Posted on 02/02/2011 12:33:10 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet
When Sarah Palin gave her electrifying speech at the RNC convention in 2008, she stole the spotlight from Barack Obama, John McCain surged ahead in the polls and Team Obama panicked! The Democrat attack machine met behind closed doors and concluded that McCain wasn't their problem. It was Sarah Palin they must destroy. With the aid of the liberal media, they orchestrated the most vicious, unwarranted attack ever against a public servant.
This current administration's relentless drive to socialism has driven our cherished republic to the brink of fiscal and moral bankruptcy. A free and prosperous future is under attack and we must elect an extraordinary leader who will enact the tough policies necessary to restore honor, solvency and prosperity to our vulnerable country.
I respectfully ask responsible voters to look beyond the vitriolic press and consider reading about how a young woman elected mayor of Wasilla single-handedly turned a sleepy town into the fastest-growing city in Alaska. Learn how the first woman governor of Alaska became the most popular governor in America, enjoying an approval rating over 80 percent! Investing in the time to unveil the real Sarah Palin, you just might conclude she's the only potential presidential candidate on the political horizon with the backbone, the stature and moral compass to make these tough and sometimes unpopular, but necessary decisions.
As patriotic Americans, we must not allow future generations to be held hostage by the bondage of unsustainable debt, a nation in decline and the mediocrity and hopelessness of socialism. We must look beyond these times of oppression and return to championing freedom and liberty, personal responsibility, American exceptionalism and our entrepreneurial spirit. It's liberty or tyranny, the choice is yours.
Same was said about Reagan after he lost the GOP nomination in 1976. But a weak president that was unpopular because of his policies along with trouble in the Middle East helped Reagan win in 1980. And his message.
But Sarah Palin is not Reagan but not bad. She does lack his experience both in office and in the public eye. But she’s catching up on the latter.
So who's criticizing Sarah Palin?
That's typical of someone who uses hyperbole (aka lies) to make their point.
Her supporters are supporters. Her worshipers are worshipers. I "implied" nothing. I stated a fact. A Palin supporter wants to see her run for POTUS. They want to see her get the GOP nomination and win. They will put forth effort (time, talent and money) to accomplish this. Should she not win the nomination they will give their support to the nominee so long as the nominee is a conservative (this leaves out Mitt).
A Palin worshiper believes she is ordained to be POTUS and nothing can stop it. They believe any criticism of Sarah Palin is "PDS". They will publicly state that if Sarah Palin is not the nominee they will not support any party nominee. They refuse to see that criticisms of themselves as Palin Worshipers has nothing to do with her but is purely a criticism of themselves as a group. I almost expect to hear them say among themselves, "We are the ones we have been waiting for."
Dear God, you are delusional. Perhaps you’d feel more at home on a liberal site?
Go along now and take your medicine. Your ignorance is beginning to flare up.
My tag line was intended to refer to the cult of the glorified city councilman we have as President. I think we've hit the low comedy point quite early in the latest cult. She'll survive her adoring yo-yos.
Using hyperbole (yes, you are using it) for some kind of debating point is not helpful.
It's very simple, if Palin decides to run she will have to convince a majority of voters she should be president. She will have to make her case well for over a year as she campaigns. If she makes it well, she has a good chance of winning the nomination and the general. If not, she won't win.
For you to punctuate a lot of your posts on her calling her supporters "worshipers" will only demean your owns status as a poster and does not help the debate at all.
Lakeshark it’s the TRUTH!
Here’s a question for you. Would you deny that Barack Obama had “worshipers” during his campaign? Would you deny that there was an unhealthy cult of personality amongst many of his more ardent supporters? Would you deny that those supporters had unrealistic expectations of him?
There is no difference at all between the Obama Worshipers and the Palin Worshipers beyond being on opposite sides of the political spectrum. You can call my position “hyperbole” if you want but I’ll tell you point blank that some (not all and not most) of the Palin Worshipers on FR are mentally ill.
Oh really?
Sorry, I'm not buying it. It seems to me the idea of "Palin worship" has become a talking point rather than a serious discussion. Those who use it normally do so in order to silence their opposition here.
The truth? I know of only two or three posters on the entire Palin ping list (which is huge) that fit your description. Most are simply strong supporters, just like you have strong supporters of Reagan here (and likely a few over the top nuts).
My take is there are more (not you) mentally ill posters here that want to take her down. The insanity of half a dozen of those folks far outweighs the insanity of what you call the "woshipers"
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