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The Coming Whirlwind
origional | 5/16/2004 | TasmanianRed

Posted on 05/16/2004 12:45:09 PM PDT by TASMANIANRED


The history of civilization is the history of war. The major shifts in the history of the world always follow the clash of civilizations and cultures. Wars between nations only marginally changes things, cultures do not fall.

If you look at the 100 years war in Europe , nothing fundamentally changed. England was still England, France was still France. With the American Revolution nothing fundamentally changed. England's colonial strength was diminished but England didn't change. America still spoke English, still embraced a Western style culture and still considered England out cousins. The multitude of petty wars between the nations of Europe for 1000 years did not fundamentally change the society.

World War I caused a shift in styles of government in Russia, from Monarchy to Soviet Style despotism but nothing changed fundamentally. Religious worship was discouraged but it was still practiced. It was still a nation of families even if the secret police knocked at the door. The peasants under the tsar were poor and drank vodka, the comrades remained poor and drank vodka.

The Wars that have caused sweeping changes occur between cultures. Rome fell partially from internal decay but an invasion from uneducated, brutal Barbarians swept through and culture was lost. What followed was 1000 years of darkness in Western Europe while Eastern Europe flourished. When Roman civilization was swept away. Islam advanced into the void and occupied all of North Africa, Spain, Portugal and crept into much of Europe. Factionalism and tribalism dominated the North. The Islamic portion of Europe was a civilization of brutality but it also had order, education for some and the arts. The Moors occupied Spain until 1492.

Constantinople was the center of the civilized Western world, it was the center of Christianity. Civilization moved east from Europe to Eurasia.

It took the influx of greater barbarians, the Mongols to sweep Western Europe clean of Islam. The Mongols (1250-1300) advanced as far as Baghdad before becoming assimilated. They brought barbarity but did not bring culture. Western Europe was swept clear of the Islam but Islam is always on the move and as they contracted in the west they moved on the east

.At the turn of this millennium , the world looked very much like it did at the turn of the last millennium. A warlike Islamic foe to the south and the budding cultures of the North cowering in anticipation of the Islamic onslaught but not actually prepared to meet it. The Balkans took the brunt of the onslaught. Vlad the impaler and the Turks, It took brutal opposition to counter brutal assault. In Vienna the Moslem hordes flung the heads of the slain defenders over the walls.

It took time but Constantinople was also swept away. (1400-1500) The Cathedral of San Sophia became a Mosque, Constantinople that stood since 300 AD became Istanbul. The Ottoman turks invaded the Balkans and India. The final attempt to conquer Europe came in the late 1600's and it was from the far Eastern approach.

The wars of the last millennium were essentially wars between peers. Lance, bow, and warhorse and sword were unchanged for many centuries. As Islam retreated East, they also retreated inward. The Islamic scholars preserved the knowledge of the Greeks, the Romans, the Indians, even did some work in algebra and geometry . As the Islamic world contracted they also stagnated. Nothing of value to the world at large has come from Islam in 5 centuries.


In 2004 we are again facing an all out war, we have been facing it for the past 50 years but the west has failed to recognize it. The nature of the conflict will be much different because the tactics involved have been different. Many of the major cities of Europe have been colonized by the Islamacists. Paris, London, Berlin,Madrid the nations of Denmark, Norway, Sweden all have large Islamic populations. These have quietly been the shock forces, They are fifth columnists in residence in the west.

The US has always been a nation of immigrants, Social Studies used to sing the praises of the melting pot. No matter where you came from , you came to be an American first. You assimilated and the nation of origin was celebrated in the neighborhoods, the restaurants , and the kitchens of the country. In the wave of PC insanity in the past 15 years, we have new code words, Diversity. You come and you become an American second. First you keep your own culture and then attempt to undermine your new home.

Europe, decimated in population from 2 Major world wars in the past century and the slaughter in the death camps, invited immigration from the colonies to bolster their populations. They set up greedy, resource sucking socialist systems. The nature of these socialist governments is to reign in innovation, discourage achievement and to prosper corrupt politicians.


The leftists love elitism . To them socialism and despotism are interchangeable because the guiding feature is the elitism. To them it is right and proper that the few should reign over, and reign in the many. They only chafe when it is themselves that are reigned in. They went from " If it feels good , do it, Don't trust any one over 30, Down with the establishment, to being the establishment. On colleges and in high schools they do not hesitate at squelching the free speech rights of conservatives while giving full vent to terrorists. They attempt to squelch the right to self defense of the law abiding citizens while claiming that the predators of society are misunderstood victims and should be given a pass. They decry the punishment of the victimizers of society through the death penalty while embracing the blood lust of abortion as a right and good thing.

The left lives in an upside down world. The excesses of any dictator are to be little noticed. It is right and proper that the few have control of the many. The slaughter of massive populations of civilians by communist dictatorships are to be concealed, it is right and proper that the few have control of the many especially if they embrace the socialist ideal. After all a few broken eggs on the way to nirvana are to be expected.

The left through 30 years of education, indoctrination, entertainment, feminism , embracing the sanctity of victim status and socialism has succeeded in emasculating Europe and have largely emasculated the United States.

The Leftists live in a delusional world. They refused to see the truth of Stalin, of Mao and of Castro. They wish to be judged by the content of their hearts not the consequences of their actions, therefore they apply the same standards to their hero's and overlook the killing fields of Cambodia, Vietnam, China, and the former Soviet Union.


The leftists always learn the wrong lesson from History, it is a product of judging intent rather actions. As the Empire of Britain began breaking up in this century, a man in India arose by the name of Ghandi. Ghandi essentially formed the modern nation of India through a tactic of nonviolent protest. The leftists have embraced the non-violence concept without understanding why it worked. Non violence as a political tactic can only work when your opponents place a higher value on human life than you do yourself. Non violent protest worked with Britain because the Brits were too decent to fire on unarmed people. Fast forward to the later part of this century. Non violent protest in Tienamen Square in China. The Chinese Communists had not one ounce of reticence in crushing the uprising. Tanks and guns were used very effectively against the unarmed. The independence movement in China came to a screeching halt.

The leftists in their inability to learn the true lessons of history think that pacifism will work with Islamofascists.. They think if you understand terrorists and placate them , you can make them like you . They assume they will be left alone. Look at Sudan, look at Niger. The slaughter of Christians takes place on a daily basis but none of these people offer a threat to Islam.

They are preconditioned by their socialism to hate America and hate Western civilization therefore they ally themselves with anybody else including the Terrorists that equally hate America. They do not see the true nature of our opponent. The islamofascists would burn every American city to the ground, They would have the head of every Western man, woman and child hanging on a pike. The leftists deny this but they have many years of practice ignoring mass graves and minimizing true atrocities.

Pacifism is the art of making a virtue of the vice of cowardice. Pacifism has a very bad history of leading to more bloodshed than wars do. When Chamberlain returned to England declaring peace in our day, he condemned the millions of Jews, Catholics, gypsies, gays to slaughter. England and Europe did not avoid war. Instead of armies fighting, Germany brought the war to the civilians of England and many were crushed as the buildings of London crashed down on them.


The war between cultures coming. The Bush Administration if allowed to succeed in Iraq and the war on terror may put it off for a generation or two. If it fails we will reap the whirlwind immediately. Sooner or later the whirlwind is coming , it cannot be avoided.

The Islamisists have always been expansionists, once an Moslem has stood on a territory it is theirs for all time. It doesn't matter if they have been absent for 1000 years it is still theirs. Their population is burgeoning, although their members make up different cultures and nations, the same crazed blood lust flows. Islamic militias have been slaughtering in the Far East, Oriental East, the Island East. They hack and burn through Christian and animus Africa. The blood has flowed in the Europe and in the United States.

For the past 30 years the West has been in denial that Islam had declared war on us. During the 1970's and 1980's the West was content to let Israel be the surrogate accepting all the blows from the Islamacists. During the 90's the US was attacked more directly during World Trade Center I, the attacks on multiple embassy's and attacks on military compounds on foreign soil. The Clinton administration pretended that these were law enforcement issues to be dealt with through legal means.


The Islamofascist burns with hate and they hate all equally. They hate Israel first because it is present on the land mass that they have claimed for all time. The deny that the Jews have a right to exist anywhere but especially in the Middle East. They deny the documentable evidence that there has been a Jewish presence in the Middle East for 3000 years, despite the diasporia.

They hate the United States and they hate the West. Various apologists have claimed it is because of our decadence, our freedoms, our affluence. These are nothing but excuses and feeble explanations. They hate us because they are racked soul and mind with inferiority. They hate us because we are the infidel. They hate us because our success diminishes themselves in their own eyes.

The Islamic world has been in decline for five centuries . In their deluded of victim mentality, they have to look outside themselves for the source of their inferiority. They are fundamentally incapable of looking inside themselves to see that the source of their inferiority is themselves and their psychotic culture.

The feeling of inferiority is among the most excruciating of human experiences. Many defense mechanisms protect one from acknowledging these feelings. Defense mechanisms such as Excessive macho- ism , denigration of women , Slave ownership, honor killing and brutality.

The wound is individual and cultural, brought about by a culture in decline and deplorable education but it is primarily a sexual wound. It is a culture that fears women and the generative power of women. They are so empty of value as men that they know they have nothing but force to hold a woman to them. They know they do not deserve love and devotion. In the madrassas they draw depictions of vaginas on the black boards and teach young boys that this: the vagina is the source of honor. They hide women under burka's, beat or murder those that venture on the street alone. They prevent education. Many of the cultures demand clitorectomy . They demand honor killings of the defiled or the assumed defiled females. They order the punishment by rape of the innocent sisters of male offenders.

It all stems from being unlovable and unworthy. Mother will abandon me, wife will abandon me if they only know how worthless I am. They teach, preach and embrace that woman is the source of all sin because they are incapable of owning their own sin.

The sexual nature of this wound is reflected in a belief system that the ultimate reward for death during the slaughter of the infidel is a heaven of 72 virgins and unlimited license of indulgence in vice. Even in the afterlife fear of comparison and slavishly attentive females serving dominate the psyche. It is the rewards of an immature , juvenile repressed mind.

We are told that Islam is a religion of peace by those unwilling to condemn a billion Muslims. Being extremely generous assume that 90% are peaceful. That still leaves a million Islamofascist more than willing to die themselves for the sake of 72 virgins as long as they can slaughter us. A million combatants make a very formidable foe. The truth is that of the 90% that are peaceful more like 50% are willing to embrace the effects of the Islamofascists. Despite Arafat's censorship we saw the Palestinians dance and cheer in the streets 9/11. There is much cheering over spilling of American blood.


In my own long winded fashion I have described both history and the context of the present.

A culture of backward fanatical barbarians , with access to technology, a willingness to commit any atrocity to anybody is coming into conflict with an advanced civilization decayed by feminism, socialism, elitism and loss of faith. The west is already imbedded by the advance forces of Islam through 50 years of immigration and cultural diversity. We look a lot like Rome before the fall, weakened from within, power hungry politicians more concerned with their own power than in the safety of the nation.

The Christian faith has been under assault for 50 years in the West. The leftists through judicial activism have wretched it from the public square and from schools. They have ridiculed it in entertainment and art. They have slandered and denigrated it. Europe is almost entirely secular but Christianity flourished still the United States. Faith matters in the coming conflict. The faithless submit easily. When the here and now is all you have and all you will ever have you will submit to preserve your life. You will surrender freedom, possessions and family as long as you get to keep your own life.

The organizations tasked with protecting us have been hamstrung by the elitists. Gorelick and her memo prevented the proper investigation prior to the threat, The commission investigating the commission of 9/11 is intent on concealing the failings of it's hero, Bill Clinton and pinning the blame on George Bush through what ever means possible. The PC police prevent anyone from describing the true nature of the conflict, demonizing anyone who dares speak the truth.

The alignment with the leftist in the media and the leftists in government , education and our social structures by their actions demand that more American's die. The men and women of the US that elect to serve and defend are portrayed as depraved sexually and as baby killers. They celebrate with the Islamofascists every setback that the US has in the war on terrorism.

The whirl wind is coming. Unless Islamofascism is stopped and a democracy is implanted in Iraq then the major cities of the United States and Europe will become the new Jerusalems. There will be daily bombings, their will be daily slaughter of innocents ala John Mohammed in Virginia and Maryland. With each incident the left will cry why do they hate us and demand more submission, more following the French model. The United Nations using the model of Israel will condemn any attempt to defend ourselves.

Old Europe has lost by surrender already. New Europe of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania may survive. There is vigor in the people, in Christianity and in manhood. They will fight long and hard.

It may take 50 years but those offspring of ours that manage to survive will pray facing Mecca if this Islamofascism is allowed to continue With a clash of cultures it is not always the most barbaric and uncivilized that succeeds. It is the side that fights relentlessly, with vigor, that useses all its resources and persists despite setback... One way or the other the bloodbath is coming, the only factor as yet undecided is whether more of them or more of us die.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; Philosophy; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: clashofcivilizations; culture; islam; mediabias; religionofpeace; socialism; war; westerncivilization
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Aha! A good point, and well written:

"...The west is already imbedded by the advance forces of Islam through 50 years of immigration and cultural diversity. We look a lot like Rome before the fall, weakened from within, power hungry politicians more concerned with their own power than in the safety of the nation..."

And, I revert back to our opposing view of history. The outcome is largely affected by war. If we cower from Islam, then the muslims here in the US will be proud of their religion. Some of them will be emboldened. It would not take many. At the same time, a few anti-muslims would form militias or the ones already in militias would shift their focus from 'don't trust government' to 'don't trust muslims'. Combine that with Mexican nationalists, and we could see paramilitary groups slowly evolve.

On the other hand, if we strengthen our border defense with technology, punitive punishments, etc, then we return to the melting pot, rather than the fruitcake that the left seeks us to become.

81 posted on 05/17/2004 2:42:42 AM PDT by Arthur Wildfire! March (There is a Stark Difference:
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To: ezoeni

I wonder what will really happen. I do get pessimistic sometimes.

82 posted on 05/18/2004 9:21:02 PM PDT by Dec31,1999 (Capital punishment saves lives.)
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Really good.

I think you've nailed it. Best original essay I've read.

83 posted on 05/18/2004 9:36:48 PM PDT by Cogadh na Sith (The Guns of Brixton)
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Excellence In Posting. The Unpleasantness we're involved in now is a solvable problem: Determine who most needs killing. Then kill enough of them.

84 posted on 05/18/2004 9:39:07 PM PDT by 185JHP ( "Not a horse that cain*t be rode. Only one Rider that cain*t be throwed.")
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March

I'll credit the points that you made with a caveat.

If feudalism faded in England because of the long bow why did it fade in France and Germany.

Feudalism could exist only in an agrarian society. Europe moving from agrarian to metropolitian and the rise of the trade guilds , along with significant international trade began the steady decline of the feif system.

Also, I am strongly in favor of the melting pot. America has always had an advantage in being a race of mutts. Similar to the canine race mixed breeds tend to be more robust, healthier and less quirky.

85 posted on 05/19/2004 9:57:08 AM PDT by TASMANIANRED (What do they call children in Palestine? Unexploded ordinance)
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"If feudalism faded in England because of the long bow why did it fade in France and Germany."

It took the French Revolution to end the feudal class system in France. In England, the transition was very gentle in comparison and it still exists to this day symbolically.

I don't know Germany as well as the other two nations. But this much I'd read about: the Hohenhaufen Dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire [preceding Germany] was crushed by the Pope after a bitter and long feud. It kind of makes sense that Martin Luther caused religious competition in Germany. Being one of the leaders of of religious defiance gave Germans more self-confidence in their own ability to think, to not assume that authority figures know everything, or are all-powerful. However, Germany's concept of freedom appears stunted to this day. Germans are confused. Also, considering how the Hohenhaufen were hunted down, as well as being part of the Martin Luther resistance against the Catholic Church, it seems easy to understand why Germans are more vulnerable than others to slanderous conspiracy theories [such as the Jews].

The heart of modern freedom is the gun, and the longbow was something like a 'voice in the wilderness', allowing England to lead the world's social change up until 1776. The printing press sped up the process, no doubt. But the gun, on it's own, went a long way to making every man's home his own, private castle.
86 posted on 01/27/2005 8:11:09 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March ("You can't hit a home run with softballs." Close to what Reagan said once.)
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You do make many good points.

One that caught my eye in particular was that fear of inferiority is one of the roots. Since one cannot earn his wife's love, he prefers total control. Since one cannot earn his own money he must get tribute from the earnings of others. Pyschologists call it an "inferiority complex", which is almost interchangable with a "superiority complex" that might result, and which has a lot to do with people who seek to control and manipulate others.

On another problem, this impending whirlwind is being stunted largely by mothers. Who raises the kids? Mom. How will Mom react to this war? I don't think she's very happy with Islam. The more she finds out, the more differing points of view she hears, the more success stories in Afghanistan and Iraq she learns about, the more she will quietly question her local dogma.

Curiosity will lead to seeking knowledge. Computer printouts, the internet, cell phones, rogue radio stations, etc will all erode her blind faith. When Mom mentions things subtly to her children, those children will not be as blindly loyal as their fathers.

If we can ride out this current whirlwind, if we continue to improve our intelligence assets, if we continue to undermine the UN, then the next whirl wind will, God willing, in time fade.

Then there is the next theory: the "Big" One. We think we've suffered a lot already. This is nothing compared to what could happen in the future. It's simply impossible to stop every possible mass terror attack imaginable. Therefore, as our enemies grow more desperate, it will one day happen.

When that happens, people will either get more determined or more fearful. I believe we will become more determined. And, God willing, we will have more diplomatic leverage than we ever thought we had before.

At that point, we will have a recognized 'ax to grind'. Other countries will expect us to get extreme. And we will. We will definitely cause more collateral damage. We will be criticized, but in some ways, there will be less criticm than we currently hear, partly because criticism will do nothing to deter us.

87 posted on 01/27/2005 8:37:19 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March ("You can't hit a home run with softballs." Close to what Reagan said once.)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March

Speaking of the "big one", Did you by any chance see the HBO production of "Dirty Bomb"? It is going to be a series .

88 posted on 01/27/2005 10:51:08 AM PST by TASMANIANRED (Certified cause of Post Traumatic Redhead Syndrome)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March

The French Revolution devolved into anarchy and slaughter.

As a resolution to the anarchy they returned to an Emperor.

Napoleon led them to a series of temporary Martial Victory's but ultimately to French Failure .

89 posted on 01/27/2005 10:57:35 AM PST by TASMANIANRED (Certified cause of Post Traumatic Redhead Syndrome)
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90 posted on 01/27/2005 11:02:46 AM PST by Lijahsbubbe
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Ping me next time you write something! This is brilliant and you wrote it. Good stuff.

91 posted on 01/27/2005 11:06:29 AM PST by Lady Jag (All I want is a kind word, a warm bed, and unlimited power)
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Red, well thought out and executed..
Looks like the autistic west is looking at the light through their fingers though.. Getting this message out might be talking to that hand.. until the nuke of the first city.. even then you will be talking to the autistic.. I think.. A radical solution is needed not a conservative one.. same with American politics.. How the Mexican border with America will be handled is a clue to what will happen.. The influx of Mexicans into America is slowly watering down Americas resolve daily.. not enhanceing it.. Even IF this problem will be handled correctly has not been addressed. Legalizing the illegals will make the problem go away, for about 1 minute.. Seems the republican party has followed the democrats left so far they are standing where the democrats used to be makeing both partys.. LEFTISTS.. To the point there literally IS no Right wing to join.. or center even..

Only a nuke by the terrorists will change that, and thats iffy.. Stomping out fires on your neighbors porch(Iraq) could just be a diversion from the fire in our own kitchen.. At least thats the end result politically..

92 posted on 01/27/2005 11:31:38 AM PST by hosepipe (This propaganda has been ok'ed me to included some fully orbed hyperbole....)
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"As a resolution to the anarchy they returned to an Emperor."

Yes, but it did, in a crude way, break the back of monarchial power. France is a mess to this day.

Your report evokes a lot of thought. I've heard many callers on talk radio try to reach the point you are at and not quite get there.

If you think ahead far enough, getting 'totally hardline' on the Islamo-facists would require locking up every muslim in the US. Otherwise, perhaps 5% of them ... or more ... would turn into terrorists. There are two ways we could lock up all muslims:

1. An amendment to the Constitution
2. A formal declaration of war

The rats are still strong enough to prevent either. We are a merciful people, and that would make it politically difficult without more victims.

The best way to plan ahead to implement your plan is to continue exposing the rats.

However, there's the human side. We would ultimately have to snuff out Islam by force of arms, when we reach the 'point of no return'. To go all-out would mean that it's better to kill sooner, rather than later.

Then the diplomatic problem. Imagine this proposal to the UN: nations with nukes could propose nuking the US if we do not stop killing Islamic civilians [not to mention a compulsory aid program that would funnel vast resources to the UN]. One day, we're killing Islamics, the next day, we have to make even harder decisions. We are talking about hundreds of millions of lives with the Islamics alone. Other nuclear powers would not sit back idly. Even the brits might threaten to nuke us if we started an extermination process tomorrow.

The number of troops we would lose? It's impossible to calculate.

On the other hand, we suffer another, worse attack, and then we are justified to do whatever.

I would rather be hopeful that the 'big one' will not be anything close to 100,000 US lives. Why take the chance by waiting? Because we are not gods.

93 posted on 01/28/2005 2:01:51 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March ("You can't hit a home run with softballs." Close to what Reagan said once.)
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To: Arthur Wildfire! March

I am going to bump this back to myself so I can find it.

I want time to mull it over.

94 posted on 01/28/2005 1:07:15 PM PST by TASMANIANRED (Certified cause of Post Traumatic Redhead Syndrome)
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There's really nothing here to argue about. It is as you say.

95 posted on 01/28/2005 1:17:28 PM PST by skeeter (OBL "Americans" won't honor any law that interferes with their pocketbooks)
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Truer words have never been spoken[written], Red.

Only a fool would critize that speech.

But since there is an overabundance of those, get ready.

For what it is worth, I stand with you.

96 posted on 01/28/2005 1:38:09 PM PST by sport
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To: chuckwalla

When we get the first islamic President, the infedels won't be long for this world.

The followers of mohammad may not can do very many things right, but one thing they do is take care of the infedel when they get the chance.

97 posted on 01/28/2005 2:03:01 PM PST by sport
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Here's the weird twist: we need guys like both of you. It's always healthy for a nation to have extreme retaliators on hand. Not only could a day become necessary, it also lets the enemy know what 'flyover country' is saying-- that many Americans would just as soon kill them as look at them.

It's only right that they know ahead of time the fighting spirit that could sweep over our nation if they continue with their petty, inhuman attacks.

I hear a lot of people around here [South Virginia] talk that way as well. I've been going against the grain on this one, neither being a pacifist, nor being a carpet bomber. I prefer to focus on the controlling regimes [and controlling mullahs], and more importantly, to focus on educating the world about what makes this wacko religion tick.

Taking out regimes, a few at a time, will not anger the Islamists, especially now that Iraq has had its election. When you wrote this op-ed, everything appeared more bleak. On the other hand, as late as Friday [two days before election day in Iraq], one expert said that we should have killed more Iraqis during the war.

Now if we suddenly go hardline against Islam itself, threatening to nuke Mecca for example, all that is thrown away. [Keeping our repsonse as vague as possible is ideal.]

I agree that it sounds strange if England were to threaten us with nukes. But China and North Korea, on the other hand, would love to humiliate us. France might attempt commando operations. Of course, China may want to continue its exports. On the other side of the coin, China might want to quiet down freedom resistance in its own country.

Short of nukes, they could seize all the US corporations and assets they can get their hands on. It would lead to a worldwide economic collapse, but they are so misguided about Islam, and so many of their politicians are on the take, that I believe that they would do that.

With other nations leading the charge, I could imagine England being tempted to dump Tony Blair and join the 'rest of the world' against us, if we were to start a chain reaction that leads to extermination.

The world is trying to 'get along' with Islam.

GW Bush has been performing surgical strikes aimed at terrorists and regimes, while the internet is making mincemeat of their scriptures. That, for now, is the proper course. While a greater attack is inevitable, we are not quite in a position to safely wipe out hundreds of millions at this time.

I hope that we can blunt and erode their support, power, and finances that by the time the next attack happens, the world [hopefully]will cheer us, or at least grudgingly sit back, as we dismantle ALL Islamo-facist regimes in the world.

98 posted on 01/31/2005 2:00:26 AM PST by Arthur Wildfire! March ("You can't hit a home run with softballs." Close to what Reagan said once.)
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To: Fester Chugabrew; TASMANIANRED
"If ever a whirldwind were deserved it would be on account of the millions of innocent lives we've snuffed out for the sake of "convenience.""

Please explain what you mean by "we" and the "millions of innocent lives."

if the "we" means the USA then please tell me all about the "millions of innocent lives we've snuffed out for the sake of 'concenience.'"

99 posted on 07/11/2005 12:00:50 PM PDT by El Gran Salseron ( The comments of this poster are meant for self-amusement only! Read at your own risk! :-))
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Still reading but I found this, which is confusing to me:

"It took the influx of greater barbarians, the Mongols to sweep Western Europe clean of Islam"

Do you mean Eastern Europe? I know the 3rd generation Mongols advanced as far west as Vienna and somewhere in Poland.

100 posted on 07/11/2005 12:10:18 PM PDT by Rebelbase (Mexico, the 51st state.)
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