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CA: Arnold's economic recovery flag is at half-staff
Sac Bee ^
| 2/4/04
| Peter Schrag
Posted on 02/04/2004 10:18:16 AM PST by NormsRevenge
Edited on 04/12/2004 6:05:12 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger likes to say that if he could sell some of his movies, he can surely sell California. But even if he succeeds in getting the major workers' comp and regulatory reforms he wants, California's business climate and its overall job picture will need a lot more attention.
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TOPICS: Business/Economy; Editorial; Government; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: arnolds; calgov2002; economicrecovery; flag; globallaborarbitrage; halfstaff; strategicindustry; venturecapital; venturefunding
To: *calgov2002; california
posted on
02/04/2004 10:18:46 AM PST
(Semper Fi Mac ...... /~normsrevenge - FoR California Propositions/Initiatives info...)
posted on
02/04/2004 10:19:24 AM PST
(Semper Fi Mac ...... /~normsrevenge - FoR California Propositions/Initiatives info...)
To: NormsRevenge
Create a California company that will support commutes to Mars illegal immigrant deportation facility.
To: NormsRevenge
Kalif's problems are simple. Confiscatory taxes and over-burdensome regulation.
No amount of fiscal legerdemain or PR campaigns are going to solve that.
Companies are leaving for better business climates in Nevada, Arizona and the like.
posted on
02/04/2004 10:41:38 AM PST
(If you agree with the French raise your hand. If you are French raise both hands.)
To: NormsRevenge
job growth in the coming year will be a dismal 1 percent This sucks...I need work.
posted on
02/04/2004 10:57:05 AM PST
Wheee The People
(If this post doesn't make any sense, then it also doubles as a bump.)
To: NormsRevenge
Eliminate the state income tax and watch CA's economy mushroom! If FL & TX can operate without a state income tax there is absolutely no reason why CA can't!
posted on
02/04/2004 11:29:35 AM PST
("C" 1/5 1st Mar. Div. U.S.M.C. Viet Nam 69&70 Semper Fi!)
To: NormsRevenge
A firm we do business with closed its manufacturing facility in Benicia and moved the jobs to Texas. Arnold better get tough and not expect any cooperation from Burton and company...
posted on
02/04/2004 2:56:28 PM PST
(Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see...)
To: NormsRevenge
they need an extension of the federal research and development tax credit, more federal spending on research and more federal funds for science and math education. Yeah, like the research choices of federal bureaucrats create new business. Right!
posted on
02/04/2004 5:06:49 PM PST
(Should we be more like them, or they like us?)
To: NormsRevenge
to be replaced by new technologies and industries What new technologies and industries?
Just what is California doing to enable new technologies and industries as compared to what it does to discourage them?
posted on
02/04/2004 5:09:20 PM PST
(Should we be more like them, or they like us?)
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