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Proof that at least one of two (evolution, ice age) key theories is false
official school material ^ | 04/05/21 | self

Posted on 05/21/2004 10:42:47 AM PDT by Truth666

These are three of the dogmas which we are endoctrinated nowadays in school : #1 - origins of the current forms life forms: by evolution from previous forms #2 - appearance of Homo Sapiens (from encarta): The oldest known fossils that possess skeletal features typical of modern humans date from between 130,000 and 90,000 years ago. #3 - last ice age (from encarta): the most recent ice age, the Pleistocene Epoch, lasted from about 1.6 million years to 10,000 years before present ... when temperatures were 5° to 7° C cooler than today.

#1 and #2 are part of current evolution theory; #3 is part of current ice age theory.

There can be no doubts that no other theory has so much impact on modern society as evolution theory. In view of the signs of climate change from the last years, ice age theory is impacting society more by the day.

From these dogmas we immediately can take the following conclusion : homo sapiens has already experienced an ice age.

Now hold on to your seat : relying solely on the assumptions of both theories, there's plenty of evidence that AT LEAST one of these theories is false ! In other words : these theories are incompatible.

Let's take one piece of evidence that any high school student can understand.

Lord Howe Island - living proof

This is not just another coral reef. This is Lord Howe Island, by far the southern-most coral reef in the world. Its existance is only possible due to particular climate conditions that affect an area of the world where no other land rises even remotely near sea level. In fact there's nothing but deep ocean until Port Macquarie, on the NSW coast, 550 kms away.

This wonder of the world would be immediately destroyed, if the ocean temperature would drop just one degree Celsius. If the temperature would drop 5°C both endemic unmistakable palms (including the most popular indoor palm of the world, howea forsteriana) would also perish. So, just to take these two examples, both the coral and the howea would have had to have developed from scratch during the last 10,000 years. A claim that nobody would dare to make.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: catastrophism; crevo; crevolist; endoctrinated; evolution; fauxiantroll; fauxiantrolls; iceage; lucy; oldearthspeculation; piltdownman; prozacchewables; spitzbergen; theory; youngearthdelusion; youngearthdelusions
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To: Physicist

Please, there must be some way of finishing off this flopping carcass of a thread. A head shot, perhaps.

But in any event, so long, and thanks for all the fish!

141 posted on 05/24/2004 7:54:29 AM PDT by headsonpikes (Spirit of '76 bttt!)
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To: Truth666
does evolution theory claim any case of evolution in the last 10,000 years ?

Yes, as everyone who understands evolution is well aware: Observed Instances of Speciation.

142 posted on 05/24/2004 7:59:51 AM PDT by PatrickHenry (A compassionate evolutionist!)
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To: Truth666
Putting #127, #139, and #140 together, I get nothing more than a hopelessly confused, self-contradictory jumble. At this point I have no idea what you are trying to say, and I'm fairly certain that you don't, either.

You say that "endemic" means "currently unable to survive elsewhere". Presumably this means they could not have come from elsewhere, but in order to say that, you have to ASSUME that the species haven't changed since the last ice age, which is what you are supposed to be showing.

You say that "from scratch" means "from apes", in the case of human evolution. But that gives very little hint of what that might mean in the case of the "endemic" coral, other than "from coral". Yes, I believe that the coral on the island in question DID evolve "from coral". In fact, it's a claim I dare to make. Does that help?

You say that in #127 you are questioning whether coral larvae could have journeyed to Lord Howe Island since the last ice age, and then specify that this be done "from scratch", which you then define as being restricted to the species that "survived the last ice age in Lord Howe". So what you're saying is that the species that survived the last ice age in Lord Howe could not have come to Lord Howe Island since the last ice age. FWIW, I agree.

143 posted on 05/24/2004 8:00:47 AM PDT by Physicist
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To: Physicist
The Flower Garden Banks off the coast of Texas are relevant to this discussion for another reason, though:

More recent emphasis has shifted to determining the ultimate sources of larval input for the Flower Gardens. Since nearly all reef organisms have some form of larval planktonic stage, they have the potential for dispersal over vast distances (thousands of kilometers). More importantly, the Flower Gardens are isolated from other similar reef systems by more than 600 km of open water, with their nearest neighbors located north of Veracruz, Mexico to the southwest and the Yucatan peninsula to the southeast.


So much for the 550 km "problem". Move along, folks - nothing to see here.

144 posted on 05/24/2004 8:02:43 AM PDT by general_re (Drive offensively - the life you save may be your own.)
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To: general_re
Sorry, that's no help. In 666's worldview, that simply makes it an even better example than Lord Howe Island. He'll tell you that since coral larvae obviously can't travel 550 km (how he knows this is unrevealed, and YOU can take it on faith, thankyouverymuch), they definitely can't travel 600 km. So if there was an ice age 10,000 years ago, either coral evolved in situ from sand crabs since then, or God placed the reefs there by His Almighty Hand.
145 posted on 05/24/2004 8:10:20 AM PDT by Physicist
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To: PatrickHenry

please see what i will be answering Physician next on the same subject

146 posted on 05/24/2004 8:12:54 AM PDT by Truth666
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To: Dimensio

"Ah, so this just ties into your fallacy that species are anything but human definition."

My fallacy, that is your definition.

"Based upon observable evidence, such as that which I explained to you."

Your evidence does not explain origination only explains what is know about species.

"We in the "flesh" can see in three dimensions, actually. And we can remember things fourth-dimensionally. Moreover, our perception of three-dimensional space allows us to extrapolate reliably about events that occured in the past."

I was describing what the naked eye can do. Now you have stumbled into the "fog" of evolution theory, memory and perception, no way to examine that evidence from rocks and fossils.

The status of what is found at this point in time does not change the origination of "flesh".

"What does this have to do with anything?"

Until that first "living" organism is located and examined as evidence, the best one can do is to take what is available and "guess" what the data means as to the origination. It has everything to do with the veracity of a fact based theory, one that just keeps evolving to make darn sure that it can claim there was no Creator, especially one who still exists and is in control. The origin of "life" is what evolution is suppose to explain.

"No, observing things now does not change what happened in the past. No one has claimed this."

This is not true, everytime time there is a "new" discovery the E's never use it to give credit to the possibility of a Creator, rather it is used to disprove a Creator.

Evolution does not explain the "spirit" body.

No, it doesn't. It also doesn't explain gravitational attraction. That doesn't make it false either. And, unlike the "spirit body", gravitational attraction can actually be demonstrated to exist with some degree of certainty.

Finally something we agree upon. Interesting that gravity, what do you suppose it will take to explain that "law". Actually if the E's had any understanding in the "spirit body", they would then have the missing links they keep looking for in the physical flesh body. But that understanding comes from the Creator and since they refuse to accept a Creator won't be given that data.

"In other words, you reject evolution because you don't like the consequences -- a logical fallacy. Moreover, the "consequences" that you don't like are utterly bogus, not actual consequences of the theory of evolution but rather your hopelessly wrong idea of what evolution is."

I reject evolution not only because of what is the consequences, but because it is not true. Evolution is a religion, void of a Creator, who is in control of all things, from the Beginning (whenever that was) this earth age (time) and that age (time) to come. By the way I do not believe this earth is 6,000 years old the evidence disproves that story.

147 posted on 05/24/2004 8:22:44 AM PDT by Just mythoughts
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To: Physicist
Lord Howe Island is not only, as I mentioned before, the best living example to prove the title of this thread.
If evolution was true (admitting ice age is true) then Lord Howe Island would be also the best example of evolution.
So what do you think was the first thing I looked for on the link given at #142 ?
Of course to look for the words ice age and lord howe.
At this point I don't need to tell that i was not surprised that those two subjects were not present ...
more to follow
148 posted on 05/24/2004 8:24:35 AM PDT by Truth666
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To: Physicist
Lord Howe Island is not only, as I mentioned before, the best living example to prove the title of this thread.
If evolution was true (admitting ice age is true) then Lord Howe Island would be also the best example of evolution.
So what do you think was the first thing I looked for on the link given at #142 ?
Of course to look for the words ice age and lord howe.
At this point I don't need to tell that i was not surprised that those two subjects were not present ...
more to follow
149 posted on 05/24/2004 8:24:44 AM PDT by Truth666
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To: Truth666
Temperature data from Vostok ice cores. (BP = before present)

link to info ---Vostok ice core info

150 posted on 05/24/2004 8:28:06 AM PDT by gatex
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To: Truth666

No Ice Age or Howe. But there's de Vries and Primroses! What more could you ask for? :)

151 posted on 05/24/2004 8:44:59 AM PDT by Michael_Michaelangelo
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To: Physicist
But, but, but...

So many questions. How did this coral get where it is? Is God personally populating North Sea oil rigs with deep-sea corals for some reason? What about this guy, who described how corals could readily propagate across many thousands of miles of open ocean?

152 posted on 05/24/2004 8:47:14 AM PDT by general_re (Drive offensively - the life you save may be your own.)
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To: Physicist; PatrickHenry

actually aftre reading post #151 I don't have much more to add ... maybe when I see at least one photo documenting that evolution ...

153 posted on 05/24/2004 9:00:21 AM PDT by Truth666
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To: Physicist
You say that in #127 you are questioning whether coral larvae could have journeyed to Lord Howe Island since the last ice age, and then specify that this be done "from scratch", which you then define as being restricted to the species that "survived the last ice age in Lord Howe". So what you're saying is that the species that survived the last ice age in Lord Howe could not have come to Lord Howe Island since the last ice age. FWIW, I agree.

You are right on this one -since I mentioned I wanted to keep "coral larvae coming again to Lord Howe" outside the scope of my answer, I should have used an extended scope for "from scratch", including also the coral that eventually arrived there.
154 posted on 05/24/2004 9:07:51 AM PDT by Truth666
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To: general_re

The question about "how did coral propagate across many thousands of miles of open ocean?" is indeed interesting. But it questions theory of evolution itself, independently from ice age theory.

155 posted on 05/24/2004 9:12:36 AM PDT by Truth666
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To: Truth666
You are right on this one -since I mentioned I wanted to keep "coral larvae coming again to Lord Howe" outside the scope of my answer, I should have used an extended scope for "from scratch", including also the coral that eventually arrived there.

So why isn't that sufficient to explain the coral on Lord Howe Island?

156 posted on 05/24/2004 9:17:24 AM PDT by Physicist
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To: Truth666
It's directly related to your claim, although I understand perfectly why you would want to ignore the relationship. You imply that coral can't possibly have propagated across the 550 km to Lord Howe island since the last ice age ended, but Jokiel's research clearly shows that coral can propagate many thousands of miles. You're obviously and plainly wrong in suggesting that it can't propagate 350 miles or so in 10,000 years, considering that pumice from Krakatoa's 1883 eruption has been found all over the Pacific.
157 posted on 05/24/2004 9:43:25 AM PDT by general_re (Drive offensively - the life you save may be your own.)
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To: Physicist

coral doens't interbreed - not a good startpoint for theories on evolution during the last 10,000 years ...

158 posted on 05/24/2004 9:43:27 AM PDT by Truth666
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To: Truth666
It was in the CNN message board that for the first time obvious evidence was presented that evolution is impossible, based on human races and migration.

There are some nice articles here:

Look under "General Research", then "Genetics and Geneology" - there are a number of papers there that may interest you.

159 posted on 05/24/2004 9:51:14 AM PDT by Michael_Michaelangelo
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To: Truth666
coral doens't interbreed

What does that mean? That two different species don't produce viable offspring? Or that they don't reproduce sexually?

160 posted on 05/24/2004 9:51:32 AM PDT by Physicist
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