Posted on 05/15/2004 4:27:59 AM PDT by Peach
Bush Says Zarqawi Killed Berg, Cites Saddam 'Ties' U.S. Military Bars Some Iraq Interrogation Methods
By Caren Bohan MEQUON, Wis. (Reuters) - President Bush on Friday blamed al Qaeda supporter Abu Musab al-Zarqawi for beheading American Nicholas Berg and cited him as an example of Saddam Hussein's "terrorist ties" before the U.S.-led war in Iraq.
Bush's revival of accusations linking Saddam to terrorism comes as the president faces growing doubts among Americans over his Iraq policy.
At a fund-raising lunch in Bridgeton, Missouri, Bush said Zarqawi was an example of the threat posed by the ousted Iraqi leader. "We knew he (Saddam) had terrorist ties. The person responsible for the Berg death, Zarqawi, was in and out of Baghdad prior to our arrival, for example," Bush said.
A video of Berg's beheading was posted this week to an Islamist Web site. The grisly film included a statement, signed off with Zarqawi's name, that urged Muslims to take revenge for Iraqi prisoners abused by U.S. soldiers at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison. The CIA on Thursday said Zarqawi was probably the one who beheaded Berg.
American doubts over Bush's Iraq policy have been fueled by the Abu Ghraib scandal, uncertainties over the planned June 30 transfer of sovereignty to Iraqis and a violent insurgency. Furthermore, the United States has failed to find alleged unconventional weapons in Iraq that were the heart of Bush's case for going to war.
Although Bush administration officials had raised the possibility Saddam helped al Qaeda plan the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, Bush eventually said there was no evidence. Bush has previously cited Zarqawi as a link between Saddam and al Qaeda.
The president, in his stops in two battleground states for this November's presidential election, sought to reassure Americans his Iraq policy was on track.
Bush said in Bridgeton the transfer of sovereignty could provide hope for Iraqis, although his administration has been criticized for lacking a clear plan.
"They're glad to be rid of Saddam," he said. "And they obviously want to run their own country. If I were them I'd want to run my own country too."
Speaking later at commencement ceremonies at Concordia University in Wisconsin, Bush said the Abu Ghraib scandal had consequences that WENT "well beyond the walls of a prison," but he did not elaborate.
He said the scandal "cannot diminish the honor and achievement of more than 200,000 military personnel who have served in Iraq."
Before setting off for the Midwest, Bush met at the White House with foreign ministers from the Group of Seven major industrial nations plus Russia. The seven are the United States, Britain, Italy, Canada, France, Germany and Japan.
The theme was mending fences with countries such as France and Germany, which bitterly opposed the war. Bush hopes to enlist their help with the Iraq sovereignty transfer.
"He (Bush) talked about putting aside past differences and all of us working together to help the Iraqi people realize a brighter future," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said. (Additional reporting by David Morgan and Steve Holland)
© Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.
We know Saddam worked with the PLO and other terrorists, he funded them. He at LEAST knew that 9/11 was coming.
Less than two months before 9/11/01, the state-controlled Iraqi newspaper Al-Nasiriya carried a column headlined, American, an Obsession called Osama Bin Ladin. (July 21, 2001)
In the piece, Baath Party writer Naeem Abd Muhalhal predicted that bin Laden would attack the US with the seriousness of the Bedouin of the desert about the way he will try to bomb the Pentagon after he destroys the White House.
The same state-approved column also insisted that bin Laden will strike America on the arm that is already hurting, and that the US will curse the memory of Frank Sinatra every time he hears his songs an apparent reference to the Sinatra classic, New York, New York.
(Link below)
List of newspaper article in the 90's which mention the world's concern regarding the growing relationship between OBL and Saddam:
Son of Saddam coordinates OBL activities:
The AQ connection (excellent):
Western Nightmare:,12469,798270,00.html
Saddam's link to OBL:
NYT: Iraq and AQ agree to cooperate:
Document linking them:
Iraq and terrorism - no doubt about it:
A federal judge rules there are links:
Wall Street Journal on Iraq and AQ:
Iraq and Iran contact OBL:
More evidence:
Saddam's AQ connection:
Further connections:
What a court of law said about the connections:
Some miscellaneous stuff on connections:
Saddam's Ambassador to Al Qaeda: (February 2004, Weekly Standard)
Yes - it's NewsMax but loaded with interesting bullet points.
Saddam's Fingerprints on NY Bombing (Wall Street Journal, June 1993)
Colin Powell: Iraq and AQ Partners for Years (CNN, February 2003)
The Iraq-Al Qaeda Connections (September 2003, Richard Miniter)
Oil for Food Scandal Ties Iraq and Al Qaeda (June 2003)
Saddam and OBL Make a Pact (The New Yorker, February 2003):
Al Qaeda's Poison Gas (Wall Street Journal, April 2004):
Wolfowitz Says Saddam behind 9/11 Attacks:
Saddam behind first WTC attack - PBS, Laurie Mylroie:
Growing Evidence of Saddam and Al Qaeda Link, The Weekly Standard, July 2003:
Qusay Hussein Coordinated Iraq special operations with Bin Laden Terrorist Activities, Yossef Bodansky, National Press Club
The Western Nightmare: Saddam and Bin Laden vs. the Rest of the World, The Guardian Unlimited:,12469,798270,00.html
Saddam Link to Bin Laden, Julian Borger, The Guardian, February 1999
The Al Qaeda Connection, The Weekly Standard, July 2003
Cheney lectures Russert on Iraq/911 Link, September 2003:
No Question About It, National Review, September 2003
Iraq: A Federal Judges Point of View
Mohammed's Account links Iraq to 9/11 and OKC:
Free Republic Thread that mentions so me books Freepers might be interested in on this topic:
The Proof that Saddam Worked with AQ, The Telegraph, April 2003:
Saddam's AQ Connection, The Weekly Standard, September 2003
September 11 Victims Sue Iraq:
Osama's Best Friend: The Further Connections Between Al Qaeda and Saddam, The Weekly Standard, November 2003
Terrorist Behind 9/11 Attacks Trained by Saddam, The Telegraph, December 2003
James Woolsey Links Iraq and AQ, CNN Interview, March 2004, Also see Posts #34 and #35
A Geocities Interesting Web Site with maps and connections:
Bin Laden indicted in federal court, read down to find information that Bin Laden agreed to not attack Iraq and to work cooperatively with Iraq:
Case Closed, The Weekly Standard, November 03
CBS - Lawsuit: Iraq involved in 9/11:
Exploring Iraq's Involvement in pre-9/11 Acts, The Indianapolis Star:
The Iraq/AQ Connection: Richard Minister again
Militia Defector says Baghdad trained Al Qaeda fighters in chemical weapons, July 2002
The Clinton View of Iraq/AQ Ties, The Weekly Standard, December 2003
Saddam Controlled the Camps (Iraq/AQ Ties): The London Observer, November 01
Saddam's Terror Ties that Critics Ignore, National Review, October 2003:
Tape Shows General Wesley Clark linking Iraq and AQ:
Freeper list of links between AQ and Iraq:
Salman Pak (Aviation Weekly)
American doubts over Bush's Iraq policy have been fueled by the Abu Ghraib scandal, uncertainties over the planned June 30 transfer of sovereignty to Iraqis and a violent insurgency.
I feel the anti-American, anti-military, anti-conservative media fuels American's doubts far more than the above-mentioned laundry list.
Good morning, Quilla.
You're right about that. Old Media has done everything it can to see that President Bush is not re-elected.
Back in a few minutes...tea time to wake up.
His apology for the Abu Ghraib debacle. He should have never let the media manipulate him into that mistake. Bad move.
I agree. Why else would Saddam's state run newspaper have known 9/11 was coming? It's not likely OBL decided to let Saddam know just for the gossip factor.
As well, the book The Two Jackals mentions something I'd forgotten.
In August 2001, Saddam put his military on their highest level of alert since the Gulf War. Saddam himself and his wives went into a bunker and didn't emerge until October.
Good morning, Diogenesis.
I've seen that calendar but have a question. How do we know it was printed in advance of 9/11?
To think, we have millions of pages confiscated from offices all over Iraq we haven't translated yet. There's no telling what we will discover similar to or worse than the Oil for Food scandal. I'm still waiting for the release of names of those who received actual cash rather than oil vouchers. That should be enlightening.
Quilla -
Why do you think the administration had backed away from talking about Saddam and AQ? Even if they didn't or couldn't tie Saddam directly to 9/11, it seems a bad move politically at least to stop talking (until yesterday and this article) about Saddam's links to AQ.
Support for the war is so seriously low and if people only knew what we know (LOL), I think support would increase.
Just speculating, as I'm not near as versed in stratergy as our President, but here goes: Every prominent democrat, up until the start of the war in Iraq, can be quoted condemning Saddam's use and possession of weapons of mass destruction. No one in the mainstream would dare mention these quotes today as they pound the no WMD's line at every possible opportunity. Without concrete, irrefutable evidence of Saddam's involvement in September 11, the media would crucify (i.e. yellowcake/Niger) any claims made by the Bush Administration. I believe they are attempting to put together an unimpeachable dossier implicating Saddam before releasing it to the enemy, er I mean, the press.
Wow...great there someway for me to bookmark it all in one place?
Women hold the key to the election of Conservative politicians.
EVERY GOP presidential candidate since WWII would have won had only MEN voted. Yes, including Bush I (2nd) and Dole.
EVERY RAT presidential candidate since WWII would have won had only WOMEN voted. Yes, including Carter (2nd), Dukakis and Gore.
The candidacy of Schwarzenegger in rat-infested California was brilliant because it ensured the female vote.
Conservative/Libertarian purists have absolutely no political sense when it comes to winning and keeping elected office.
The most conservative candidate combined with the charisma to win the female vote is the ONLY option for the GOP.
It comes down to this:
The GOP candidate must be more attractive to men yet less offensive to women. In the current instance, Bush is a man's man with enough compassion to win some soccer moms.
The RAT candidate must be more attractive to women yet less offensive to men. In the current instance, Kerry is an effete pompous wimp who men do not like. Women do not find Kerry charismatic.
I think the female vote hinges on two factors:
1. Soccer moms have been displaced by security moms. Bush needs to make females understand their babies will be murdered by terrorists under a Kerry regime.
2. Iraq should ALWAYS have been pursued as a humanitarian issue to keep women voters on side. We ALL would have understood that Iraq was a continuation of the war on terror without saying it. Humanitarian cover would have pre-empted the bleeding heart females' criticism of the war effort no matter how it ended. Stupid move on the part of the political strategists, but certainly not fatal. NOW is the time to pick up this theme constantly and endlessly.
Men will not abandon Bush if we keep sending missiles into terrorist nests, while handing chocolates and flowers to women and children to assuage female guilt.
Bottom line:
With a warning for Bush to keep pounding on the female vulnerability of safety and security, and on our humanitarian successes in Iraq, Bush earns FOUR MORE YEARS!
Please help ensure the Bush team gets the message.
Here's how you can tell its a biased article coming. Notice how Ties is in quotes "Ties". Why? Is there some doubt about the "Ties"? Of course not but by doing so the media can continue to undercut the administration's (and in the process the country's) credibility. Notice there are no such quotes by scandal. But at least the media is "unbiased"
Because the leftists don't talk about ANYTHING that could support President Bush's re-election.
Definitely. I loathe the media. They think they can get their guy elected by shaping public opinion. And, unfortunately, they may be right. I had thought by this time FR and other "new media" sites would be more powerful.
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