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Iconoclast ^
| by Denis Schulz
Posted on 02/22/2004 9:15:44 AM PST by Apolitical
"You got $82 bucks and you're in San Francisco, you can get married. Just go down to City Hall -- line forms on the Far-Far Left. You'll have to step lively though -- there's quite a crowd -- a clerk will be right with you. Keep your checkbooks handy, and please keep your hands off your future spouse. There'll be plenty of time for that later. We're all adults here, and we want to get as many couples processed as we can before Arnold stirs his butt or O'Reilly gets his second wind.
"Isn't this the most wonderful Valentine's Day ever?"
They came by the hundreds to San Francisco's City Hall on Valentine's Day to get married-up; to get hitched; to tie-the-knot; to take their vows; to become husband-and-husband; to become wife-and-wife; to defy tradition, to help usher in Mayor Gavin Newsom's Brave New World.
And, sure enough, before Arnold could blink, over 400 marriage licenses had been issued and the lines were still growing. Mayor Gavin Newsom swelled with pride. He had struck a blow for freedom that would ring through the ages. His name will go down in the history books beside Abe Lincoln's and Martin Luther King's -- if he has anything to say about it. After all, a nation cannot exist half-married and half-civil-unioned. Like all God's little children, he had dreamt of the day when a marriage would not be judged by some silly man-woman ratio, but by how hot one partner was to trot for the other -- the ability to naturally produce a family be damned.
But wait, what about cultural diversity -- that hoary old liberal litmus test -- have the mayor and his minions forgotten it? Have they cast it overboard in their rush to promote just the opposite-same-sex marriages? Isn't matrimony between two men a bit on the exclusive side?
If diversity is the highest positive attainable state of pure good for the university, for the counting house, for the athletic field, and for the government office, why do liberals hold it in such contempt when it comes to marriage? One man and one woman -- you can't get any more diverse than that!
Let's face it -- a child growing up in an all-male or in an all-female household will miss out on an awful lot of the Left's sine qua non for social happiness -- cultural diversity. Alfalfa and Darlene could be scarred for life. And same-sex marriages are against the law. Didn't anybody tell Mayor Newsom? ...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Canada; Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Editorial; Extended News; Government; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: anarchy; civilunion; culturewar; gavinnewsom; gaymirage; genderneutralagenda; homosexualagenda; leftsagenda; marriage; prisoners; romans1; sf; stunt
Superficial and silly, but food for thought.
To: Apolitical
82.00 bucks...hmmmm I just BET he could fix the California state deficit all by himself from that office of his in San Francisco!!!!!!
posted on
02/22/2004 9:17:27 AM PST
To: Apolitical
"... and your little dog, too."
posted on
02/22/2004 9:19:02 AM PST
(Hence, etc.)
To: Apolitical
I know how to plug this one but good. We need a constitutional amendment declaring that
1) Every legal adult, of age 18 or greater, with valid US Citizenship, is hereby married to every other legal adult with valid US Citizenship.
2) No one has the legal right to divorce.
Let the bastiches figure that one out!
posted on
02/22/2004 9:20:47 AM PST
.cnI redruM
(At the end of the day, information has finite value and may only come at a significant price.)
To: Apolitical
Marry this
posted on
02/22/2004 9:43:57 AM PST
al baby
(Hope I don't get into trouble for this)
To: Apolitical
"You got $82 bucks and you're in San Francisco, you can get married."
Will they have to return the $82 when the "marriage" is determined to be invalid.
posted on
02/22/2004 9:52:23 AM PST
To: Apolitical
Based on your headline, it sounds like Mayor Newsom is both very lonely and not too particular!
posted on
02/22/2004 10:01:07 AM PST
Museum Twenty
(Support the President - wear the Baseball Cap - display the Bumper Sticker - .)
To: Apolitical
I wonder what they would do if you showed up with $82 and a sheep? Beastiality is against the law too, but what the Hey, "in for a penny, in for a pound."
posted on
02/22/2004 10:16:18 AM PST
To: Apolitical
If you want to stop the SF Mayor first apply for a marriage between several people or a person and an animal. If the mayor interferes with your marriage sue him.
posted on
02/22/2004 10:17:56 AM PST
(Vienna said the middlemen come from Ger, Nether,Belg, S Af, Jap,Dub, Mal,USA,Rus,Chin,and Pak.)
To: GodBlessPeggyNoonan
To: Apolitical; little jeremiah
posted on
02/22/2004 10:25:33 AM PST
(Support Free Republic - All donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!)
To: Apolitical
The queer marriage fee ought to be paid with $3 dollar bills.
posted on
02/22/2004 10:28:10 AM PST
(Your secrets are safe with me and all my friends.)
To: .cnI redruM
Sheesh, and I though I was a misanthrope!
To: mo
"82.00 bucks...hmmmm I just BET he could fix the California state deficit all by himself from that office of his in San Francisco!!!!!!"
LOL Thats probably why Schwarz didnt do anything till now. But will they have to refund that money when the licenses are decalred invalid?
posted on
02/22/2004 10:41:36 AM PST
To: onyx
Wonder why newsom doesnt get a little chapel in Vegas and just marry those queer folk.
Talking about Vegas I am surprised they aren't issuing licenses yet.
posted on
02/22/2004 10:44:38 AM PST
To: Slings and Arrows
Think of it as a nation that is one big happy Moresome.
posted on
02/22/2004 10:48:48 AM PST
.cnI redruM
(At the end of the day, information has finite value and may only come at a significant price.)
To: stopem
Las Vegas has more morals and a higher church attendance than San Francisco. No thanks, NV is not about to become a queer nation.
Outside San Francisco, San Diego (namely Hillcrest) has the largest population of homosexuals. Currently, I reside in San Diego. I am on "watch."
Did you read where Chicago's democrat mayor favors homosexdual marriage? It was posted here a couple of days ago.
posted on
02/22/2004 11:06:52 AM PST
(Your secrets are safe with me and all my friends.)
To: reed_inthe_wind
That's the ticket. You ask for a marriage among several people, and then sue when you are turned down.
It would be helpful for the factual case if some folks would do this who really do want to have such a marriage. If you are looking for candidates, find some friends of Emannuel the bearded weirdo who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart to add her as a wife.
posted on
02/22/2004 11:08:01 AM PST
To: *Homosexual Agenda; EdReform; scripter; GrandMoM; backhoe; Yehuda; Clint N. Suhks; saradippity; ...
Homosexual Agenda Ping -
Is it crazy in SF or what?
Let me know if anyone wants on or off this ping list!
posted on
02/22/2004 11:26:07 PM PST
little jeremiah
(everyone is entitled to their opinion, but everyone isn't entitled to be right.)
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