSM. Maybe produce a series of ads--- Point out Jayson Blair, Jack Kelley and other examples of media bias. Show the Iraq war photo that the LA times manipulated. We could all pitch in money like we did the swifties.....maybe someone could call into Rush or Hannity and plug us. Wishful thinking? Perhaps....but it could be done.
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