Posted on 10/11/2019 1:42:44 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Hillary Ballantine leaves little to mystery when knocking on doors for Elizabeth Warren.
Ballantine, 28, of Keene, is usually swagged out in attire from the Democratic presidential candidates campaign from a navy blue Warren hat to a the best president money CANT buy T-shirt in addition to toting a clipboard and brochures.
Like any door-to-door canvassing, the environmental scientist and Antioch University New England alumnas volunteering often draws no answer. But on Saturday morning still four months out from the New Hampshire primary some residents she met had already been reached by the campaign before.
After a friendly chat, some agreed to either canvass themselves or chip in with phone banking, bringing food to the field office on Central Square or stuffing envelopes whatever is needed.
Presidential campaigns going door to door in early primary states is nothing new. But Warrens early start in May, coupled with the Bay State senators steady rise in the polls, has led to a buzz about what she has been able to get right in New Hampshire amid a crowded field.
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She makes Liz look even more like a scarecrow.
If I lived in New Hampshire or Iowa I would have a sign in my front yard:
I wish she would come to my door - I’d give her an ear full and I bet I could ask her some questions that she couldn’t truthfully answer. Oops, I forgot who she is working for - truth doesn’t matter.
She promises to ban fracking on Day 1. We would immediately go from an oil exporting to an oil importing nation, subject to whatever crises happens next in the Middle East. I want her to tell me how that would a good thing.
Warren posing in her standard issue uniform. Always, always wears the same black top and slacks topped with a different color sweater.
Gray Beaver, like other communists will either have to lie and be exposed by Trump, or tell the truth and be laughed at. Either way she loses.
How much does she charge to haunt a house?
Energy independence at home is what’s enabling us to start playing a lesser role in that godforsaken part of the world.
I would tell her I am a Biden supporter—and she needs to get out of Vermont. ;-)
As someone who is slender and small framed like Fauxcahontas is-and as much as I detest the woman’s politics-I consider a slender, healthy and well-kept body far more attractive than that overweight heifer in the photos-she’ll be Hillary sized in a couple of years...
I can’t believe there are really still people who respond to canvassers-either on the phone or in person-it sure doesn’t happen out here-even the Salvation Army, other charities wanting donations and kids selling Girl Scout cookies only hang out in front of the general store...
These are those some of the people who are fooled all the time.
Overweight heifer, LOL.
As a loyal Warrenite, this true believer heifer may well get a job in a Warren White House. Let’s hope that there won’t be a Warren White House, of course.
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