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To: TrappedInLiberalHell

Your final posts...

      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to bigeasy_70118
On News/Activism 11/28/2003 9:15:31 AM PST #2 of 9

Apparently "The Streak" continues...

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The Ten Worst American Cities to Live In
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to BlackRazor
On News/Activism 11/24/2003 8:28:38 AM PST #54 of 277

I agree on Hartford. Other than working there, which I had to do for a few years, I can't think of a single compelling reason to go there.

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      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to areafiftyone
On News/Activism 11/24/2003 7:50:25 AM PST #3 of 27

It wasn't a waitress that heard him talk about 'having enough to bring it down'? Next thing we'll see is John Kerry and Michael Jackson pulled over down in Alligator Alley while they detonate Michael Jackson's nose.

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Indian dude claims to have gone 68 years with no food
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to vp_cal
On News/Activism 11/24/2003 7:12:17 AM PST #2 of 81

Indian dude claims to have gone 68 years with no food

He must have been waiting in line at a KFC.

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Three for the Road (Third car a trend?)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to PeteFromMontana
On News/Activism 11/23/2003 5:21:58 PM PST #37 of 52

I always felt that way as well, that might be a conservative thing

Another one here. I've long held I would have been happier in the 1940s. I even prefer the music from that era, and I'm only 31. If we could have the 1940s back, with modern medicine grafted onto it, I'd be pretty happy. Only drawback, no Free Republic.

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Ohno withdraws from World Cup due to death threats
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to OahuBreeze
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 9:46:57 PM PST #8 of 8

There's only one way to react to this story: Ohno!

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Jobs From Hell -
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to hispanarepublicana
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 9:19:00 PM PST #5 of 22

Tree surgeon to Al Gore
Swim coach to Ted Kennedy
Food taster to Saddam Hussein
Camel-loosener to Osama bin Laden

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122nd Anniversay of James Garfield's Assassination
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to ambrose
On General Interest (Chat) 11/21/2003 8:45:46 PM PST #4 of 5

McKinley's assassination was the one that really changed the world. Incidentally, did you know that one of Lincoln's sons was present at three separate assassinations? From

"Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abe Lincoln, was present at the assassinations of three Presidents: his father's, President Garfield's and President McKinley's. After the last shooting, he refused to attend any State affairs. He would not have been present at these events if it hadn't been for the brother of John Wilkes Booth, who saved his life years earlier. "

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The jeers will not make him think again
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Pokey78
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 6:46:21 PM PST #6 of 20

I found this article on, a satirical online site. I thought it was appropriate for this thread:

Your Pink Tank Convinced Me That The War On Terrorism Is Wrong!

This is going to be hard for me, very hard indeed. But...sigh...I realized that I was wrong about the war today. We never, ever, should have invaded Iraq.

So why did I back the war for so long? Well, I have to admit that I was seduced by the logical and reasoned arguments for going to war. After all, the only hope we have of preventing future 9/11s and worse, much, much worse, is to go after not only the terrorist groups with global reach, but the rogue states that back them.

By taking out Saddam, we not only struck against an anti-American, mass grave filling thug who either had or would have reconstituted his WMD, but we knocked out a tyrant who had direct ties to Al-Qaeda. It all makes soooooo much sense...until you stop thinking about it logically and just let the pictures speak to you.

What pictures you say? The pictures from the protests in Britain that I got from UK Indymedia. Now I know what you're probably thinking, "Come on Hawkins, those people are a big bunch of 'useful idiots' for Saddam and the terrorists!". Sure, that's true, but you have to set aside logic, facts, and common sense and just look at the pictures. Let me give you some examples. Here are 3 pictures, all followed by what each pic said to me...when I let them into my heart!!!!!!!

"Our pink tank filled with children will stop terrorism!"

"Our facepaint and puckish attire proves we're right about laying down for terrorists!"

"Mindless slogans and street theater will make the world safe from Al-Qaeda!"

So you see? It's like Richard Gere said,

"In a situation like this, of course you identify with everyone who's suffering. (But we must also think about) the terrorists who are creating such horrible future lives for themselves because of the negativity of this karma. It's all of our jobs to keep our minds as expansive as possible. If you can see (the terrorists) as a relative who's dangerously sick and we have to give them medicine, and the medicine is love and compassion. There's nothing better."

That's right folks, maybe if we Americans weren't so concerned with building democracies in long suffering countries and stopping terrorists who want to murder all of us, we'd take the time to give a little love to the terrorists and Saddam Hussein. That's what the protestors taught me folks & I hope you can learn from them too.....


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Turkey fryers can burn, explode (Darwin nominee)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to mhking
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 3:58:22 PM PST #35 of 118

Mississippian George Glenn set out to fry a turkey last holiday season and almost cooked his goose.

"As God as my witness...I thought turkeys could fry."

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Putnam Fired by Wal-Mart
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Poohbah
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 3:23:05 PM PST #11 of 22

Hey, I was making a joke too...didn't know you disliked Wal-Mart.

I was talking strictly about the shopping experience. I understand WHY it is the way it is -- narrow aisles, lots of people, it just doesn't appeal to me personally. I find Target to be a less stressful experience (and I realize that they're a different segment of the market). My point was that I wasn't commenting at all about whether Wal Mart was a bad/unethical/monopolistic business, and I STILL got slammed, as though it were my duty to like Wal Mart on principle alone, even if I didn't appreciate their physical implementation. For some reason Wal Mart causes even conservatives to choose sides and insult each other.

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Putnam Fired by Wal-Mart
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Poohbah
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 3:06:08 PM PST #8 of 22

Hey, I don't have a dog in this fight, I was just making a joke. I once dared to say how I don't enjoy the experience of shopping at a Wal Mart, and a normally nice, reasonable poster jumped all over me. Can't win, sometimes.

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Putnam Fired by Wal-Mart
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to groanup
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 2:37:54 PM PST #2 of 22

Let me sum up the remainder of the thread:

"Wal Mart sucks!"
"No they don't, you stinkin' liberal commie symp!"
"Do too!"
"Do not!"


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Low self esteem makes you dumb - official
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to freedom44
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 2:29:25 PM PST #9 of 25

Low self esteem makes you dumb - official

Yeah, and children with bigger feet have larger vocabularies, and can spell better. (' feet grow as they get older). Thanks to John Allen Paulos (popular math writer, of such books as "Innumeracy" and "A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper") for this example.

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Jury returning to court room in John Mohammad (Washington DC sniper) Case. May have decision...
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to longtermmemmory
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 12:08:11 PM PST #42 of 46

Serve when called for Jury duty.

I've only been called once. It was for a civil case. I waited in the room with the other potential jurors all day, watching nearly everyone else get called in to be interviewed. Finally, someone came in and said they had finished selecting jurors and we were dismissed. It ended up being a waste of my time, but it beat going to work. Fortunately I brought a book to read.

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(Slick Willie) Clinton Releases List of Favorite Books
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to steppenwolffe
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 11:15:52 AM PST #17 of 117

This reminds me of those 'Listmania!' lists, e.g., "So, you want to look like a pompous intellectual liberal...a 21-item list by Bill Clinton"

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Jury returning to court room in John Mohammad (Washington DC sniper) Case. May have decision...
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Constructionist
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 11:06:22 AM PST #27 of 46

Women jurors are a joke.

I wouldn't go that far. I'd say arguments from emotion have no place within a jury's deliberations. Women TEND to make these arguments more than men, in my experience.

Emotion has a place in the world -- it would be a dull world without it. And certainly jurors feel emotions when they listen to testimony. But a jury needs to consider evidence and the law, period. The voir dire process, in theory, should winnow these people out, but I don't have the highest confidence in voir dire. Look how well that worked for O.J.

I couldn't believe that any person in their right mind truly had a REASONABLE doubt that O.J. was guilty. I was stunned at the verdict, as I'm sure many Freepers were. Maybe that's why I read Ann Rule true crime books. She picks cases where the bad guy gets caught and punished, and where the police and prosecutors are the GOOD guys. I can't wait for her book on the Green River Killer. It probably won't come out for a year or two, however.

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Stiff punishment as man goes down for two years (2 years prison term for man who received oral sex)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Protagoras
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 10:37:13 AM PST #29 of 51

Their version of the "Patriot" Act.

Or in this case, the "Patriot Missile" Act.

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Michael Jackson Look-Alike Contest Entries Request
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to putupon
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 9:47:58 AM PST #53 of 57

I think he looks a lot like Rita Rudner. This was the closest photo I could find of her.

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(VANITY) TVNewsLies.Org (This is WORTH seeing, folks)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Severa
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 9:23:38 AM PST #3 of 9

Scary: The fact that the media is heavily biased in favor of liberal ideas.

Scarier: The fact that there are people who think the media is too conservative.

Scariest: The fact that those people often vote.

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Cabbie who says he won't pick up gay men draws fire
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Loyalist
On News/Activism 11/21/2003 6:32:17 AM PST #11 of 16

It seems to me that cabbies have the right (maybe even a duty) to not pick up people who don't look 'right'. This guy was merely explaining one of his criteria. He probably won't pick up people who look like drug addicts, criminals, or homeless, either.

It's no different from hitchhiking (forgetting for the moment that it's usually illegal). If you want to get a ride, you have better luck if you look wholesome and nonthreatening.

I'd bet he'd pick up gay people if they acted like regular human beings for the duration of the cab ride. And I'm sure he HAS done so.

I don't see the problem. Maybe the guy should have kept his mouth shut about his criteria. But I don't hold the fact that he HAS such criteria against him. Everyone is entitled to protect themselves from situations that look like trouble.

Just my opinion.

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Jackson to Surrender 2pm EST, 11am PST (Live Perp-Walk Not-Breaking News Thread)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Born in a Rage
On News/Activism 11/20/2003 1:18:41 PM PST #742 of 961

influenced by the propaganda of American media against Islam and the Muslims.

What parallel universe does this guy live in? The American media is Islam's best friend! Especially radical Islam!

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Jackson to Surrender 2pm EST, 11am PST (Live Perp-Walk Not-Breaking News Thread)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Peach
On News/Activism 11/20/2003 12:50:24 PM PST #661 of 961

The Jackson's have none but think they do because they are idolized by the fringe elements of society.

Janet Jackson once said that if she found out a potential date had a small 'member', she would fake a cold to get out of the date. (I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it). What a nice, well-adjusted family they are.

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People Magazine Announces Sexiest Man Alive
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to steppenwolffe
On General Interest (Chat) 11/20/2003 12:35:09 PM PST #20 of 28

Also on the list are democratic strategist James Carville

What they don't tell you is the balloting was done by the American Herpetological Society.

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Jackson to Surrender 2pm EST, 11am PST (Live Perp-Walk Not-Breaking News Thread)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to jimbo123
On News/Activism 11/20/2003 12:08:41 PM PST #441 of 961

Will Jackson have to remove his nose for the mugshot?

When Jackson passes through airport security, and the guard asks him to place all foreign objects in the tray, Michael saves time and sits down in the tray.

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Protestors just pulled down the statue of President Bush ..
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Puppage
On News/Activism 11/20/2003 9:59:22 AM PST #59 of 155

Nope. Just not a very big fan of lazy, ghetto language.


Please use English. (Sorry, couldn't resist...I mean to say "I apologize. I was incapable, unwilling, or otherwise unable to subjugate my desire to post the preceding sentence, thereby contradicting and circumventing my normal self-control in such matters.")

To be honest, I hate ghetto-speak myself. I was just having a little fun there.

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Yahoo Robots
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Lazamataz
On General Interest (Chat) 11/20/2003 9:37:13 AM PST #31 of 37

It's a good thing you didn't fall asleep on your keyboard -- you might have killed 'her'! Either that or you'd get a reputation for the greatest lover of all time.

I wonder, if you typed "Gort, Klatuu Barada Nikto", would that turn her off?

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White House Evacuated [Update- reason still not clear, evacuation over, people return inside]
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to seamole
On News/Activism 11/20/2003 6:58:10 AM PST #80 of 202

No matter: they have built their own Bush statue, in order to tear it down.

That is the most childish thing I've ever heard of. What's next? Will they all threaten to hold their breath until they turn blue?

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Lewinsky: 'I can't get a man'
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Mark Turbo
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 5:00:00 PM PST #180 of 205

Well done! Put me right to shame!

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Do ya Think?
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Nitro
On General Interest (Chat) 11/19/2003 4:41:51 PM PST #2 of 16

Do ya Think?

Not if I can help it.

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Reporter 'could have assassinated' Bush
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Mr. Mojo
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 4:13:12 PM PST #3 of 22

An undercover reporter who worked as a footman at Buckingham palace for two months claimed today that he could have assassinated President Bush as he arrived last night.

He's not pointing out the lax security, he's pointing out how he was robbed of his chance.

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Bush dons tux and tails for state dinner *[Unabashed Bush Bash ALERT]*
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Oldeconomybuyer
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 4:03:43 PM PST #15 of 42

Top Hat, White Tie And Tails -- Irving Berlin

I just got an invitation through the mails:
"Your presence requested this evening, it's formal
A top hat, a white tie and tails"
Nothing now could take the wind out of my sails
Because I'm invited to step out this evening
With top hat, white tie and tails

I'm puttin' on my top hat
Tyin' up my white tie
Brushin' off my tails

I'm dudein' up my shirt front
Puttin' in the shirt studs
Polishin' my nails

I'm steppin' out, my dear
To breathe an atmosphere that simply reeks with class
And I trust that you'll excuse my dust when I step on the gas

For I'll be there
Puttin' down my top hat
Mussin' up my white tie
Dancin' in my tails

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Russian school charges pupils for toilet trips - to pay for repairs
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to presidio9
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 4:00:25 PM PST #4 of 5

School officials instituted a plan to charge pupils for toilet trips in order to pay for repairs that were needed after students vandalized bathroom fixtures

This sounds so quintessentially liberal to me. High crime? No problem, just raise taxes for everybody to clean up the mess left by the criminals.

It does give new meaning to pay-as-you-go, however.

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Fla. Woman Has Stroke, Gets British Accent ~ Extremely Rare 'Foreign-Accent Syndrome'
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to RedBloodedAmerican
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 3:51:42 PM PST #9 of 46

She became a recluse and even contemplated moving to England until she read about the disorder last spring and contacted experts.

My first wife swore I would talk Japanese and Russian in my sleep. I know how to count in Japanese (well, in a rudimentary fashion), but I don't speak the language. And I know maybe a half-dozen Russian words. It's unlikely I learned the languages without knowing about it, so perhaps I was speaking gibberish in those two accents.

My guess is that there is a part of the brain used to normalize different accents into recognizable speech, and this woman's stroke somehow linked this ability with her own speech.

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Musician reinvents 'fart as art' -
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to UnklGene
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 3:11:13 PM PST #6 of 11

There are no songs like Great Green Gobs of Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts

I knew there was a hole in my life! I could never quite figure out what it was until now!

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Teacher Suspended After Nauseating Experiment (Made 'em puke)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to steppenwolffe
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 1:21:38 PM PST #12 of 14

A high school teacher was suspended for a classroom experiment that caused several students to vomit

"Got Milk...of Magnesia?"

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Lewinsky: 'I can't get a man'
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to GeekDejure
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 1:17:47 PM PST #157 of 205

Bill Clinton: "You know, Monica, we never talk..."
Monica: "Mmmm..mmmm.mmmmmmm.mmmmm"
Bill Clinton: "Oh, yeah, now I remember why."

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A Royal Toast: GWB with QEII
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to TrappedInLiberalHell
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 1:10:21 PM PST #25 of 175

had = hand

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A Royal Toast: GWB with QEII
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Quilla
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 1:09:54 PM PST #23 of 175

I understand it is proper to raise one's glass for a toast and then casually set it down without drinking from it.

It wouldn't surprise me if the liberals made some joke along the lines of "Yes, I lifted the alcholic beverage in my had, but I didn't imbibe..."

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A Royal Toast: GWB with QEII
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Frank_Discussion
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 1:05:35 PM PST #14 of 175

Gotta Ask - What is he drinking?

Looks like I wasn't the only one wondering (see my reply #7).

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A Royal Toast: GWB with QEII
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to TomGuy
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 1:03:08 PM PST #7 of 175

I wonder how toasts work for a nondrinker. Do they put something nonalcoholic in the President's glass? I know how important traditions and protocol are to the Royals.

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Lewinsky: 'I can't get a man'
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to DumpsterDiver
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 12:49:00 PM PST #150 of 205

hosted a reality TV host.

Is she Catholic? Maybe she's used to eating the host.

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Lewinsky: 'I can't get a man'
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to martin_fierro
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 12:36:35 PM PST #137 of 205

She's just lookin' for a regular fella(tio).

When interviewed on the Today Show, Lewinsky's latest date was asked why he couldn't bear to kiss her on the lips. He responded "Alas, whore Couric, I eschew her fellatio..."

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Arrest warrant issued for Jackson
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Peach
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 11:36:38 AM PST #213 of 276

How can such a famous person who was in Las Vegas as recently as yesterday not be found by law enforcement?

He just found the nearest Star Trek convention. Everyone thought he was a gay Klingon from the new Star Trek series, "Star Trek: The Next Degeneration".

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Arrest warrant issued for Jackson
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Miss Marple
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 11:27:55 AM PST #188 of 276

The sad thing is, with the Peterson, Kobe, and now Jackson cases, Arnold's first months in office will be no more than the fourth most interesting story in California.

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Jackson bail for Multiple Child Molestation set at $3,000,000!!! (Live Thread)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to 1Old Pro
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 11:24:05 AM PST #112 of 160

This guy is not impressive. This could be his biggest case ever and her should treat it like it is and not cavalerly.

I disagree. He seems like a guy who will do what needs to be done, no more, no less. I distrust those who act like it's the case of their lives -- they seem more interested in a conviction to boost their career, rather than because it's the right thing to do. And I like the way he is being brusque with the press. He reminds me of Donald Rumsfeld.

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Arrest warrant issued for Jackson
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Howlin
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 11:14:26 AM PST #131 of 276

The D.A. seems like a very funny, yet professional, guy. I feel bad for him when the race-baiters try to accuse him of racism. It's only a matter of time.

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Jackson bail for Multiple Child Molestation set at $3,000,000!!! (Live Thread)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Hillary's Lovely Legs
On News/Activism 11/19/2003 7:05:12 AM PST #9 of 160

The raid coincided with Jackson's release of "Number One," his first album since "Invincible" flopped last year.

Number one is in deep number two.

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      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to Centurion2000
On News/Activism 11/18/2003 6:05:30 PM PST #289 of 416

I hope they find men like that ... because they will HATE them. Just watch.

There was an article in "The Onion" a year or two back. It was about a woman who finally succeeded in 'domesticating' her wild boyfriend, and then she expressed dissatisfaction with him, and started lusting after his still-wild friend. As Homer Simpson says, "It's funny because it't true."

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Statement by the President on Marriage (MUST READ -- Dean/Kerry/Clark Statements Follow)
      Posted by TrappedInLiberalHell to MeeknMing
On News/Activism 11/18/2003 5:34:45 PM PST #151 of 310

In fact, I'm quite unhappy about the FAGACHUSSETTS ruling.

It wouldn't surprise me if people start vandalizing road signs, blotting out or otherwise obscuring the first letter in "Massachussetts". Not that I advocate any such thing -- it's juvenile and criminal. I'm just saying it wouldn't surprise me.

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Click to show more posts ...

163 posted on 12/12/2003 11:09:30 AM PST by Sabertooth (Credit where it's due: prevented SB60, and the Illegal Alien CDLs... for now.)
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To: Sabertooth
Thanks for rounding up Chris' recent posts. He was very clever and quick with a pun.
174 posted on 12/12/2003 11:18:55 AM PST by EggsAckley
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To: Sabertooth
Thank you for collecting his posts.

He was so funny...
206 posted on 12/12/2003 12:31:00 PM PST by proud American in Canada
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To: Sabertooth; ALOHA RONNIE; rodeo-mamma
Seeing TrappedInLiberalHell's picture and posts
are making me cry.

Thank you for posting his work.

Sincere prayers for his family.

887 posted on 12/20/2003 2:06:57 PM PST by Joy Angela
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