To: Cincinatus' Wife
As hard as it may be to believe, this yoyo is a bigger POS than der Slickmeister.
2 posted on
04/23/2004 11:16:11 PM PDT by
(Islam is a deadly plague; liberalism is the AIDS virus that prevents us from defending ourselves.)
To: clee1
I agree 100 percent -- and I never, ever thought I would say that.
18 posted on
04/23/2004 11:46:13 PM PDT by
To: clee1
As hard as it may be to believe, this yoyo is a bigger POS than der Slickmeister. Like he!! he is!!
JFK, in some ways is honestly an idiotic buffoon!
Der Slickmeister is a graduated Rhodes scholar and knew and knows exactly what he was and is doing!
Don't ever compare the two for Der Slickmeister is far more intelligent and capable in his devious anti-American ways than John Kerry could even dream of being.
32 posted on
04/24/2004 1:11:04 AM PDT by
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