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Jake Sullivan makes a very odd and disturbing comment.
Video— 1/2 min
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| 1/14/2025
| Unknown
Posted on 01/18/2025 5:21:05 AM PST by Phoenix8
This is some seriously sinister shit to say out loud.
It almost sounds like a threat from the people who are literally supposed to protect from this type of threat.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Conspiracy; Society
KEYWORDS: biden; hillaryclinton; jakesullivan; nationalsecurity; sullivan; transition
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Jake Sullivan says he hopes this is his last day unless something unexpected brings him back. Something “totally possible” from what we have seen in the last few days.
Is this a mental lapse Jake? Did you let something slip about what is in the works? Is there a plan for a purge or coup d’etat in 2 days Jake?
Or is this much ado about nothing?
posted on
01/18/2025 5:21:05 AM PST
To: Phoenix8
Seems like a slip because he must have believed that he was just talking to friends.
posted on
01/18/2025 5:24:51 AM PST
To: Phoenix8
His threat may well have been the reason they moved the inauguration indoors.
posted on
01/18/2025 5:27:25 AM PST
To: Phoenix8
He has been brought back once. Perhaps he thinks he will again. I personally would take put microscope on this corrupt dude.
posted on
01/18/2025 5:28:09 AM PST
Eli Kopter
(Gentle elves set light to lead the Faroes on the starry way from age to age - U. of Faroe Islands)
To: Phoenix8
I love conspiracy theories - maybe a bit too much.
So here's Chapter One to work with.
Trump does not need to be inaugurated. That's just a CEREMONY, to memorialize a FACT. Trump is AUTOMATICALLY President at Noon, Eastern Time on 1/20/25 as long as before then he takes an oath prescribed by the Constitution in front of an Article III judge or someone else authorized by law to administer oaths.
Suppose between now and noon on 1/20/25 Biden dies and Kamala Harris is sworn in (there has to be a President).
She recalls Milley to active duty and orders him to prevent a fascist takeover.
Someone please start Chapter Two (for entertainment value only).
posted on
01/18/2025 5:31:33 AM PST
Jim Noble
(Assez de mensonges et de phrases)
To: Jim Noble
Chapter 2 begins, “Donald Trump has already taken the Oath of Office on Saturday January 18.
Harris realizes that she has less than 48 hours to swing a sleepy, stodgy, over-populated bureaucracy into action.
posted on
01/18/2025 5:35:08 AM PST
(When I say "We" I speak of, -not for-, "We the People")
To: Jim Noble
Chapter 2
For entertainment purposes only
the shooting starts 12:01 PM.
posted on
01/18/2025 5:35:32 AM PST
Fai Mao
(The US government is run by pedophiles and Perverts for pedophiles and perverts.)
To: Jim Noble
“I love conspiracy theories”
We’re just responding to what he said. Seems reasonable on our side to think that the government knows more than we do regarding the inner workings in DC. Why couldn’t he just say something like “It’s been an honor to serve President Biden and I hope to stay in touch with you guys in the future”.
posted on
01/18/2025 5:37:35 AM PST
To: Jim Noble
They can’t do away with Biden. They need him to grant pardons to all the crooks before he leaves office. That is keeping him alive.
posted on
01/18/2025 5:43:57 AM PST
To: Phoenix8
God (El Shaddai, Yahshua) will turn any conspiracy to His good just as he did the assassination attempts.
At this point at least to me it has been clear the Lord is quite openly at work, even if the worst were to happen it all will work this His Glory and the good of His people.
posted on
01/18/2025 5:46:35 AM PST
To: Phoenix8
What he said is indeed creepy, and ominous. I don’t like this one bit.
posted on
01/18/2025 5:48:50 AM PST
(Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?")
To: Skwor
Hear, hear!
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
posted on
01/18/2025 5:51:54 AM PST
(Luke 12:51; Think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation.)
To: Phoenix8
Michael Rivero was a piker compared to all the crap that’s being posted these days.......
To: Jim Noble
An unhinged security agent with far left politics assassinates Trump. Biden announces a state of temporary emergency and implements martial law as part of a national crisis. Jake Sullivan indeed returns…. " Immigration, Invasion, and Habeas Corpus—-Yes, the President of the United States can suspend the writ of habeas corpus in certain circumstances, as authorized by the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act of 1863. The writ of habeas corpus is a legal tool that ensures prisoners have the right to a judicial review of their detention” "Yes, the National Emergencies Act (NEA) gives the president the power to suspend certain laws and regulations during a national emergency. However, the Constitution limits the scope of certain rights during a state of emergency, and the president's emergency powers are subject to judicial review.”
posted on
01/18/2025 6:02:22 AM PST
To: Phoenix8
Well it is interesting that all the power players in the deep state aren’t attending. Something’s afoot.
posted on
01/18/2025 6:02:42 AM PST
("If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.")
To: Phoenix8
Calm down. It was a Friday, the end of his workweek. The Biden administration doesn’t end until Monday; he only meant that he would still do what he does if events required him to work on a weekend.
posted on
01/18/2025 6:04:38 AM PST
To: ArtDodger
They can’t do away with Biden. They need him to grant pardons to all the crooks before he leaves office. That is keeping him alive.
Cumala can pardon too, if she is sworn in.
posted on
01/18/2025 6:25:13 AM PST
Old Yeller
(On judgement day, you’ll wish you were biblically correctly, not politically correct.)
To: Phoenix8
The Jakes of the world had damn well better pray that “totally possible” doesn’t come in.
posted on
01/18/2025 6:26:14 AM PST
(Time to use the Law and the Power. Good luck Mr. President.)
To: TermLimits4All
Well it is interesting that all the power players in the deep state aren’t attending. Something’s afoot.
Big Mike knows sumthin is up, and staying far away.
posted on
01/18/2025 6:27:05 AM PST
Old Yeller
(On judgement day, you’ll wish you were biblically correctly, not politically correct.)
To: dangus
Calm down. It was a Friday, the end of his workweek. The Biden administration doesn’t end until Monday; he only meant that he would still do what he does if events required him to work on a weekend.
Except the video was from 1/13/25 (Monday).
posted on
01/18/2025 6:28:41 AM PST
Old Yeller
(On judgement day, you’ll wish you were biblically correctly, not politically correct.)
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