Posted on 06/05/2020 11:23:50 AM PDT by Zenyatta
Minneapolis City Council members are expected to vote today on changes they plan on incorporating pertaining to the police department in the aftermath of George Floyds death.
The plan was still in the works on Thursday, according to Star Tribune. City officials and members of the Minnesota Department of Human Rights discussed the process of Mineappoliss probe meant to determine if the citys police department engaged in racial discrimination in the last 10 years. Today, officials are set to vote on a temporary injunction to immediately halt some MPD practices during an emergency meeting called by Mayor Jacob Frey. If approved, theyll need a judge to authorize it, which is likely to take place next week.
The timeline for the impact of the [temporary restraining order] is for this weekend. Its for immediate accountability measures for the Police Department. Its not meant to be anywhere near starting this bigger conversation, said Lisa Bender, the president of the city council.
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They want to turn it into a giant prison recreation yard with the guards on permanent cigarette break.
here are the screams that the Mayor is a dictator. None, because our side never stands up for us.
In other words, they want to turn Minneapolis into Chicago.
Many of the cops will ‘dismantle” themselves by finding other jobs in small towns. IMO
Wait until all the lawsuits pour in because of their “new” version of policing fails....
Good Luck Minneapolis.
Yeah, that’ll work out real good....................
In other words, they want to turn Minneapolis into SOMALIA...................They already got the Somalians............................
A police force really is a sort of relatively new thing. You can always just have a permanent military presence, I suppose.
Crime runs rampant; Trump blamed
Welcome mat for looters and anarchists. What the hell is wrong with these morons?
Watch the movie “Tomb Stone”. That is what that city will turn into. Run by the criminals!
Groot orders (ORDERS!!!) police not to uyse actual physical means to control rioters and looters, Crimesha refuses to prosecute felonies according to statute, Dart refuses to jail repeat offenders and Evans backs it all up with judicial orders, and now Groot is surprised when people decide to protect themselves and their neighborhoods?
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the city will not tolerate vigilantism after groups of mostly white men patrolled the streets of Bridgeport on Wednesday night in response to a nearby city protest.
Multiple streets were blocked in the Bridgeport neighborhood Wednesday night as nearby protests dispersed. Near West Pershing Road, water gushed from an open fire hydrant as small groups gathered on corners. Some of the men held bats. One wore a shirt that said All Lives Matter, one sipped a beer and another waved at an officer as he drove by. Additional groups of people, some armed with bats, lined West 31st Street.
Asked about the situation in Bridgeport, a diversifying neighborhood that served as an Irish American power base for the Daley political family, Lightfoot said, It is absolutely not appropriate for people to take up arms, bats, pipes, whatever in patrolling neighborhoods.
Really? Anyone remember Groot denouncing the Hispanic gangs that certain aldercreatures heaped praise on for “protecting” their businesses from being looted? Anyone want to mention to Groot the ongoing gangster disciple/latin king conflict tearing apart Zone 10? We have dozens of emails about at least ten squad cars being held down daily to patrol “safe passage” corridors on Pulaski, Kedzie, Sacramento and California?
When the police are ordered to abdicate their duties, citizen patrols are the only thing left to defend the law abiding tax paying citizens.
Labels: events, we got nothing
So are they planning on depending upon the Sheriff’s dept?
Chases are Over
Predicted here by so many readers over the years, it’s finally coming true:
Before a crash involving police killed a woman in Lake View on Wednesday night, Chicago Police radio traffic indicates the officers had been told to stop pursuing a fleeing suspect.
Officers were told at least four times to terminate the pursuit, according to the radio traffic. Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Chicago Police Supt. David Brown declined to discuss any specifics of the pursuit during a news conference Thursday.
In light of that crash, Lightfoot said more changes will soon come to CPDs policy on pursuits.
Word coming in that the change is going to be “No Chasing.” Ever. Period.Chase and you will be fired.
We’re going to go out on a limb and predict a rise in drive-bys along with shootings where the offender jumps into a waiting car to flee. Because if we can’t chase for the most serious of offenses, then the offenders are going to do exactly what it takes to get away every single time.
I can’t wait!!
Seriously, let these leftist cities institute these great ideas and let them
choke on these insane ideas. These cities will burn and it will serve
everyone who voted in these morons right.
Democrats have been in power 50+ years.
Democrat mayor.
Democrat and black police chief.
Democrat and black DA.
You want change???
Vote republican.
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