And what part of:
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Leviticus 20:13
does he think is not a condemnation of homosexuality?
"Homosexual victims often compensate and cover their pain by manifesting some degree of narcissism, an unmitigated expression of self-love, which is antithetical to the embodiment of the Holy Spirit and the image of God. They compulsively indulge in aberrant sexual behavior to avoid reconciling the pain of abuse or homosexual modeling."
"It is this unmitigated narcissism which accounts for why ECUSA's recently consecrated homosexual bishop will not step aside, even though his election will create a schism in the World Anglican Communion. While anyone with a modicum of Christian humility would never have placed themselves in such a position, the narcissistic pathology associated with homosexuality is diametrically opposed, and thus completely incompatible with the expression of such humility."
This is about the most accurate description that I have seen in years; the Amercian Psychiatric Association delisted homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973; it did so based primarily on political pressure, not on a sound medical/scientific rationale. I have said for years and I still maintain that homosexuality is a mental disorder - and the best reason for not allowing gay marriage is that it would legitimize a pathology. After that, there will be no limit to the madness that society will experience. By its dereliction of duty the APA sentenced thousands of young men (and women) to a lifestyle that cannot be considered sane.