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Michael Schiavo Larry King Live
CNN Live ^
| 10-24-03
| Larry King
Posted on 10/24/2003 7:05:19 PM PDT by JustPiper
Michael Shiavo gets Larry King Monday October 27th,2003. This is a change of programming from website!
TOPICS: Announcements; Crime/Corruption; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: bulemia; ccrm; dadoffered700000; dadwantedthemoney; electrolites; finallythetruth; husband; killedmomanddad; king; murderer; potassium; prdisaster; presstitutes; schiavo; terri; terrischiavo; thereisnomurder; tslist; wonttakepolygraph
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To: JustPiper
And Terri is short for? Is it her middle name also? Did I see somewhere that Terri's name is Theresa Marie?
Seems like it was in some document or other.
To: FL_engineer; floriduh voter; kimmie7; sweetliberty; pc93; Coral Snake; PrepareToLeave; Republic; ...
GREAT, thanks for transcribing that Greta segment -- needs to get out far & wide. the night before, Baden had no idea Terri's initial condition or that there was more to Terri's story to explain our grave concerns.
Like everyone else, when Dr. Baden sees the evidence, hears the testimony, he realizes there is more to this. We must continue to work to get the facts out -- any way possible -- honest people will understand how wrong this is.
PLS PING everyone -- not sure all who need to have seen this imp. addition to the info arsenal. this is important, add it to your posts today.
Greta, this is what we were talking about -- pls f/u on this incredible story -- of all the coverups in Terri's fight.
posted on
10/25/2003 7:29:00 AM PDT
To: NYer
Thanks for the heads up!
To: FL_engineer
I didn't see that show - thank you very much for the transcript. Good on Greta for doing this as well. Every time more information eeks out, it is helping galvanize opinion for her. And it sure is needed considering the vast arrary of death camp media helping to kill her.
To: oreolady
7. On that same evening, why did you not even call 911 for her?
That right there tells any thinking person that he was biding for time for her demise. We would all spring into action for an injured loved one - without regard for our own safety if the situation warranted it - he did nothing. He conveniently did everything just the opposite. This man is a monster and he's getting panicky because the light is beginning to shine on him, in my opinion.
To: FL_engineer
Thanks for the transcript. I just sent Greta an e-mail encouraging her to follow through and uncover the full truth behind Terri's situation.
posted on
10/25/2003 7:58:07 AM PDT
Ferret Fawcet
("A wise man's heart inclines him toward the Right, but a fool's the Left" ~Ecc. 10:2)
To: FL_engineer
Dr.Baden: That... some kind of trauma. The trauma could be from an auto accident, the trauma could be from a fall, OR the trauma could be from some kind of a BEATING that she obtained from somebody, somewhere. Very very interesting. Women in their 20's don't just get brain injury and she was discussing her desire to escape her bad marriage with a friend just before she mysteriously collapsed?
posted on
10/25/2003 8:03:36 AM PDT
To: Ferret Fawcet
Greta is reading our emails.
She has answered mine saying that she is "digging into this story looking for more facts".
posted on
10/25/2003 8:06:20 AM PDT
To: Hildy
that this man has been living this nightmare for 14 yearsWhat evidence of there is that? He's had a lover on the side for most of that time --- if not all or more. He's got a new family started, he had plenty of spending money from some lawsuit won for Terri's care. He's always had a choice to divorce Terri and just move on with his life. He just hangs around trying to make sure she dies.
posted on
10/25/2003 8:10:19 AM PDT
To: cyn; Budge; Pegita; Ladysmith; Calpernia; Babalu; floriduh voter; dandelion; PleaseNoMore; ...
"We must continue to work to get the facts out -- any way possible -- honest people will understand how wrong this is." I am taking a lot of comfort that the facts are starting to get out. As was pointed out in a couple of other posts we also need to address and add to our outcries the most important of the Constitutional issues involved as well.....the right to life, which is very concise in both the U.S. Constitution and in the Constitution of the State of Florida. Just the fact that so many people are paying attention, reminding eveyone we contact that we KNOW that the Constitution first and foremost guarantees that right could help weaken the opposition in the coming battle over the Constitutionality of Terri's law. Besides, our leader doesn't fight with great armies, He takes the least among us and empowers us by His Spirit to do great things.
"Now the same night it came about that the LORD said to him [Gideon], "Arise, go down against the camp, for I have given it into your hands. "But if you are afraid to go down, go with Purah your servant down to the camp, and you will hear what they say; and afterward your hands will be strengthened that you may go down against the camp." So he went with Purah his servant down to the outposts of the army that was in the camp. Now the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the sons of the east were lying in the valley as numerous as locusts; and their camels were without number, as numerous as the sand on the seashore. When Gideon came, behold, a man was relating a dream to his friend. And he said, "Behold, I had a dream; a loaf of barley bread was tumbling into the camp of Midian, and it came to the tent and struck it so that it fell, and turned it upside down so that the tent lay flat." His friend replied, "This is nothing less than the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel; God has given Midian and all the camp into his hand." When Gideon heard the account of the dream and its interpretation, he bowed in worship. He returned to the camp of Israel and said, "Arise, for the LORD has given the camp of Midian into your hands."
He divided the 300 men into three companies, and he put trumpets and empty pitchers into the hands of all of them, with torches inside the pitchers. He said to them, "Look at me and do likewise. And behold, when I come to the outskirts of the camp, do as I do. "When I and all who are with me blow the trumpet, then you also blow the trumpets all around the camp and say, 'For the LORD and for Gideon.' " So Gideon and the hundred men who were with him came to the outskirts of the camp at the beginning of the middle watch, when they had just posted the watch; and they blew the trumpets and smashed the pitchers that were in their hands. When the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers, they held the torches in their left hands and the trumpets in their right hands for blowing, and cried, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!" Each stood in his place around the camp; and all the army ran, crying out as they fled. When they blew 300 trumpets, the LORD set the sword of one against another even throughout the whole army; and the army fled as far as Beth-shittah toward Zererah, as far as the edge of Abel-meholah, by Tabbath. (Judges 7:9-22)
I hope we can be inspired by the story of Gideon, who was the least of his house and a cowardly little man besides, and yet God built his faith even as He decreased his numbers to a mere handful of men against the mighty armies of the Midianites and the Amalekites who, in their confusion, turned their weapons on one another and fled in fear before Gideon's tiny army who simply stood by and watched.
Terri's Army ping!
posted on
10/25/2003 8:12:56 AM PDT
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: JustPiper
Exactly! That's why we need to write all weekend how Michael and Felos are whacked! I am composing mine right now , please give CNN facts on the link provided in an above post! Better yet, we need to email Fox and demand they put the Schindlers, Msgr Malanowski and some of the medical staff (who left the hospice after not being able to tolerate the lies surrounding Terri) on one of their shows on that same net. Let Fox destroy CNN in the ratings' war.
posted on
10/25/2003 8:17:29 AM PDT
What evidence of there is that? He's had a lover on the side for most of that time if not all or more. According to what I've read, he's been involved with the other woman for seven years. That's half, not most. I've said on other threads I do not begrudge the man a life for himself.
--- He's got a new family started, he had plenty of spending money from some lawsuit won for Terri's care.Again, he won money for himself, that's his money to spend on what he wants to spend it on. The money for Terri's care, until there's other proof, has been spent on Terri's care. How much does it cost these days to care for someone 24/7? I know three years at the hospice. That leaves 11 years of paid bills. Who paid for that? If there is any money left, how much could it possibly be?
He's always had a choice to divorce Terri and just move on with his life. He just hangs around trying to make sure she dies.Again, don't you think divorce would be the easy way out for him? Maybe, just maybe, he is trying to do what he thinks is right. I'm not saying I know anything for sure, but neither do you. The difference is, I don't go around saying I know what's in the heart of someone else.
posted on
10/25/2003 8:18:08 AM PDT
To: mickie
Greta is really good about reading & replying to e-mails. I considered e-mailing Larry but I figured there would be a greater chance for actual results if I contacted Greta.
This will be just the begining of Michael's media rounds, and I dearly hope he includes FOX in the rotation. My gut tells me he won't, though...
posted on
10/25/2003 8:18:56 AM PDT
Ferret Fawcet
("A wise man's heart inclines him toward the Right, but a fool's the Left" ~Ecc. 10:2)
To: cyn; FL_engineer; Fritz; mickie; sweetliberty; PeyersPatches; All
Just got this email update. Please ping others to contact FL AG Crist about Michael Baden's comments on need for investigation:
This is VERY IMPORTANT, please send this to who ever YOU know is fighting for Terri and helping to save her!!
This Man (Charlie Crist) NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE Michael Schaivo and NOW, he should have done this BEFORE now! Everyone KEY in on him and tell him Michael Baden, Expert Forensic Pathologist SAID this should have been investigated long ago!!!
Ask him WHY he is SITTING on his HANDS and let him know you are angry and want ACTION on Terri's Behalf and nothing ELSE is acceptable!!! Send the email or fax!! OR both I say we do BOTH if at all possible ... remember he has already been LESS then helpful ... read this about what he did or rather did not do in the past, before you email him. Blessings and a BIG (((HUG))) from me too... Everyone sleep well...Love, Lisa
Crist said the Schindlers had not made a ''persuasive case''
Florida's Attorney General Intervenes in Schiavo Case
From Sarah Foster, reporting for World Net Daily. Click here.
if you cannot get it by clicking this link...go here Attorney General Charlie Crist
Office of Attorney General
State of Florida
The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
(850) 414-3990
Fax: (850) 487-2564
posted on
10/25/2003 8:20:17 AM PDT
(Take W-04....Across America!)
To: Hildy
...I find it incredible that this man has been living this nightmare for 14 years, and you all come in the past month and think you can pass judgement on him......
I find it incredible that Terri has been living this nightmare of 14 years and the courts think it is justification for killing her.
posted on
10/25/2003 8:23:08 AM PDT
(It's just not safe to vote Democratic.)
To: oreolady
Can you post the contact info. for Larry King. We need to nail him with e-mails, calls, etc. Giving air to Michael Schiavo!!!? Sheesh.
posted on
10/25/2003 8:23:48 AM PDT
(A good site to visit is . Oct. 15th 2pm death order must be stopped)
To: ClancyJ
I am not making a call about whether Terri should live or die. This thread is about Michael Schiavo and accusations about him made 14 years after the fact.
posted on
10/25/2003 8:24:21 AM PDT
To: pc93
So you don't even want to hear what Michael Schiavo has to say? I'd think you'd want to, since you care so much for Terri and all.
posted on
10/25/2003 8:25:02 AM PDT
To: Hildy
We know Terri didn't get her injuries from any car accident and she had no major illness that anyone knows of. Women in their 20's don't just keel over and end up comatose from a brain injury. She was complaining about her marriage, we've read how her friends and family members described her unhappiness, his control-freakness over her, her desire to get out if she knew of some way. Something is wrong with this case.
posted on
10/25/2003 8:27:51 AM PDT
According to what I've read, she had a potassium imbalance which caused the brain injury. This is consistant with her lifestyle of dieting. If it was known he was such a terrible husband, why wasn't this explored 14 years ago?
posted on
10/25/2003 8:29:31 AM PDT
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