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To: Artemis Webb
The problem is, your argument could be used about any politician who has supporters. You could say that about Reagan or Bush, or Nixon (or Duncan Hunter) for that matter. All of them have had rabid supporters you could call "worshipers".

Using hyperbole (yes, you are using it) for some kind of debating point is not helpful.

It's very simple, if Palin decides to run she will have to convince a majority of voters she should be president. She will have to make her case well for over a year as she campaigns. If she makes it well, she has a good chance of winning the nomination and the general. If not, she won't win.

For you to punctuate a lot of your posts on her calling her supporters "worshipers" will only demean your owns status as a poster and does not help the debate at all.

28 posted on 02/03/2011 7:07:56 AM PST by Lakeshark (Thank a member of the US armed forces for their sacrifice)
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To: Lakeshark

Lakeshark it’s the TRUTH!

Here’s a question for you. Would you deny that Barack Obama had “worshipers” during his campaign? Would you deny that there was an unhealthy cult of personality amongst many of his more ardent supporters? Would you deny that those supporters had unrealistic expectations of him?

There is no difference at all between the Obama Worshipers and the Palin Worshipers beyond being on opposite sides of the political spectrum. You can call my position “hyperbole” if you want but I’ll tell you point blank that some (not all and not most) of the Palin Worshipers on FR are mentally ill.

29 posted on 02/03/2011 8:34:23 AM PST by Artemis Webb (What, if not a bagel and coffee, confirms the existence of a just and loving God?)
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