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History of Islam (another view)
An email that seemed worth sharing | January 29, 2004 | Larry Abraham

Posted on 05/03/2004 12:49:30 PM PDT by fraidycat

I recently received this essay in an email. I'm not enough of a scholar of the area to know just how accurate the information is, but am sufficiently aware to know that much of it is true. I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on all of this.


If you're interested in a historical rationale behind 9/11 and the current situation in this terrorist-ravaged world, I highly recommend the essay below, written by Larry Abraham, January 29, 2004.

I don't know the author* of the commentary that follows the essay, but, if you don't have time to read the whole essay, this partial quote sums things up fairly well.

*[ This commentary may be by the original sender, "John J. Papietro" . ]

- - - - - - - Commentary Quote - - - - - - - - "This is probably why Dick Cheney, Rice, Powell, and Wolfowitz are so committed to the belief that we are in this struggle for the free world as we have known it and focused on defeating the militant Islamic-al Maida's global strategy. They skirt the core issues raised by Abraham in this article because of the political-correctness implications, but after reading this, you understand what is at stake here. Kerry and the liberal Democrats want control of Washington at any price. Abraham clearly spells out what price that is: Victory for al Qaeda and the Islamic militancy.

By building on the left-wing base in the Democrat party and the "Hate Bush" crowd, the campaign has already resulted in a consensus among the aspirants, minus Joe Lieberman, to withdraw the U.S. from Iraq and turn the operation over to the U.N. And, if past is prologue, i.e., Vietnam, once the U.S. leaves it will not go back under any circumstances, possibly even the destruction of Israel.

Should George W. Bush be defeated in November we could expect to see the dominoes start to fall in the secular Islamic countries and The Clash of Civilizations, predicted several years ago by Samuel Huntington, would then become a life changing event in all of our lives.

This is a deeply impressive, cogent, and intelligent overview of the militant Islamic movement. Pass on Abraham’s article to those who have a need to know, which is just about everybody."

------------------ Abraham Essay ---------------------------


I urge all of my readers to make copies of this report and send them to your friends and relatives. The information is too critical to be over looked in the madness of this election year.

Watching and listening to the Democrat Party candidates is tantamount to enduring the Chinese water torture. The blah, blah, blah goes on and on and nothing of value comes out except the pain of listening to the same nothingness over and over again. I won't take the time or space to repeat what you have heard so many mind numbing times but what you have not heard is crucial.

President Bush and his administration spokesmen are not telling the American people what they really need to know about this "war." If they don't do that between now and November it may cost them the election.

The war against terror did not begin on September 11, 2001, nor will it end with the peaceful transition to civilian authority in Iraq, whenever that may be. In fact, Iraq is but a footnote in the bigger context of this encounter, but an important one none the less.

This war is what the Jihadists themselves are calling the "Third Great Jihad." They are operating within the framework of a time line which reaches back to the very creation of Islam in the seventh century and are presently attempting to recreate the dynamics which gave rise to the religion in the first two hundred years of its existence.

No religion in history grew as fast, in its infancy, and the reasons for the initial growth of Islam are not hard to explain when you understand what the world was like at the time of Muhammad's death in 632 AD. Remember that the Western Roman Empire was in ruins and the Eastern Empire, based in Constantinople, was trying desperately to keep the power of its early grandeur while transitioning to Christianity as a de facto state religion. The costs to the average person were large as he was being required to meet the constantly rising taxes levied by the state along with the tithes coerced by the Church.

What Islam offered was the "carrot or the sword". If you became a convert, your taxes were immediately eliminated, as was your tithe. If you didn't, you faced death. The choice was not hard for most to make, unless you were a very devoted martyr in the making. At the beginning, even the theology was not too hard for most to swallow, considering that both Jewry and Christianity were given their due by the Prophet. There is but one God-Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet, as was Jesus, and the pre-Christian Jewish prophets of the Torah (Old Testament). Both were called "children of the book"--the book being the Koran, which replaced both the Old and New Testaments for former Christians and Jews.

With this practical approach to spreading the "word" Islam grew like wild-fire, reaching out from the Saudi Arabian Peninsula in all directions. This early growth is what the Muslims call the "First" great Jihad and it met with little resistance until Charles Martel of France, the father of Charlemagne, stopped them in the battle of Tours in France, after they had firmly established Islam on the Iberian Peninsula. This first onslaught against the West continued in various forms and at various times until Islam was finally driven out of Spain in 1492 at the battle of Granada.

The "Second great jihad" came with the Ottoman Turks. This empire succeeded in bringing about the downfall of Constantinople as a Christian stronghold and an end to Roman hegemony in all of its forms. The Ottoman Empire was Islam's most successful expansion of territory even though the religion itself had fractured into warring sects and bitter rivalries with each claiming the ultimate truths in "the ways of the Prophet". By 1683 the Ottomans had suffered a series of defeats on both land and sea and the final, unsuccessful attempt to capture Vienna set the stage for the collapse of any further territorial ambitions and Islam shrunk into various sheikhdoms, emir dominated principalities, and roving tribes of nomads. However, by this time a growing anti-western sentiment, blaming its internal failures on anyone but themselves, was taking hold and setting the stage for a new revival known as Wahhabism, a sect which came into full bloom under the House of Saud on the Arabian Peninsula shortly before the onset of WWI. It is this Wahhabi version of Islam which has infected the religion itself, now finding adherents in almost all branches and sects, especially the Shiites.

Wahhabiism calls for the complete and total rejection or destruction of anything and everything which is not based in the original teachings of The Prophet and finds its most glaring practice in the policies of the Afghani Taliban or the Shiite practices of the late Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran. Its Ali Pasha (Field Marshall) is now known as Osama bin Laden, the leader of the "Third Jihad", who is Wahhabi as were his 9/11 attack teams, 18 of which were also Saudi.

The strategy for this "holy war" did not begin with the planning of the destruction of the World Trade Center. It began with the toppling of the Shah of Iran back in the late 1970's. With his plans and programs to "westernize" his country, along with his close ties to the U.S. and subdued acceptance of the State of Israel, the Shah was the soft target. Remember "America Held Hostage"?

Thanks, in large part to the hypocritical and disastrous policies of the Jimmy Carter State Department, the revolution was set into motion, the Shah was deposed, his armed forces scattered or murdered and stage one was complete. The Third Jihad now had a base of operations and the oil wealth to support its grand design or what they call the "Great Caliphate".

What this design calls for is the replacement of all secular leadership in any country with Muslim majorities. This would include, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, all the Emirates, Sudan, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Malaysia, Indonesia and finally what they call the "occupied territory" Israel.

As a part of this strategy, forces of the jihad will infiltrate governments and the military as a prelude to taking control, once the secular leadership is ousted or assassinated. Such was the case in Lebanon leading to the Syrian occupation and in Egypt with the murder of Anwar Sadat, along with the multiple attempts on the lives of Hussein in Jordan, Mubarak of Egypt and Musharraf in Pakistan. Pakistan is a particular prize because of its nuclear weapons. (Please note al Qaeda call for the Islamic-militant overthrow of Musharraf in Pakistan on March 25, just last month.)

The long-range strategy of the Third Jihad counts on three strategic goals. First, the U.S. withdrawing from the region just as it did in Southeast Asia, following Vietnam. Second, taking control of the oil wealth in the Muslim countries, which would be upwards to 75% of known reserves; third, using nuclear weapons or other WMDs to annihilate Israel. A further outcome of successfully achieving these objectives would be to place the United Nations as the sole arbiter in East/West negotiations and paralyze western resistance, leading to total withdrawal from all Islamic dominated countries.

Evidence of the Bush Administration awareness of this plan is found in the events immediately following the 9/11 attack. The administration's first move was to shore up Pakistan and Egypt, believing that these two would be the next targets for al Qaeda, while Americans focused on the disaster in New York. The administration also knew that the most important objective was to send a loud and clear message that the U.S. was in the region to stay, not only to shore up our allies but to send a message to the Jihadists. The attack on Afghanistan was necessary to break-up a secure al Qaeda base of operations and put their leadership on the run or in prison.

The war in Iraq also met a very strategic necessity in that no one knew how much collaboration existed between Saddam Hussein and the master planners of the Third Jihad or Hussein's willingness to hand off WMDs to terrorist groups including the PLO in Israel. What was known were serious indications of on-going collaboration as Saddam funneled money to families of suicide bombers attacking the Israelis and others in Kuwait.

What the U.S. needed to establish was a significant base of operations smack dab in the middle of the Islamic world, in a location which effectively cut it in half. Iraq was the ideal target for this and a host of other strategic reasons.

Leadership of various anti-American groups both here and abroad understood the vital nature of the Bush initiative and thus launched their demonstrations, world-wide, to "Stop The War". Failing this, they also laid plans to build a political campaign inside the country, with the War in Iraq as a plebiscite, using a little known politician as the thrust point--Howard Dean. This helps to explain how quickly the Radical Left moved into the Dean campaign with both people and money, creating what the clueless media called the "Dean Phenomenon".

By building on the left-wing base in the Democrat party and the "Hate Bush" crowd, the campaign has already resulted in a consensus among the aspirants, minus Joe Lieberman, to withdraw the U.S. from Iraq and turn the operation over to the U.N. And, if past is prologue, i.e., Vietnam, once the U.S. leaves it will not go back under any circumstances, possibly even the destruction of Israel.

Should George W. Bush be defeated in November we could expect to see the dominoes start to fall in the secular Islamic countries and The Clash of Civilizations, predicted several years ago by Samuel Huntington, would then become a life changing event in all of our lives.

What surprised the Jihadists following the 9/11 attack was how American sentiment mobilized around the president and a profound sense of patriotism spread across the country. They were not expecting this reaction, based on what had happened in the past, nor were they expecting the determined resolve of the President himself. I also believe this is one of the reasons we have not had any further attacks within our borders. They are content to wait, just as one of their tactical mentors; V.I. Lenin admonished..."two steps forward, one step back".

A couple additional events serve as valuable footnotes to the current circumstances we face: the destruction of the human assets factor of the CIA during the Carter presidency, presided over by the late Senator Frank Church. This fact has plagued our intelligence agencies right up to this very day with consequences which are now obvious. And, Jimmy Carter himself, the one man who must bear the bulk of the responsibility for setting the stage of the Third Jihad. Americans should find little comfort in how the Democrat contenders constantly seek the "advice and counsel" of this despicable little hypocrite.

Lastly, we should not expect to see any meaningful cooperation from Western Europe, especially the French. Since failing to protect their own interests in Algeria (by turning the country over to the first of the Arab terrorists, Ammad Ben Bella), the country itself is now occupied by Islamic immigrants totaling twenty percent of the population.

We are in the battle of our lives, a battle which will go on for many years possibly even generations. If we fail to understand what we are facing or falter in the challenge of "knowing our enemy" the results will be catastrophic. Imagine a world where al Qaeda regimes control 75% of the world's oil, have at their disposal nuclear weapons, legions of willing suicide soldiers, and our national survival is dependent on the good graces of Kofi Annan and the United Nations.

There is one final footnote which may be the scariest of all. Either none of the Democrats currently leading the drive to their party's nomination are aware of the facts of the Great Caliphate and Third Jihad or they do know and they don't care so long as their power lust is satisfied. But, I can guarantee you one thing for sure: some of their most ardent supporters are aware of this and will do anything they can to bring it about.

*************************End of Report ************************

Note....this was written before John Kerry had the nomination sewed up...but recent events clearly demonstrate that Kerry is going to fulfill Abraham’s prediction of the Democrats calling for the UN and the French/Germans/Spain coalition to force the US out of Iraq. Also understand that the current 9/11 hearings are a political “show” and Clarke’s book were timed for these hearings and the campaign. And this is why Condoleezza Rice is seeking a private meeting with this commission to “tell it like it is”. The national security issues involved around 9/11 cannot be an open book to the public, and I believe we have to understand that.

This is scary stuff. President Bush and the Republicans are obviously extremely cautious in bringing this issue to the campaign because the left-leaning media and the Kerry Democratic left would call this “racist” against Islam and a distraction for the alleged lies of WMD and our reasons for going into Iraq. Bush correctly referred to the “axis of evil” (Iran, Libya, Iraq and North Korea) as a pointed strategy to blunt the WMD-terrorist movement – and he has been very successful in thwarting al Qaeda, despite what everyone on the left says. We are far better off without the threat from Iraq and Libya – all within the last 12 months. We are threatened in Pakistan – and if Musharraf is assassinated (it's been tried several times in the past year), we can see how the militants will gain control of Pakistan's nuclear weapons, which have already spread to Iran (by a militant Islamic scientist) and if Musharraf is “taken out” we have both Iran and Pakistan as militant Islamic power bases armed with nuclear weapons. And let's not overlook Abraham’s issue about the potential for militant Islamic states who would control 75% of the world's oil.

This is probably why Dick Cheney, Rice, Powell, and Wolfowitz are so committed to the belief that we are in this struggle for the free world as we have known it and focused on defeating the militant Islamic-al Maida's global strategy. They skirt the core issues raised by Abraham in this article because of the political-correctness implications, but after reading this, you understand what is at stake here. Kerry and the liberal Democrats want control of Washington at any price. Abraham clearly spells out what price that is: Victory for al Qaeda and the Islamic militancy.

Abraham’s article brought all of these issues together and why it is important for us to gain this perspective and educate our friends and associates.

This is a deeply impressive, cogent, and intelligent overview of the militant Islamic movement. Pass on Abraham’s article to those who have a need to know, which is just about everybody.

--------- End Original Message --------

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Miscellaneous; Politics/Elections; Unclassified; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: islam; waronterror; wot
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1 posted on 05/03/2004 12:49:30 PM PDT by fraidycat
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To: fraidycat
read later
2 posted on 05/03/2004 12:56:48 PM PDT by LiteKeeper
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To: fraidycat
Very Good. Everyone please read more on Samuel Huntington. Check out Opinion Journal and general web searches.
3 posted on 05/03/2004 1:05:00 PM PDT by 11th Commandment
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To: fraidycat
None of the Dems know anything of ME history, nor do they care to learn.

All they are concerned with is raising taxes and getting appointive positions over agencies that issue grants to their friends.

What we need is some place where we can ship the Dems where they can't hurt the rest of us. Maybe Lula down in Brazil needs some more people. Somebody ought to ask him.

4 posted on 05/03/2004 1:07:00 PM PDT by muawiyah
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To: fraidycat
5 posted on 05/03/2004 1:07:21 PM PDT by GrandEagle
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To: fraidycat
Wait, Isn't this all the Mid-east problems about about Israel?
6 posted on 05/03/2004 1:11:20 PM PDT by 11th Commandment
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To: fraidycat
I think it comes down to this for Americans: Do you believe we are at war with Islam? And if you do believe we are at war with Islam, then any talk of Kerry for president is crazy. That is the issue that is polarizing America. The left, the liberals, they all believe the Islamists are just people, just plain folks in a different part of the world. The left thinks the Islamists are nice people who'd leave us alone if we left them alone.
I think many conservatives are more educated, and more pragmatic. The conservatives can see the history, and can see this really is a war. I know I do.
And I know the Islamists aren't in doubt as to whether they are at war with America or not.
7 posted on 05/03/2004 1:12:15 PM PDT by brownsfan (I didn't leave the democratic party, the democratic party left me.)
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To: fraidycat
finds its most glaring practice in the policies of the Afghani Taliban or the Shiite practices of the late Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran.

Nope. according to the salaf, shia are anathema even more naughty than us Christians.

8 posted on 05/03/2004 1:14:40 PM PDT by fourdeuce82d
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To: fraidycat
Larry Abraham is a conspiracy theorist and author of Insider Report, a monthly newsletter about the activities of the 26 families that (Mr. Abraham believes) rule the world.
9 posted on 05/03/2004 1:20:01 PM PDT by Publius (Will kein Gott auf Erden sein, sind wir selber Götter.)
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To: Publius
Yup. A loooooong time ago he wrote a book called "None dare call it treason'. It basically said everyone was a Communist, but the author.
10 posted on 05/03/2004 1:34:24 PM PDT by keithtoo (Please remove all Kerry-on luggage from your forehead compartments.)
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To: keithtoo
None Dare Call It Treason was written by John Stormer.
11 posted on 05/03/2004 1:51:45 PM PDT by Publius (Will kein Gott auf Erden sein, sind wir selber Götter.)
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To: Publius
You may be right, I just know that I've heard Larry Abraham before on the radio commenting on that book and I assumed he was the author.

Then again. How do I know you're not one of them?

12 posted on 05/03/2004 2:08:16 PM PDT by keithtoo (Please remove all Kerry-on luggage from your forehead compartments.)
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To: Publius; fraidycat
Thanks for posting this article.

Doctors are challenged by knowing when hypochrondriac's are actually sick or have a real malady. It is a tough call often, yet a person's life may be in grave danger if the doctor allows their predisposition to mislead them.

We must not color a person as off base simply because some of their ideas are a bit overblown. Facts are facts and on the political level, difficult to discern ... as there is such a flux of flotsam and jetsam being thrown into the arena constantly. One thing for sure, most of us do not know the middle eastern mind; and how they think.

Prudence says consider the bigger picture. No doubt, there are powerful influences working in the world today. It would be foolish to quickly dismiss the possile truth of this post. The price is too high to pay. Destruction of life as we know it. How can anyone not realize the total waste the UN is; and the fact that giving our enemies control of our sovereignty is tantamount to suicide.

Look first in the direction of the greatest danger. I'm asking myself, what if this article is right on? What if it is and we pooh pooh it? Let the wise among us unite. If you know who they are, let me know.

Is his newsletter any good? ;)

13 posted on 05/03/2004 3:01:15 PM PDT by Countyline
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To: Countyline
"What this design calls for is the replacement of all secular leadership in any country with Muslim majorities."

"Let the wise among us unite".....before the 'peaceful' muslims among us, unite against the West.
14 posted on 05/03/2004 3:16:03 PM PDT by spoiler2
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To: spoiler2; fraidycat; Publius
""What this design calls for is the replacement of all secular leadership in any country with Muslim majorities."

The terrorist way is part of it, don't you think. Distraction, while muslims filter into all the countries they want to seize. Step by step and incrementally they work toward their goal,; and before you know it they have positions in the government. Voila!

I brought Mr. Abrahams home page article for a look.

In ancient Greece the philosopher Epicitus observed,
“The extreme of any position will ultimately become its opposite ”

In our modern world, or information age if you prefer, we see this truth becoming ever more evident. The world is awash in information to the point that it has become almost impossible for the individual investor to sort out what is worth while, versus what is just more data. And while data may be helpful at times, it does not move us to think.

When I started Insider Report over 20 years ago I did it with one over riding purpose; I wanted my readers to think and once having done so, they would be armed to face the investment wars with confidence. Additionally, my own experience had proven to me that in order to properly make investment decisions, I had to understand how politics determined economic policies and then how those policies impacted investment decisions.

Trying to make investment selections without knowing how political policies can either help or hender them is shear folly. Let me cite for you just one easy to understand example by asking a question, “Would you want to make an investment in oil stocks without having an insight into the current political policy of the Saudi Arabian government”? Not me!

After studying and observing the world political scene, both foreign and domestic, and after having written three books on the subject, I wouldn’t think about making an investment of any kind without a through grasp of the political realities that can affect it and neither should you.

A complete list of all the political pressure points would be to numerous too cite, but let me provide a few to make my point; Federal Reserve policy, U.S. foreign policy, U.S. domestic policy, European monetary policy, OPEC policy, terrorist targets, FTC policy, foreign governments and their stability, where a war might break-out and how Congress is likely to treat a particular piece of legislation. Do you see my point?

Larry Abraham’s Insider Report is the only investment newsletter which gives you an informed analysis of the political ramifications before it suggests which stock or sector of stocks you should buy. In short, Insider Report makes you think and, in the process, provides you with a confidence in your decisions you just can’t get any other way!

So, if you are not afraid to think then I believe you will find Larry Abraham’s Insider Report an invaluable tool in your personal war for financial independence. Remember Epicitus, a flood of information is not knowledge. There is a vital difference.


15 posted on 05/03/2004 3:30:41 PM PDT by Countyline
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To: Countyline
We already have the example of our well-meaning, but critically flawed neighbors to the north, already beginning to implement Sharia into Canadian Law!
16 posted on 05/03/2004 3:45:40 PM PDT by spoiler2
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To: fraidycat
I'm totally against Kerry, but this seems a little far fetched. Kerry, Roman Catholic religiously, of Jewish blood racially, an Islamic Jihadist? I may go along with some of what Abraham says, but this sounds over the top to me.
17 posted on 05/03/2004 3:47:08 PM PDT by sasportas
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To: sasportas
"Either none of the Democrats currently leading the drive to their party's nomination are aware of the facts of the Great Caliphate and Third Jihad or they do know and they don't care so long as their power lust is satisfied. But, I can guarantee you one thing for sure: some of their most ardent supporters are aware of this and will do anything they can to bring it about."

"Kerry and the liberal Democrats want control of Washington at any price. Abraham clearly spells out what price that is: Victory for al Qaeda and the Islamic militancy."

18 posted on 05/03/2004 4:31:31 PM PDT by spoiler2
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To: fraidycat; belmont_mark; Jeff Head
Pakistan is a particular prize because of its nuclear weapons.

WE need to eliminate those nuclear missiles NOW -- a joint operation with the Indians would be a good idea.
19 posted on 05/06/2004 12:39:05 AM PDT by Cronos (W2K4)
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To: brownsfan
If Kerry gets elected, all our grandchildren will be going to the mosque 5 times daily...
20 posted on 05/06/2004 12:39:46 AM PDT by Cronos (W2K4)
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