Posted on 06/16/2002 5:32:24 AM PDT by magnum opus dejure
Well, it's been 4 years since I first found Free Republic. I have always felt like I belonged here and have really enjoyed the banter back and forth between us members. I am afraid all this is now over. I am really suprised and shocked at it's suddenness. Before I leave I want to thank a freeper from Michigan who sent me a DVD player last year to give to my kids for Christmas. You reaffirmed my faith in humanity.
I know this thread will be deleted before many people get to read it, but I just can't go without saying a final word. Every since 911 the 'vibe' here at FR has been decidedly hostile. I guess it was a matter of time before the newbie moderator got around to weeding me out for my sometimes unpopular views. So I join the ranks of A+Bert and so many others who gave FR a interesting flavor. I will miss coming here 20 times a day and keeping up on things. But without posting priviledges there is just no point. I must go find another conservative group to try to be a part of.
In the future, when a freeper who has been a loyal member since August 1998 crosses the line, how about a note instead of banning? Would that have been too much? I may have gotten out of line, how is beyond me, but if such a tresspass would have been pointed out I would gladly have refrained from doing so again. It is just not right to just ban an account with no explaination. Especially when the freeper has been here 4 years. I have no idea what I am going to do with my days now that I no longer have FR. Well, I guess I have said my part. It is a sad day when one has to leave family and friends. I feel like some of you were just that. But apparently I am no longer wanted around here. I bid my good day to you all and hope that karma pays it's respects to those who do injustice.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then Willa walks by, and you lose yer mind, as you should, y'ole fart. Stay well and cuddly, poot............FRegards
LOL! It's a wonder to me that they even let him stay in the house during storms.
I once knew a women who during a six month period was in a car accident where she injured her back, was mugged, raped, fell down a flight of stairs in the dark breaking her arm, broke her hand when carrying a canoe, had her BMW stolen the day before she was returning to work. Lucky? I dont think so. One day our group was having an office picnic in the park and a severe thunderstorm broke out. The shelter we were under had a hole in the roof. We all broke out laughing as we noticed that virtually all of us were standing under the hole getting soaked so as not to standing next to this "lucky gal".
Everybody should change from GOP to Libertarian. Republicans don't do a damn thing they say they'll do and have no unwavering principles to guide their actions, other than spending lots of loot to stay in power.
You're right about coming back after a banning, in my neck of the woods we call that cojones.
Nobody ever gives their former name. That always shocks me. Nobody is going to rally to the defense of a stranger.
Sorry to pick on you, you are only the tenth blind freeper on the page.
LOL! What I always wondered about those threads, is that normal FR rules don't seem to apply. Normal rules simply dictate you stay on topic. Now, if the thread is called "A day in the life of President Bush", then anything Bush said or did that day should be considered "on topic" and appropriate for that thread. This, apparantly, is not the case. Just admire the pretty pictures, and shut up, I guess.
Around here we call it pigheadness--especially if the reinstatements are just short interludes betweeen serial banishments.
Every time I start to feel sorry for a banee, the moderators or Jimrob always prove me wrong. I need to stop being so sympathetic.
It might not be an egregious violation, but it is a violation just the same. Funny how you're screaming bloody murder, when all you got was a speeding ticket . . . and on this thread of all places.
Just out of curiousity, would you please define with a bit more clarity the term older accounts.
That's just not true. Read the moderators first post. The guy is a racist and is delusional.
The Bushies have done an excellent job of turning FR into a GW Bush/GOP moderate fan club (in practice at least) instead of an open forum for the broad spectrum of conservative thought.
That's not true either. What explains your presence if this is not an open forum? Or mine? I am as conservative as they come, and I agree with what Rush has been saying. To suggest that Free Republic is somehow repressive of our views is ridiculous. FR is repressive of conspiracy theories, but don't confuse those with conservative thought.
There is a lynch mob mentality here at FR that is very disturbing and reminiscent of .... well .... the hysterical left.
OK, that is true among a number of users. Just ignore the "day in the life" love-in fests where all the women fantasize about him and you will be OK.
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