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"If you don't stop crying, I will shoot you'
The Times (UK) ^ | 9/4/04 | Jeremy Page

Posted on 09/03/2004 5:35:31 PM PDT by saquin

[Pupils were lured by chocolate then starved and threatened by terrorists]

WHEN their chance of freedom came with a massive explosion that shook School No 1, many of the children found that they could not escape.

Forced to strip to their underwear and sit shoulder-to-shoulder for three days with their knees tucked under their chins, their legs were numb and would not respond to the instinct to flee.

Hungry and dehydrated after being denied food and water by their captors, they stumbled aimlessly and weakly, their way further hampered by the debris and dust from the blast falling all around them.

The stronger ones reached the windows and began to break the glass with their fists, cutting and scratching their hands, arms and faces in their frantic efforts to get out.

And as they ran, crying and fearful, gunmen in the upper floors of the school began shooting at them.

Fatima, 15, dazed and clearly in shock, seemed to know little of her escape. “I don’t know what caused the blast, I just remember a huge bang,” she said.

“I tried to get up but I couldn’t walk or see anything. Somebody grabbed me and then I cannot remember anything until I got to hospital.”

Vitaly Makiyev, 11, was shaking as he told how policemen carried him from the building. When the gunmen arrived on Wednesday morning, Vitaly had run back into the school building, thinking he would be safe there.

“They held us for three days and they didn’t give us any food or water,” he cried.

Rosa Dudiyea told the Kommersant newspaper that the hostage-takers had at first pretended to be Russian and lured some children into the building with sweets.

“A military lorry appeared in front of the school building. People wearing camouflage and masks jumped out — I could see only their eyes and beards,” she said.

“They opened fire, everyone started running about. Some people, including myself, managed to hide behind a fence.

“Several gunmen stayed outside, near the entrance. They started screaming in very good Russian, ‘Russians, Russians, come here, don’t be afraid!’ One of the terrorists tried to lure children with chocolate.”

A woman teacher who was freed with her three-year-old daughter on the second day of the seige, but forced to leave her older children behind, said that as many as 1,500 people had been in the school when the siege began.

“It happened within two or three minutes,” she told Izvestiya newspaper. “We had begun to form a line in the school yard to listen to the headmistress’s September 1 speeches when suddenly we heard shots.

“We were herded into the sports hall. The doors into the hall were locked. People in masks broke the windows and leapt through them and then they broke the doors down. In the hall they ordered us to sit on the floor and began quickly to mine the room.

“Two large explosive devices were put in the basketball nets and then through the hall they led wires that they attached to smaller explosive devices. The whole place was mined within ten minutes.”

Atsamas Ketsoyev, 14, told The Times: “There were bombs laid out all around the gymnasium — some were hanging from the ceiling and there was one big bomb in the middle of the room. There were two women wearing explosive belts. There was also a man standing with his foot on something like a pedal or a button.”

Around this, said Atsamas, the half-naked children were forced to sit, crammed together “with our knees under our chins”.

It was hot and many had difficulty breathing even after the hostage-takers — who never removed their masks — ordered male hostages to smash windows.

The teacher who was freed said that the terrorists had frequently fired shots to stop children crying and prevent people talking. “The younger classes were terrified. They often asked to go to the toilet. They took them to the toilet in groups. If the younger ones cried the fighters shot in the air and shouted at them to be quiet. Then the young ones were silent.

“There were six or seven fighters in the hall. Two at one end, two at the other. Two or three walked around the hall. I can’t say how many there were, although when we went to the toilet I saw in the corridor there were many of them — some lying down, some walking around.

“On the first day they brought a few buckets of water from the loo. People in masks gave the babies powdered milk in cold, unboiled water.”

The teacher said that women with very young children were later moved upstairs because the crying of the babies irritated the gunmen.

She said: “A frightened child in the hall made a noise and one of the fighters seized a child and threatened to kill it if the noise didn’t stop.

“One of the terrorists grabbed a child who was crying and said ‘If this noise doesn’t stop I’ll shoot you’.”

She continued: “The terrorists said that they only demanded one thing — that troops should be taken out of Chechnya. In general they spoke little and mostly in whispers, but we heard that.

“Mostly they explained things with gestures. By their speech it was possible to make out there were Chechens and Ingush among them.”

The teacher said that during the night some of the children became more frightened and would wake crying from fitful dozes. She added: “The young ones began to cry every now and then, and the fighters shot into the air and enforced silence.

“In the morning they told us they wouldn’t give us any more water because the authorities were refusing to negotiate. When the children were taken to the loo some tried to drink from the tap. The fighters stopped this.”

Some children among those who escaped said they had become so thirsty they drank their own urine. Others had ripped leaves off pot plants in the school and eaten them.

Male hostages were held apart from the women and children and some were forced to “work” — boarding up windows and throwing out the corpses of those killed when the school was seized.

One teenager escaped when he jumped from a window out of which he had just thrown a body. He broke his leg but managed to hide until nightfall when he crawled to safety.

Hostages said they believed that the terrorists had murdered some of the wounded.

Zalina Dzandzarova, freed on the second day of the siege, said she believed that two suicide bombers had killed themselves on Wednesday, detonating their explosive belts in the corridor, where male hostages were being kept. Mrs Dzandarova said: “They took some of the injured out of the gym and finished them off right there.”

TOPICS: Extended News; News/Current Events; Russia
KEYWORDS: beslan; cair; cairsilentonchechnya; caucasus; nocaircondemnation; nukemecca; ossetia; russian; silenceissupport; silenceofcair; terrorists; whereiscair
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Comment #101 Removed by Moderator

To: mylife
If this happens in the U.S., in the name of Jesus Christ...

it will be Crusade time.

102 posted on 09/03/2004 7:31:30 PM PDT by Lester Moore (Death to Islam in the name of Jesus Christ)
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To: Braak
"I am not into mercy for people like this. I only want their surrender after I have my boot squarely on their necks."

This is the only way to deal with fanatics; we did it with Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany. Fighting a war against a relentless, remorseless enemy with political correctness constantly looking over your shoulder means that this WOT is doomed to failure. Witness the battles for Fallujah and Najaf as just the latest examples. The Islamonazis are crowing that they won a glorious victory against America because their emboldened leaders and fighters get to walk away to fight again at a place and time of their choosing.

103 posted on 09/03/2004 7:32:41 PM PDT by AF68
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To: saquin

I've said it before, and I'll say it now.
A massive purge is coming, and it's going to be world wide.
The muslims want a world war and they are right on the fast track to making it happpen. What they don't realize is that when it comes, there will be
no innocent muslims. They will all suffer, and it will be like nothing ever seen on this planet before.

104 posted on 09/03/2004 7:34:43 PM PDT by Shaun_MD ("Save the Environment. Stomp a Troll Today.")
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To: ml/nj

There is NO JUSTIFYING shooting little children in the back. NONE.

The aggressor sets the rules.

They say shooting little children in the back is okay. We should do it to them 10x, at least.

What would you do, read them Psalms?


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
True, and no justification in bombing children and their parents into fragments, either, but that's been going on too, in places like Grozny.

Odd that you mention the Psalms - - - - some of the imprecatory Psalms will fit quite well here. The Koran is not the only holy book that contains blood curdling rhetoric.

For example:

Psalm 137

1 By the rivers of Babylon,
There we sat down, yea, we wept
When we remembered Zion.

2 We hung our harps
Upon the willows in the midst of it.

3 For there those who carried us away captive asked of us a song,
And those who plundered us requested mirth,
Saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!"

4 How shall we sing the LORD's song
In a foreign land?

5 If I forget you, O Jerusalem,
Let my right hand forget its skill!

6 If I do not remember you,
Let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth--
If I do not exalt Jerusalem
Above my chief joy.

7 Remember, O LORD, against the sons of Edom
The day of Jerusalem,
Who said, "Raze it, raze it,
To its very foundation!"

8 O daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed,
Happy the one who repays you as you have served us!

9 Happy the one who takes and dashes
Your little ones against the rock!

And, for personal malice, there's always good old Psalm 109

Psalm 109

Plea for Judgment of False Accusers

To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.

1 Do not keep silent,
O God of my praise!
2 For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful
Have opened against me;
They have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
3 They have also surrounded me with words of hatred,
And fought against me without a cause.
4 In return for my love they are my accusers,
But I give myself to prayer.
5 Thus they have rewarded me evil for good,
And hatred for my love.

6 Set a wicked man over him,
And let an accuser[1] stand at his right hand.
7 When he is judged, let him be found guilty,
And let his prayer become sin.
8 Let his days be few,
And let another take his office.
9 Let his children be fatherless,
And his wife a widow.
10 Let his children continually be vagabonds, and beg;
Let them seek their bread[2] also from their desolate places.
11 Let the creditor seize all that he has,
And let strangers plunder his labor.
12 Let there be none to extend mercy to him,
Nor let there be any to favor his fatherless children.
13 Let his posterity be cut off,
And in the generation following let their name be blotted out.

14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the LORD,
And let not the sin of his mother be blotted out.
15 Let them be continually before the LORD,
That He may cut off the memory of them from the earth;
16 Because he did not remember to show mercy,
But persecuted the poor and needy man,
That he might even slay the broken in heart.
17 As he loved cursing, so let it come to him;
As he did not delight in blessing, so let it be far from him.
18 As he clothed himself with cursing as with his garment,
So let it enter his body like water,
And like oil into his bones.
19 Let it be to him like the garment which covers him,
And for a belt with which he girds himself continually.
20 Let this be the LORD's reward to my accusers,
And to those who speak evil against my person.

21 But You, O GOD the Lord,
Deal with me for Your name's sake;
Because Your mercy is good, deliver me.
22 For I am poor and needy,
And my heart is wounded within me.
23 I am gone like a shadow when it lengthens;
I am shaken off like a locust.
24 My knees are weak through fasting,
And my flesh is feeble from lack of fatness.
25 I also have become a reproach to them;
When they look at me, they shake their heads.

26 Help me, O LORD my God!
Oh, save me according to Your mercy,
27 That they may know that this is Your hand--
That You, LORD, have done it!
28 Let them curse, but You bless;
When they arise, let them be ashamed,
But let Your servant rejoice.
29 Let my accusers be clothed with shame,
And let them cover themselves with their own disgrace as with a mantle.

30 I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth;
Yes, I will praise Him among the multitude.
31 For He shall stand at the right hand of the poor,
To save him from those who condemn him.

105 posted on 09/03/2004 7:39:25 PM PDT by Blue_Ridge_Mtn_Geek
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To: bboop

I know. But I don't like feeling this way. My hatred started with the attack on the USS Cole and has grown exponentially since 9/11. I guess I just have to learn to live with it because it's not going to go away as long as the barbarians continue to do things like this.

106 posted on 09/03/2004 7:39:47 PM PDT by SilentServiceCPOWife (I think...therefore, I am a conservative.)
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To: Diddle E. Squat

BBC news this morning was dissing Putin on every one of their news broadcasts I heard, blaming his policies directly for the attack.

107 posted on 09/03/2004 7:40:09 PM PDT by CedarDave (USCG Vietnam vet to DC from NM on 9/12 for the "Kerry Lied..While Good Men Died" rally. Come join us)
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To: Dallas59
One can only hope the Russian Army finishes this fight as only they can do.

Until the civilized world responds with shocking and brutal force, these acts will continue.

The perps and their sponsors must be killed and killed and killed, until they tire of dying.

108 posted on 09/03/2004 7:51:29 PM PDT by Mariner
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To: saquin
Never again can the Russians possibly be too brutal in Chechniya
109 posted on 09/03/2004 7:54:19 PM PDT by .cnI redruM (John Kerry - bringing the B game to an A game park!)
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To: saquin
“The terrorists said that they only demanded one thing — that troops should be taken out of Chechnya

I have only one demand. That "Chechnya" as it exists be totally destroyed, every mosque obliterated, and its people convert to Christianity or be driven into exile.

110 posted on 09/03/2004 8:00:24 PM PDT by montag813
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"It is time for a new Crusade..."


111 posted on 09/03/2004 8:00:30 PM PDT by paulsy
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To: laconic
Has anyone heard a word of condemnation of this atrocity out of Mecca or the mosques here in the US?

This is just standard operating procedure as spelled out in the Arabic terror training manual a.k.a. "The Qu'ran"

112 posted on 09/03/2004 8:02:07 PM PDT by montag813
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To: Will_Zurmacht

people who defend/excuse the murder of innocent children are un-American and as guilty as the one who pulled the trigger.

Both will rot in Hell.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

As will those who are selective in which murders of children (and other non-combatant bystanders) they choose to take notice of.

113 posted on 09/03/2004 8:02:47 PM PDT by Blue_Ridge_Mtn_Geek
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To: Blue_Ridge_Mtn_Geek
to whomever wrote "SECOND CHECHEN WAR" go f&ck yourself.

"If your family and community... you might have a beef with the people who sent the bombers too."

I would not take the children. These were islamofacists vermin, nothing more, I can't hear their cause nor will I ever, "From the heart of Hell I stab at thee."

114 posted on 09/03/2004 8:03:47 PM PDT by paulsy
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To: rintense

Let me get this straight. You are trying to justify the murder of children by having us 'understand them'? NO SELL.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = =

I said nothing of the kind.

Neither these murders, nor the murders in the earlier cycles of this "no holds barred" war, are justified. So far, what I mainly see on this thread are people egging each other on to promote further cycles of similar events. I do not see much good coming out of this. That's all. And, I do not subscribe to the SELECTIVE outrage represented by these bellowings. More evenly distributed outrage might accomplish some progress towards an end in the bloodshed. Selective outrage will simply amplify the bloodlust and madness.

115 posted on 09/03/2004 8:10:20 PM PDT by Blue_Ridge_Mtn_Geek
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To: Hildy

"I have to say this is the first time I agree with Michael Savage and his outrage. Today all he could talk about was how the media was hiding the truth behind this story and that the US media was too busy covering the RNC, the hurricane and Clinton's health. He said "Hell was full for now and Clinton will be among us for a while longer" But the big story is this and we'd better wake up."

I'm glad you just woke up - welcome

116 posted on 09/03/2004 8:14:55 PM PDT by Bobibutu
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To: laconic

America is just not facing up to the "Hell of Islam". The worst possible sentences should be given to those people involved in killing children, and all who sent them should face judgement too, all of them.

117 posted on 09/03/2004 8:16:22 PM PDT by tessalu
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To: Blue_Ridge_Mtn_Geek
"Selective outrage will simply amplify the bloodlust and madness."

GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET'S have it out NOW. Molly Manners ain't cuttin' it; the future of everything is what is at stake. If you can't see this then JOIN the other side. It's no shameful thing to wish for an end to evil, to unbody it at the core. Don't confuse my bloodlust with the empty causes of those who wish harm on innocent children, because despite your idealistic musings, there is no nexus between them. Sometimes killing is the only way to root out evil. That's what war is, and they want war, they want to spill the blood of children. Their means of expressing is absolutely despicable. Anyone who directs even a sliver of compassion to their cause, whether directly, or vicariously by leveling the ideologic playing field, is an enemy of mine.

118 posted on 09/03/2004 8:25:08 PM PDT by paulsy
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To: Diddle E. Squat

I saw this story twice this evening on the local ABC affiliate. It was mentioned yesterday as well.

119 posted on 09/03/2004 8:29:45 PM PDT by Jaded ((Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. - Mark Twain))
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To: Dallas59

She does? Is that documented?

Good Gawd.

120 posted on 09/03/2004 8:30:12 PM PDT by Shortstop7
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