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Kerry Says He Will Repair Damage [Kerry writes Islamic Republic's English Newspaper]
Tehran Times ^
| 2/8/04
| Tehran Times
Posted on 02/08/2004 1:14:42 PM PST by freedom44
WASHINGTON (Mehr News Agency) -- The office of Senator John Kerry, the frontrunner in the Democratic presidential primary in the U.S., sent the Mehr News Agency an e-email saying that Kerry will try to repair the damage done by the incumbent president if he wins the election. The text of the e-mail follows.
As Americans who have lived and worked extensively overseas, we have personally witnessed the high regard with which people around the world have historically viewed the United States. Sadly, we are also painfully aware of how the actions and the attitudes demonstrated by the U.S. government over the past three years have threatened the goodwill earned by presidents of both parties over many decades and put many of our international relationships at risk.
It is in the urgent interests of the people of the United States to restore our country's credibility in the eyes of the world. America needs the kind of leadership that will repair alliances with countries on every continent that have been so damaged in the past few years, as well as build new friendships and overcome tensions with others.
We are convinced that John Kerry is the candidate best qualified to meet this challenge. Senator Kerry has the diplomatic skill and temperament as well as a lifetime of accomplishments in field of international affairs. He believes that collaboration with other countries is crucial to efforts to win the war on terror and make America safer.
An understanding of global affairs is essential in these times, and central to this campaign Kerry has the experience and the understanding necessary to successfully restore the United States to its position of respect within the community of nations. He has the judgment and vision necessary to assure that the United States fulfills a leadership role in meeting the challenges we face throughout the world.
The current Administration's policies of unilateralism and rejection of important international initiatives, from the Kyoto Accords to the Biological Weapons Convention, have alienated much of the world and squandered remarkable reserves of support after 9/11. This climate of hostility affects us all, but most especially impacts those who reside overseas. Disappointment with current U.S. leadership is widespread, extending not just to the corridors of power and politics, but to the man and woman on the street as well.
We believe John Kerry is the Democrat who can go toe-to-toe against the current Administration on national security and defense issues. We also remain convinced that John Kerry has the best chance of beating the incumbent in November, and putting America on a new course that will lead to a safer, more secure, and more stable world.
TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2004; email; iran; kerry; sellingoutamerica
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To: Howlin
I can't believe this, but I guess I can. :-(
To: Ima Lurker
Democrats would vote for Saddam Satan before Bush.Prairie
posted on
02/08/2004 3:13:50 PM PST
(WMD's in Iraq -- The absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.)
To: nopardons; Howlin; PhiKapMom
Looks real I followed the is on their web site with Kerry's photo.
I can't believe they did this ...
posted on
02/08/2004 3:14:45 PM PST
Comment #104 Removed by Moderator
To: Dog; nopardons; Howlin; PhiKapMom
I can't believe they did this ...
Sounds to me like Rove has some moles planted deep in the belly of the beast....... lol
posted on
02/08/2004 3:16:02 PM PST
(BUSH - CHENY 2004 ..... 268 days until Tuesday 2 November - General Election)
To: Dog
Why would the Tehran media make this up either? They have no reason to support Bush by lying and fabricating about Kerry.
Do they?
posted on
02/08/2004 3:17:34 PM PST
(WMD's in Iraq -- The absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.)
To: Dog
Yes, I went to look too. It's real....shaking my head and trying to figure it all out.
To: nopardons
Would it be safe to say......this email is telling them to hang on a little longer..
posted on
02/08/2004 3:20:18 PM PST
To: freedom44
Yes Mr. Kerry it is very important that we repair the damage done to our relations with countries who were against the war because they were being paid off by Saddam. The best solution would seem to be to allow the new Iraqi government to continue paying the bribes to the leaders of these countries so that we could once again have good relations.
Or someting like that. What a boob Kerry is.
To: Spokane4Bush2004
This is so a big deal.
This country Iran who Kerry is sucking up to held 50+ Americans hostage for 440+ days......and for Kerry to be sucking up to them .....has crossed a line.
There is ONLY ONE VOICE when it comes to foreign policy and it comes from the administation who is in power.......
This was lower than low.
posted on
02/08/2004 3:25:26 PM PST
Comment #111 Removed by Moderator
To: freedom44
Didn't Kerry have prostate cancer?
What is the prognosis for his future? Anybody know?
posted on
02/08/2004 3:32:25 PM PST
("Don't shoot Mongo, you'll only make him mad.")
To: Tunehead54; petercooper; PhiKapMom
At a rally in Nashua yesterday, Kerry raised two other issues that may require explaining. He criticized President Bush for withdrawing from the Kyoto global warming treaty in 2001. "You don't just walk away from a treaty [negotiated by] 160 countries over 10 years," he said. But in 1997, Kerry voted for a resolution, which passed 95-0, saying the United States "should not be a signatory" to the treaty. So on Kyoto, he'll have some explaining to do. Source: See BS News: John Kerry's Contradictions
Found it! Hee Hee - this is going to be fun! ;-)
Pete - looks like you were right - 95-0 - if you can believe See BS!
posted on
02/08/2004 3:32:40 PM PST
(Support Our Troops!)
To: freedom44
I found this same letter posted
here. It was an open letter to Americans abroad posted by the steering committee of Americans Overseas for Kerry, one of the groups on the Kerry campaign web site.
So this text is coming from a part of the Kerry campaign. But would anybody associated with the campaign really be dumb enough to send it to the Iranian news agency? Seems more likely to me that the news agency could have gotten it off the Kerry web site, but that's just my opinion.
posted on
02/08/2004 3:36:39 PM PST
Comment #115 Removed by Moderator
To: mylife
I went to Mehr News Agency site and found no mention of this.
To: Tunehead54
Hey TH!! Long time no see. Hope to see you at future Bush/Cheney Fla rallies!
To: prairiebreeze
Democrats would vote for Saddam Satan before Bush. They aleady have...
That's how we got Clinton.
To: Howlin; freedom44
posted on
02/08/2004 3:57:49 PM PST
(Check out this HILARIOUS story !! haha!:
To: freedom44
This needs to get out to the Iranian-American community immediately.
posted on
02/08/2004 3:59:58 PM PST
(Evil thrives when good men do nothing!)
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