Associated Press Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee 33 years ago, John Kerry criticized the war, saying, "How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?"
To: Cincinatus' Wife
As hard as it may be to believe, this yoyo is a bigger POS than der Slickmeister.
2 posted on
04/23/2004 11:16:11 PM PDT by
(Islam is a deadly plague; liberalism is the AIDS virus that prevents us from defending ourselves.)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
To this day, Vietnam Veterans Against the War remains controversial to some veterans... To this day, Benedict Arnold remains controversial to some historians....
3 posted on
04/23/2004 11:20:06 PM PDT by
To: Cincinatus' Wife
The NY Times is absolutely amazing. Even in a piece describing several actions that would constitute high treason, they still regularly suck up to him and make him look like a shining star. What a sick, sick rag.
4 posted on
04/23/2004 11:21:59 PM PDT by
To: Cincinatus' Wife
The 60's are here again...if only I could still fit in my bell bottoms
5 posted on
04/23/2004 11:22:20 PM PDT by
( 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
Oh, and how the hell does someone -forget- being at a meeting where assassinations are being plotted? I mean, how can one -possibly- forget that? What the hell else was he doing then, that would make something like that forgettable?
6 posted on
04/23/2004 11:23:48 PM PDT by
To: Cincinatus' Wife
The campaign pressed other veterans who were in Kansas City, Mo., 33 years ago to re-examine their hazy memories while assuring them that Mr. Kerry was sure he had not been there. That would've been interesting to witness.
10 posted on
04/23/2004 11:30:09 PM PDT by
(A v v n c v l v s M a x i m v s)
To: Cincinatus' Wife; Howlin; backhoe; Qwinn
I was looking around one day and stumbled upon this on a 'military' bulletin board:
Presidential Candidate/ Senator John Kerry John Kerry was a swift boat cap'n in Vietnam, decorated with a silver star and other medals. I am a volunteer on the Kerry campaign and would like to hear from anyone who served with him.
Posted by Max Schutze
Aug 03 2003 04:01:14:000PM
-- source:,13492,700895|747053|M,00.html
14 posted on
04/23/2004 11:41:36 PM PDT by
(Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
He was almost always the most conservative man in the room. I so want to barf.
15 posted on
04/23/2004 11:43:27 PM PDT by
(2 FReep is 2B --- 2B is 2 FReep)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
The melting wax forehead is returning too.
19 posted on
04/23/2004 11:46:26 PM PDT by
Enduring Freedom
(Liberalism is a form of insanity)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
OK .. why did the NYT print this article?
Sure much of it was puff .. but a lot of people didn't know about this part of Kerry's life
By printing this article .. it's now it's wide open for discussion
26 posted on
04/24/2004 12:12:09 AM PDT by
(Make Michael Moore cry.... DONATE MONTHLY!!!)
To: Cincinatus' Wife; alpha-8-25-02; JulieRNR21; Dauntless Femme Fatale; areafiftyone; MJY1288; ...
To: Cincinatus' Wife; All
34 posted on
04/24/2004 3:36:23 AM PDT by
(Another artifact left over from The Decade of Fraud(s)...)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
John Kerry is a disgrace
To: Cincinatus' Wife
36 posted on
04/24/2004 6:49:14 AM PDT by
(Kerry I'm for the death penalty for terrorist, but I'll declare a moratorium on the death penalty)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this the FIRST mention in the Times of the KC assassination plot? And the fact that Kerry was present at the meeting where the plot was voted on?
I sure hope the Bush campaign is holding this issue in reserve for use in commercials.
To: Cincinatus' Wife
John Freakin' Kerry was a commissioned officer in the United States Navy, he testified to the U.S. House of Representatives about atrocities in Viet Nam, there is no Statute of Limitations on WAR CRIMES.
John Freakin' Kerry should be tried as a War Criminal (maybe we should do Robert Mc Namara at the same time!)
To: Cincinatus' Wife
It accepted the resignation of a campaign volunteer in Florida, Scott Camil,Well, this is the first update on Camil's status with the Kerry campaign that I've seen. He has stated that they contacted him to join the campaign. Now we see he has since resigned from it. (I'm sure they told him to never mind, it wasn't a good idea after all.)
Very interesting investigation from the New York Times, even if they do put it in the Saturday edition.
To: Sabertooth
New York Times reports on Kerry's VVAW affiliation, including the assassination plot.
To: Cincinatus' Wife
And when Mr. Kerry appeared on "Meet the Press" last weekend, he disavowed his own remarks on the same program in April 1971, when he said he and thousands of other soldiers had committed "atrocities."That's misleading. He regretted his word choices, while pointedly refusing to retract, disavow or apologize for the substance of his comments or activities at the time.
46 posted on
04/24/2004 5:59:14 PM PDT by
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