That's typical of someone who uses hyperbole (aka lies) to make their point.
Her supporters are supporters. Her worshipers are worshipers. I "implied" nothing. I stated a fact. A Palin supporter wants to see her run for POTUS. They want to see her get the GOP nomination and win. They will put forth effort (time, talent and money) to accomplish this. Should she not win the nomination they will give their support to the nominee so long as the nominee is a conservative (this leaves out Mitt).
A Palin worshiper believes she is ordained to be POTUS and nothing can stop it. They believe any criticism of Sarah Palin is "PDS". They will publicly state that if Sarah Palin is not the nominee they will not support any party nominee. They refuse to see that criticisms of themselves as Palin Worshipers has nothing to do with her but is purely a criticism of themselves as a group. I almost expect to hear them say among themselves, "We are the ones we have been waiting for."