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Locked on 08/24/2004 9:07:56 PM PDT by Admin Moderator, reason:
Thread Eighteen: |
Posted on 08/10/2004 12:58:27 AM PDT by JustPiper
So far ok...from what I've heard/seen on the news, etc. Some areas reported heavy rain, but nothing bad, really...they are just concerned about the fire burned areas.
I think Kyla would get rain before I will since she's further east nearer the eastern mountains (one of the areas the rain seems to be lingering over)...and then I think it would hit Riverside area from the other set of clouds, long before anything would get closer to the coast and get my area, near the Scripps Ranch/Poway burn area.
I was definitely surprised to wake up at 5:15 am to sounds of what I initially thought (muffled by earplugs) was someone messing with the AC units on my condo roof...and then saw the outside lights flickering. Took a second to go back to my midwest years and realize it was a thunderstorm with lots of lightening (no rain)...crazy! Don't get that often here!
Hope you stay safe out there...was wondering how you were making out in the desert area! Pretty crazy that we're even getting some potential weather news here, as well...with the big stuff happening in the Florida area..........
You arent kidding about the looters. They usually come out well before the wind dies down and start stealing from the rubble piles.
Glad your okay ExSoldier.
JJ, praying you and yours will be okay. This is on nasty storm.
I'll be traveling though it's remnants tomorrow. Argh!!!
All of that rain is east and north of us. We're under the same advisory but not close enough to get any runoff. And it just won't rain here.
All in Florida, my prayers have been going out to you all day and will continue until you are all safe.
Radio news is saying Charley made landfall. I can't get the track to load fully. What's up?
I don't have much to worry about here. I don't think she'll come up this side of the mountains.
We've been cold here for a couple days, (relatively). The jetstream is misbehaving.
Oh man. That's not fair. A warning should be put on the link for the pic that appears there.
That'll work for me. Together we stand - divided we fall. This country has seen enough division to last a lifetime.
There are going to be some horrific scenes from that area...
So the wrong area was evacuated?
I'd rather lose the buildings than the people.
Tell me if I'm clogging up this thread.
I don't think we're going to have power for long. The lights are flickering off and on. It's pouring now.
ExSoldier - No, we don't own a gun, but ever since 9/11, I wish I did. (I'm afraid to have one in the house with two young kids.) I'm not worried about looters here; nothing against Dade, but the neighborhoods aren't nearly as scary. :-)
The eye could move right through eastern Sarasota County. Fortunately, that's not very populated. The few people who do live out there have houses near the Myakka River, which is very vulnerable to flooding. Those people never should have been allowed to build there.
Lights flickering again. I'm watching a palm tree whip in the wind.
I'm not sure about evacs in that area to be honest. I know the majority were evacuated further north. I also have heard numerous reports that warnings were not heeded by a fair amount of folks. No one thought anything of that Cat 2 we had yesterday... The media was off the ball on this one, big time.
I do not know exactly what the population density is around Port Charlotte, but some location in that vicinity is currently being destroyed and carried out to sea.
I am reading every word you write, don't stop now.
We are having a thunderstorm now, near Kingman, Az
Makes the sound effects for your posts.
Be safe.
There's about 120,000 people who live in the Port Charlotte-Punta Gorda area. Those people were told to evacuate. For their sake, I hope they heeded those warnings.
LOL at the kid mowing the lawn. Sometimes you just have to keep busy. The house may end up gone, but the lawn will look great.
How are you holding up?
Sheesh, you stay safe and dry there! Both coasts getting hit.
I hope they did to.
That eyewall is basically a 20-30 mile wide f3+ Tornado, not to mention the incredible surge.
I wonder what kind of ship they were on? Weird.
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