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Bush and I were Lieutenants (Fellow Pilot Comes to Bush's Defense)
The Washington Times Letters to the Editor ^
| 2-11-4
| Col. William Campenni (ret.)
Posted on 02/11/2004 6:20:44 AM PST by Petronski
Edited on 07/12/2004 4:13:18 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
'Bush and I were lieutenants'
George Bush and I were lieutenants and pilots in the 111th Fighter Interceptor Squadron (FIS), Texas Air National Guard (ANG) from 1970 to 1971. We had the same flight and squadron commanders (Maj. William Harris and Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, both now deceased). While we were not part of the same social circle outside the base, we were in the same fraternity of fighter pilots, and proudly wore the same squadron patch.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Front Page News; News/Current Events; US: Alabama; US: Texas; US: Virginia
KEYWORDS: 2004; awol; bush; bushmilitaryrecord; campenni; herndon; lte; militaryrecord; nationalguard; servicerecord; slander
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To: MamaLucci
"BS. NOTHING will ever satisfy the lying, traitorous democrats."
This is called politics. What did you expect? This is for the most powerful office in the world. Everything is at stake. This is war without the bullets and missiles but only slightly less violent. This is pattycake compared to what is to come. Get used to it. BTW, I never made any charges. I merely commented based on my gut reactions from over 55 years of watching politics. I grew up when Harry Truman was president.
To: Petronski
Excellent letter. Unfortunately, if this letter even makes it to major news outlets, it will be either ignored, briefly mentioned, or worse yet challenged with more questions. What will NOT happen is the story will run for the next two weeks as Bush did his job, he was never AWOL, and Kerry, Moore and McAuliffe lie.
I'd settle for just one week of:
Wed.: Kerry, Moore and McAuliffe lie.
Thurs: Kerry thinks National Guard doesn't serve
Fri: Treason: Kerry demeans CINC with lies during war-time through lies that provides enemies aide and comfort
Sat: War Heroes don't talk about being war heroes Others tell their stories or real War Heroes.
Sun: Kerry, Moore and McAuliffe back pedal on Bush attacks and tell more lies.
Mon: Kerry doesn't believe our Armed Forces should be armed - voted against defense systems.
Tues: Kerry and Hanoi Jane opposed Vietnam War and put American soldiers at risk - maybe even killed American soldiers.
However, two weeks of stories would be equal to the negative Bush as received over this AWOL business.
To: RichardW
Bush should have spoken to this earlier as it would have provided the context of his last few months. Still trying to criticize the President? He said it was brought up in '94 - DIW. Brought up in 2000 - DIW. He did just what he needed to.
posted on
02/11/2004 7:27:17 AM PST
("Hero" is the last four-letter word I'd use to describe John Kerry.)
To: afropick
When the Germans surrendered reason and critical thought for their messiahs message of a thousand year reich they remained loyal to the end . The press beleives in the supremacy of the leftist humanist idealogy and won't let facts get in the way. It is sad and frustrating because many americans rely on Rather and Brokaw for the truth.
To: Petronski
posted on
02/11/2004 7:27:23 AM PST
(2Timothy 4:2)
To: xzins
To: RichardW
But to answer the specific question posed, I would say to put this to bed with finality, it would be a good thing if someone who actually served with him in Alabama would come forth and say clearly, yes he was there. Am I wrong?
In a word, yes. You are never going to satisfy the Dems and their lackeys in the media on this issue. It is not a matter of facts, but as you correctly observe, putting the Reps on the defensive and drawing the comparison between Kerry's war record and GWB's service, which is where the Dems think they have the advantage. If someone came forth from Alabama, the media will do a thorough vetting of the person's credibility, etc. You will never put an end to this story until the Dems decide it is not in their best interest to do so.
posted on
02/11/2004 7:28:19 AM PST
To: Petronski
This letter says it all and says it well.
posted on
02/11/2004 7:28:25 AM PST
To: All
posted on
02/11/2004 7:29:36 AM PST
(Real Men Don't Need Hunks of Government Metal on Their Chests to be Heroes)
To: Petronski; Rush Limbaugh; Hannity; M. Thatcher; holdonnow
"Anyone know how to ping Rush or Hannity?" Spread the word...MUD
posted on
02/11/2004 7:29:38 AM PST
Mudboy Slim
(RE-IMPEACH Osama bil Clinton!!)
To: BigBobber
This Bush AWOL thing makes me sick, and it defies common sense. Bush's father was a combat pilot in WWII who was shot down in enenmy territory. His service and courage are unquestionable.You obviously forgot the innuendo that the Dem's were using against GHWB -- that he bailed out of his stricken aircraft leaving his 2 crewmen to die. THAT was another Clinton Gem. Every time you think these people can't stoop any lower they surprise you.
posted on
02/11/2004 7:29:39 AM PST
(This year's guest-nominee for the Democratic Party is...Sen. John Kerry <cue the Tonight Show theme>)
To: redlipstick
Could someone explain to me this pinging business that goes on around here?
posted on
02/11/2004 7:30:59 AM PST
(Bumper sticker: "Vote Democrat, it's easier than getting a job.")
To: Ragtime Cowgirl
Thanks for the ping, Ragtime Cowgirl!:-) Thanks Yet Again, Colonel Campenni!!!!:-)
posted on
02/11/2004 7:31:42 AM PST
(Defending Our Bill of Rights, Our Constitution, Our Country and Our Freedom!!!!)
To: Hon
I've been following your threads about President Bush's military service, and didn't want you to miss this.
Please excuse this one if you've already been pinged.
To: Petronski
.."Bush critics do not comprehend the dangers of fighter Vietnam or at home...Our Texas ANG unit lost several planes right there in Houston during Lt. Bush's tenure, with fatalities. Just strapping on one of those obsolescing F-102s was risking one's life.
posted on
02/11/2004 7:32:34 AM PST
(JUDGES is JOB #1)
To: cyncooper; Ragtime Cowgirl; mystery-ak; Grampa Dave; TexKat
Kerry's statement:Kerry Questions Bush Guard Service "I have always honored and I will always honor anybody who serves anywhere," Kerry said. "I've said since the day I came back from Vietnam that it was not an issue to me if somebody chose to go to Canada or to go to jail or to be a conscientious objector or to serve in the National Guard or elsewhere."
Probably wouldn't be well received by Col. William Campenni.
posted on
02/11/2004 7:33:31 AM PST
(Podesta about Bush: "He's got four years to try to undo all the stuff we've done." (TIME-1/22/01))
To: RichardW
"But to answer the specific question posed, I would say to put this to bed with finality, it would be a good thing if someone who actually served with him in Alabama would come forth and say clearly, yes he was there. Am I wrong?"Pssssst, They're calling for you over at DU, it seems you've won a lifetime membership
posted on
02/11/2004 7:34:02 AM PST
To: GigaDittos
When you want a particular freeper to see an article or a thread, you put their name in the "To" box, thus pinging them.
Some freepers have long ping lists, and can call multitudes with one click.
posted on
02/11/2004 7:34:05 AM PST
(If you want to send a message, call Western Union.)
To: RichardW
If it weren't a big deal why is everyone here so apopletic.That's easy! This type of allegation isn't aimed at the general public -- it's aimed at conservative, Republican voters.
An effective counterattack will be to point out that Sen. Kerry voted in favor of the Patriot Act and the Use of Force. Those 2 items will stick in any liberal Dems craw. If enough of the liberals fall away from Kerry you could see a nasty convention fight or a Dean 3rd Party Candidacy -- either outcome favors the Republicans.
posted on
02/11/2004 7:34:53 AM PST
(This year's guest-nominee for the Democratic Party is...Sen. John Kerry <cue the Tonight Show theme>)
To: GigaDittos
I believe 'ping' refers to the sound of active sonar used by a submarine. If you put my name in the 'to' box, then when I come to FreeRepublic, the thread (which presumably I have not seen) shows up in the 'my comments' section of my FR page, thus calling my attention to it.
It is the FR equivalent of 'hey yo, check this out.'
posted on
02/11/2004 7:34:55 AM PST
(John Kerry looks like . . . like . . . weakness.)
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