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Why is America staggering towards socialism? Is there a fundamental deception in the political dialogue. I believe it is arguably true the degradation of the public school system and an Orwellian twisting of the language dovetail into a deliberate misleading of the public by BOTH political parties. For example What is the difference between the Marxist call for 'perpetual revolution' and the annual calls for 'reform' that permeanate every single election cycle in America? What is 'social justice' and can it ever be reconciled with a free society?
1 posted on 02/28/2004 7:38:17 AM PST by kjvail
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To: kjvail
Excellent article. The Left has had to resort to the ultimate subterfuge -- hijacking the language itself -- to advance their agenda. Why would that be true if their agenda was the boon to mankind it's typically sold as?
2 posted on 02/28/2004 7:47:11 AM PST by IronJack
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To: kjvail
>Why is America staggering towards [?!] socialism?

If everyone "owns"
shares in "the Market" -- via
pension funds and such --

then all employees
really work for everyone
and the commune's here...

3 posted on 02/28/2004 7:50:01 AM PST by theFIRMbss
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To: kjvail
Why is America staggering towards socialism? Staggering? I'd say it was being driven full tilt.

The writer is on to something though, the use of the socialist lexicon is a dead give away to a person's or organization's political bent.

One only need consider the term, Hegemony.

Ever see it used to describe Communist or socialist society?

Once you understand the connection between lexicon and political/ideology, the ability to identify a politian/reporter etc into their true position becomes simple.

4 posted on 02/28/2004 7:51:56 AM PST by tet68 ( " We would not die in that man's company, that fears his fellowship to die with us...." Henry V.)
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To: kjvail
Is there a fundamental deception in the political dialogue/

It's called triangulation- which means lying politicians lying to the public, which is mainly 80% dumber than a rock.

5 posted on 02/28/2004 7:54:00 AM PST by swampfox98 (Beyond 2004 - Chaos! 200 million illegals waiting in the wings)
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To: kjvail
Socialism = Cannibalism + bad prose.
6 posted on 02/28/2004 8:00:16 AM PST by headsonpikes (Spirit of '76 bttt!)
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To: kjvail
The schools definitely contribute to the magnitude of these issues. I believe dumbing down the people and defining down deviancy are all part of a concerted plan to bring down America.

Rather than being controlled by a central committee, I believe these issues take on an ideology all their own and mutant into an out-of-control issue -- just like the demonization of SUVs, cigarettes and fast food.

Because, Americans today are products of decades of a deficient public education, they really don't know HOW to think.

My 12-y-o daughter came home from school this week, said she decided she was a liberal.

Talk about a serious issue. Anyway, I asked her why -- and we started discussing lots of different viewpoints regarding issues that were on her mind. I was encouraging her to think for herself, to examine issues from multiple aspects.

After a while, you could almost see the mush draining out of her little head - sort of like watching an exorcism.

The trouble with this article is that for the average American, it just requires way too much thought, too intellectual for us. It just hurts our heads to think about these things.

They heard Kerry's soundbite that 43 million Americans are without healthcare, and that's what's on their minds. They have no idea what ideology they believe, nor why. They have no idea how to even begin to examine the issue, where to go for information or what the answer ought to be.

In summary, we've just become too stupid (and I don't exclude myself) to be good, responsible citizens when it comes to the broader issues of preserving our constitution, our country, our culture and our future.

7 posted on 02/28/2004 8:07:11 AM PST by skip2myloo
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To: kjvail
Good article!

A funny thing happens when you get atuned to the veiled language of the socialists: you hear it loud and clear coming from the Democrat party.
Just listen to Edwards, Kennedy, Clinton, Kerry, Sharpton, Pilosi etc. It screams at you.

"Social justice" is the umbrella term for the new phony language. Consider the true (former) meaning of terms like:
Their Fair Share
The Working Poor
Top 2%
Lock Box
Decade of Greed
American Empire
Sitting President
The Rich in America
Corporate Buddies
UN Sanctioned
Hate Speech
Same Sex Marraige
Special Interest
Expensive Tax Cut
Civil Rights Violation
Halliburton / Enron etc
Big Oil, Tobacco, Fastfood, etc
Minority Community
Talk Radio

I could go on and on

These terms have been co-opted by the Dems , their fundamental meaning twisted, to now describe the Progressive Struggle. Look at each twrm and try to remember what you understood it to mean ten years ago. Wow. See what I mean?

The culture war must entail a re-defining of these lazy socialist buzzwords.

9 posted on 02/28/2004 8:43:59 AM PST by moodyskeptic (weekend warrior in the culture war)
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To: kjvail
I am glad that the word "Marxist" was used in the title.

The Rats are beyond socialism now. Marriage is no longer a union between a man and a woman, sodomites are now "gays", adultery is an "affair", morality is taking someone elses money and spending it on the "public good".

Lying is no longer a sin but an artform, i.e., Clintoon. Art is no longer creative genius, but smeering excrement on a religious symbol or plunging a crucifix in a jar of urine. All payed for by the sheeple.

All animals are equal, some are just more equal than others. Orwell just missed it by a few years. The elephants are just lagging behind, what they need to do is divorce themselves from the pigs.

Blessings, Bobo
11 posted on 02/28/2004 8:59:13 AM PST by bobo1
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To: kjvail
Why is America staggering towards socialism? Is there a fundamental deception in the political dialogue.

If the ruling elite seemed to be comprised of an opportunistically socialist right and an ideologically socialist left and they all came together at meetings of some foriegn policy organization which was founded by a notorious Marxist, that could be a possible explanation.

15 posted on 02/28/2004 9:27:15 AM PST by eskimo
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To: kjvail
As Orwell himself recognized, even slavery could be sold if labeled "freedom." In this vein, who could ever conscientiously oppose the pursuit of "social justice,"

We are still the greatest nation in the world!

It's not like we are synonymous with The Roman Empire or the like.

After all, The Roman Empire fell.

16 posted on 02/28/2004 9:36:09 AM PST by EGPWS
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To: kjvail
Hijacking the language is just The Big Lie. They're very good at it. They've managed to redefine milquetoast RINO into "conservative" and in doing so, move the entire debate left. There aren't any republicans any more, they're all "conservatives." Anybody who is an old style conservative is now a right-wing extremist. Constitutionalists are one step away from living in an extremist "compound." It's brilliant and proves the point that the best place to hide anything is right in plain view. Conservatives and republicans have gotten rolled like drunks in the park with their own terms.
17 posted on 02/28/2004 9:45:03 AM PST by agitator (...And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark)
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To: kjvail

Ann Coulter recently spoke about Joseph McCarthy and called him an American patriot and prophet who was way ahead of his time. Mr. McCarthy recognized Communist infiltration into our society and political system and the danger this posed to the future of the U.S. He was demonized and discredited. Why? Because he was exposing Communism in America. To those who believe that the threat of Communism disovled with the breakup of the United Soviet Socialist Republic, that is what they want you to believe. Communism is alive and well IN AMERICA TODAY.

Our universities have been taken over by Social Elites (Communists). They are endoctrinating the future leaders of this country with their propaganda and Socialist philosophy. They are rewriting our history and teaching theories and fiction as fact. What better way is there to insure the future of this movement?

Our Judicial system has been compromised by Liberal Activist - (Communist) judges who usurp the authority of legislature by arbitrarily making law from the bench. The foundation of our Judicial system is based on the principles contained in the Ten Commandments. It is not a coincidence that these principles and all representations of them are being systematically removed from public places. Anyone who opposes this movement is branded as a radical extremist.

The mainstream news media is operated and controlled by Socialists and has evolved into nothing more than a propaganda machine. Their brazenly biased coverage assures that every news item that is diseminated is filtered, carefully spun, and slanted to espouse their views and to discredit all opposition. They use sensationalism and smear tactics to attract and maintain an audience and support their propaganda with an endless parade of so called "experts".

The nation is just about evenly divided at this point in time. Not Since The Civil War Has Our Nation Stood So Divided Remember the 2000 election? How close are they to tipping the scales? Today it is within their grasp to seize control and my concern is, that too many unsuspecting Americans are going to awaken only to discover that it is too late.

Communism is still with us in a BIG way. It's roots are deeply embedded in virtually every aspect of American society. The terminology has changed but the basic philosophy remains the same.

Communism = Socialism = Marxism = Liberalism = Naturalism = Enviornmentalism = Darwinism = Existentialism = Utopianism

How has it come to this? Have Americans had enough of this nonsense? Is it too late for America?

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them.... We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. ... For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." --Declaration of Independence.

"The time is now, my fellow Americans, to recapture our destiny, to take it into our own hands." --Ronald Reagan

Wake up America. Awaken from your slumber lest it become too late.

The Evidence:

Expert warns: Communism is alive, well and dangerous

Communism in America
Excerpt: Liberalism has thus paved the way for the communization of the United States from within. Anyone who correctly points this out will of course be branded a "McCarthyist," or proclaimed as being "politically incorrect," or "intolerant," or other such disparaging terms in order to stifle debate, argument and even mere discussion.

Marxism and Darwinism

Communism and Darwinism

In America:



Congratulations America! Excerpt: Today there are over 10,000 openly Marxist professors and thousands of Humanist professors controlling the universities and colleges that produce America’s teachers and other professionals. MUST READ!

Socialism in America A series of articles, ideas, and thoughts on the subject - SITE HAS LINKS TO MANY ARTICLES

A Guide to Communism and Socialism in America - by Patriot - Free Republic 1999

In Government:
59 Socialists in Congress - 2002

Socialism in America's Congress: A Primer

Marxist Multiculturalism and the Fall of Western Civilization - Repost

The International Socialist Organization

In California:
Excerpt: But the fact remains that we have a Socialist in the Governor’s mansion today.


In the Church:
Zahl alleges plan to stifle conservatives (Memo deals with debate on gay bishop)
Excerpt: Zahl said the two secret documents were a tightly scripted agenda for the meeting and a memo to Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, advising him how to avoid allowing conservatives to effectively voice their opinion about Robinson.

Christianity: Communist tool?
Excerpt: During the 1930s, the Communist Party, under the direction of the Kremlin, placed more than 1,100 men into the seminaries of the Catholic Church in order to destroy it from within.

On Atheistic Communism:

Returning to Earth Worship, Part 1
Excerpt:Over the past 30 years, these pantheistic beliefs have gradually dominated the environmental policies of both the United States and the United Nations. And, they are interwoven into every environmental international treaty, especially the Convention on Biological Diversity.

In the Voting Booth:
Excerpt:Consider this from the "Easy Voter Guide": You don't need an address to vote. You can put down the two cross streets near where you live; the "motor voter bill" allows simultaneous registration for drivers' licenses and voting; the L.A. Registrar of Voters says a license is the only official document needed to register to vote.

Capturing the Illegal Alien Vote (illegal immigrants )

Computer scientists fear voter fraud with touch-screen voting
Excerpt: Researchers found it was theoretically possible to insert "back doors" into software code that would allow hackers -- or insiders -- to change future voters' choices and determine the outcome.

In the work Place:
Why a local hospital gave in to a racist demand (NAACP is notified)

Labour Unions:
Tares in the Wheat - An exploration of subversive activities by Nazi and communist sympathizers behind the union front:—by the ranking labor reporter at the nation's capital LENGTHY, INDEPTH

In Culture and Society
Commentary: The Marxist Underpinnings of Homosexual 'Marriage'
Excerpt:Like the abolition of private property rights, progressive taxation, and government control of industry and media, the destruction of the American concept of family and marriage is part and parcel of the Marxist principles espoused by communism.

Table of Contents for OneLife NOTE: This is some philosophical deep stuff and I haven't read very much of it but I found it to be quite interesting. The author discusses Socialism in education and medicine among other things.

In Art:
It's aquatic. It's epic. But is it real art?
Excerpt: The fountain is an "artistic embarrassment" and a "kitschy retread of Soviet-style socialist realism," complains a coalition of big shots from the arts community ....

In the Media:
NY Times Retracts Arnold Hitler Bombshell


Destroying the Enemy - MEDIA EXPEDIA

Pro-Marxist Slant Pushed at ABC

Whistleblower Denounces ABC's Marxist Bias, CNN's Propaganda for Saddam

In Education
On campus, the costs of rewriting communism

Socialism and EducationINTERESTING!

National Socialism Disguised as Education Reform
Excerpt: Just one week after Bill Clinton was elected, on November 11, 1992 the president of the National Center on Education and the Economy (Marc Tucker) wrote a letter to Hillary Clinton. In it, Mr. Tucker revealed the plan that he and a powerful elite group ... have been promoting through their contacts with our government.

The United Nations
Who Created the Uinted Nations?
Excerpt:16 out of 17 of the AMERICANS that were involved in creating the U . N. were later identified, in sworn testimony, as secret communist agents.

The Democratic Party:
Democrats Say They Want The Truth,
Excerpt: They say they want the truth, and that's the biggest lie of all. Truth is no longer a part of the Democrat Party platform.

Statement by Jim Robinson Regarding the State of our Free Republic Founding father of Free Republic - a true American patriot.

Liberalism is a Quagmire
Excerpt: It should not surprise anyone that the worlds socialists are still upset that a tyrant has been overthrown by forces of liberation. They've been taking that particular stand for generations. The socialists and communists have only began to cloak themselves in the guise of 'democrats'.

ACLU = Communist Front Organization
Where Does the ACLU Get its Money - Bill O'Reilly

Lawyers for Communism: From Moses To Marx
Excerpt:And if these Quisling organizations aren’t socialists, then why not be more specific in terms of describing their real philosophy? It’s communism!

Judging TIPS by its Enemies
Excerpt:Like the ACLU, TIPS critics such as Ron Daniels and Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights are related to communist organizations or believe in communism. Like the ACLU, they are not credible about the subject of preventing terrorism.

ACLU Aiming to de-Christianize Nation

ACLU, who are these people, and why are they dictating our laws?
Comment: #5 "Why should communists and race-baiters be the arbiters of morality in America?"

In Russia
Ill-Considered Communist Revival
Excerpt:The report said that the Communist Party is growing again in Russia. Last year, 18,000 new recruits joined, 80 percent of whom are under 40 years of age. The reasons given were to "protest current conditions" and because of their "dislike of [Vladimir] Putin and Company."

Marxism and Terrorism
Islamist, Marxist, Terrorist

Results of Communism
Communism is No. 1 -- in murders
Excerpt: The former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is the world's premier murderer. Between 1917 and 1987, the USSR murdered 65 million people. Red China comes in second place with a murder count of 35 million.

Communism and Civil Rights
Excerpt: In the November 1965 JBS Bulletin, Mr. Welch strongly recommends Alan Stang's book entitled It's Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, because, in Welch's words... "It gives the whole picture of the 'civil rights' development, as a part of Communist strategy, more completely and convincingly than anything else available."

A Freepers Comment:

Facts are stubborn things, and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." - John Adams -

22 posted on 02/28/2004 10:11:54 AM PST by slimer ("The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato)
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To: kjvail
The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc (English Socialism), but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought -- that is, a thought diverging from the principles of IngSoc -- should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meaning and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words and stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings, and so far as possible of all secondary meaning whatever"

George Orwell, afterword to 1984

25 posted on 02/28/2004 10:28:36 AM PST by Jim Noble (Now you go feed those hogs before they worry themselves into anemia!)
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To: kjvail
30 posted on 02/28/2004 11:31:11 AM PST by StriperSniper (Manuel Miranda - Whistleblower)
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To: kjvail
It's funny, having just read "Atlas Shrugged" I must say life in this country right now is pretty close to the way it was in the start of the book. Hopefully Americans will be smart enough to see it coming. I do, and you all do, but will the rest?
37 posted on 02/28/2004 12:17:43 PM PST by musical_airman (Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure)
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To: kjvail
42 posted on 02/28/2004 11:02:44 PM PST by LiteKeeper
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To: kjvail
They've been hijacking language for some time now.

The scam hasn't changed, either. In the old USSR, the party bigwigs got their cars and trips to the Black Sea beaches.

44 posted on 02/29/2004 11:03:06 AM PST by P.O.E. (D@mned if you do? Dem'd if you don't)
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To: kjvail

The left’s agenda has moved further in the past 13 years

45 posted on 08/02/2017 7:09:03 AM PDT by Cronos (Obama's dislike of Assad is not based on his brutality but that he isn't a jihadi Moslem)
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