The press would crucify this colonel if his name would be revealed. He'd get the same treatment the liberal media and the 'Rats are giving the general who told the truth about Islam the other day.
It never occurred to me to question this statement for a few reasons (none of which excuse the fact that I didn't question this statement, lol):
1) the troops have been making similar statements throughout the war,
2) Rep. King said it live yesterday - on Sean Hannity's radio show, I think(?) - and he certainly knows the political risk of attacking the press,
3)you will never hear an officer accuse the press so brazenly - in person, in public. (I think it's against policy).
CENTCOM let me know that they don't (won't?) compete with the press. SOD Rumsfeld spends at least a few minutes reassuring the troops every townhall meeting (in response to the troops who are upset at the press) that the American people 'have a good center of gravity' and will find the truth.
(I'll do some research)
The United States Military vs. the Media: Constitutional Friction (Long)