Posted on 08/03/2004 1:36:45 PM PDT by wagglebee
Sen. John "Bunny Suit" Kerry has a Dukakis-like knack for unfortunate photo opportunities.
Did you see the footage of him crossing Lake Michigan on a ferry and imitating know-nothing Democrat activist Leonardo DiCaprio in the "I'm the king of the world" moment from "Titanic"?
Fox News Channel newscaster Carl Cameron this morning made a quick observation on whether it was advisable to recreate a scene from the world's most famous doomed ship.
Senator, just because you're treading water and starting to sink doesn't mean ... oh, maybe it does.
I don't think Kerry will beat Bush. However, we can't sit out our a$$es and expect W to win without trying, either. We have to spread the word and get out the vote!
This image reminds me of the troll on Harry Potter. I couldn't find a good one on the net to throw up here, but I'm sure someone will.
I think of him more along the lines of the reply to the captured king in "Army of Darkness" who is told: "'re the king of Jack and Sh*t and Jack left town".
I'm still looking, this was taken on the same ferry ride.
The Democratic convention, which was focus-group-dial-a-metered to death, needed a dose of Dramamine. It was awash in allusions about Cmdr. Kerry steering the ship of state -- from the curved design of the metal and wood-paneled lectern, meant to evoke a ship's bridge; to the Massachusetts senator's arrival in Boston Harbor on the prow of a ferry, making like George Washington crossing the Delaware; to the dramatic Vietnam Swift boat scenes in the biographical film; to Jim Rassmann's iconic story of being saved when Lt. Kerry reached down and pulled him from the water over the bow, to the nominee's hokey salute and "reporting for duty."
This is really funny, I did a search to look for the Titanic Kerry [pic and I came up with a site called "John Kerry and John EWdwards are Gay" The pics are great go to this link for a laugh
HELLOO! John---the TITANIC? Ring a bell? It SANK?
In his acceptance speech, he inexplicably brought up a divided Berlin and the Berlin Wall, which is one of the most evocative and enduring symbols of RONALD REAGAN, the wall an eternal metaphor of Reagan's success....Why would a DEMOCRAT bring this UP---reminding people, "Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. My ticket and I defeated Iraq appropriations and a few hospitals Johnny E broke with junk-science lawsuits."
NOW, Kerry poses as being on the TITANIC, the symbol of, well, you get it! What is up with that!
Maybe he should take a chopper ride to the Iranian desert for a photo-op and remind everyone of Jimmy Carter?
Kerry said, this is my combination that I used to knock Mike Tyson's ass. Maybe he is rehearsing for the Dance Fever Competition. Bush/Cheney 2004
PS: It does tilt a little to the left but we're hoping the public won't notice.
LOL! I think he already played the Carter card. :o)
Kerry Campaign Whopper! Carter years economic boom, Reagan years a bust
Kerry touts Clinton, Carter as envoys
Kerry is supposed to be a great debater, but W has to beat him.
Kerry is truly scary.
Kerry busy arranging the deck chairs, LOL!
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