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Discovery of how liver flushes cholesterol from body could lead to better cardiovascular disease treatments
Medical Xpress / University of Leeds / Science Advances ^ | Oct. 18, 2024 | Laeticia Lichtenstein et al

Posted on 10/20/2024 9:30:29 PM PDT by ConservativeMind

A new discovery about how the liver flushes cholesterol from the body could lead to more effective treatments for cardiovascular disease—the leading cause of death worldwide.

Researchers have found that the production of bile, which is vital for flushing excess cholesterol from the body, is affected by the rate blood flows into the liver via the "portal" vein from the intestine.

Previous research has shown that blood flow in the portal vein increases and decreases throughout the day in response to movement, rest, and intake of foods. The Leeds team has now identified that bile production increases when blood flow in the portal vein decreases, which happens as a result of exercise or fasting. Conversely, bile production is lower when blood flow in the portal vein increases, which happens when people eat and rest.

Low bile production can result in high levels of cholesterol remaining in the blood, which can contribute to the development of fatty liver disease. If untreated, this can progress to liver inflammation and fibrosis, currently affecting one in three people in the UK.

This breakthrough provides an opportunity for the development of new treatments to tackle cardiovascular disease and prevent the progression of fatty liver disease.

"Our findings can be used by surgeons and experts in diseases of the liver and digestive system such as gallstones and liver cirrhosis, in their treatment of patients, to understand better the origins of these diseases."

The team's research has revealed for the first time that portal vein blood flow is linked to cholesterol levels in the blood.

It shows that a pressure-sensing protein called PIEZO1 detects blood flow rate through the vein, sparking a chemical chain reaction which turns cholesterol in the blood into bile acids to be eliminated from the body.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Health/Medicine
KEYWORDS: bile; cholesterol; fattyliver; liver
In sum, constantly resting or eating causes low bile production, meaning more cholesterol stays in your blood, rather than be put into bile for a future fatty meal.

95% of bile is recovered before it leaves your colon. This means you normally only lose 5% of it to your toilet. However, psyllium is a key way to help lock up more bile for your toilet, rather than recovery. It seems the best time to take psyllium is about 20 minutes before you have enough fat to trigger bile release. Unfortunately, other fiber sources do not appear to have much ability to sequester bile. This is from information I have gathered elsewhere.

Combining fasting or exercise with subsequent fatty food and psyllium could be a quick way to optimize cholesterol removal, but this study only spoke to greater removal of cholesterol via increased bile production.

1 posted on 10/20/2024 9:30:29 PM PDT by ConservativeMind
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2 posted on 10/20/2024 9:31:09 PM PDT by ConservativeMind (Trump: Befuddling Democrats, Republicans, and the Media for the benefit of the US and all mankind.)
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To: ConservativeMind

Americans ate incredibly high cholesterol diets throughout their history. Yet myocardial infarction wass was never common in America until the late 19th century thru the Nor was it described by the ancient medical writers who were great observers despite its dramatic clinical presentation. In fact heart attack as we know it was not described until 1906 in the Russian medical literature and then in 1918 in the JAMA. What happened? In 1879 the mass production of narrow cylindrical cigarettes was made possible by the invention of the automatic cigarette making machine. Soon people began smoking cigarettes in huge quantities. The result was a marked increase in blood carbon monoxide levels that no mammal was genetically equipped to cope.

IMHO cigarettes were the culprit, not cholesterol so much. Since the 1964 Surgeon General’s report and the huge decline in cigarette use, the numbers aod bona fide myocardial infarctions and their severity have dropped dramatically. This decline cannot be attributed to medications or invasive cardiac interventions.

3 posted on 10/20/2024 9:47:41 PM PDT by allendale
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To: allendale

There’s no link between high cholesterol and heart disease and numerous studies have proven this. Big pharma pushes the lies to sell statins which are bad for your liver and muscles.

Big pharma sells lies and makes up diseases to sell drugs to low information patients.

4 posted on 10/21/2024 3:35:29 AM PDT by maddog55 (The only thing systemic in America is the left's hatred of it!)
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To: ConservativeMind

but cholesterol is one of the staples of our body. Every single cell has cholesterol. Your brain is mostly cholesterol. There is no proof we need to get rid of any cholesterol. Its like getting rid of wood in your house. Sure wood burns in a fire. But its never the cause of the fire. You die without cholesterol. Worry about glucose levels. Worry about calcium plaque in your arteries.

If however, your diet is very bad, you eat junk and you rarely move, and you are heavier than you should be, then you will have problems. But cholesterol is not one of them.

5 posted on 10/21/2024 4:55:29 AM PDT by poinq (thics and customs and did not take an oath to the country. And did not follow the country's traditio)
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To: allendale

Add to that:

Margarine was invented in 1869 by French chemist Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès:

The French government offered a prize to anyone who could create a cheap alternative to butter in response to a food shortage.


Mège-Mouriès created the first margarine by mixing beef tallow with water and milk. He patented his creation, which he called oleomargarine, in 1869.

Early sales

In 1871, Mège-Mouriès sold the patent to a Dutch butter-making company. The first commercial cargo of margarine arrived in the UK in 1874.

Early restrictions

In the US, the dairy industry lobbied against margarine, fearing that butter sales would drop. In 1886, the Margarine Act was passed, imposing punitive fees against margarine manufacturers.

World War II

During World War II, shortages of fats and rationing of butter led many consumers to try margarine.


The Margarine Act of 1950 overturned many of the legal restrictions initially placed on margarine sales. By 1950, margarine manufacturers in the US had almost completely switched to vegetable oils and fats.

6 posted on 10/21/2024 5:11:46 AM PDT by Red Badger (Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegals are put up in 5 Star hotels....................)
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To: ConservativeMind

Valuable information! Thanks!

7 posted on 10/21/2024 5:54:03 AM PDT by telescope115 (I NEED MY SPACE!!! 🔭)
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To: Red Badger

Nothing but butter in our house!🙂

8 posted on 10/21/2024 5:55:17 AM PDT by telescope115 (I NEED MY SPACE!!! 🔭)
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To: telescope115

Salted or unsalted?..................

9 posted on 10/21/2024 6:05:47 AM PDT by Red Badger (Homeless veterans camp in the streets while illegals are put up in 5 Star hotels....................)
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To: allendale

It’s far more complex than that. Atherosclerosis begins in the teen years with fatty plaque deposits already in the aorta and major turbulence points of large arteries. The most prevalent first warning sign of atherosclerotic heart disease (blocked arteries and heart attacks) before preventive medicine and longer life expectancy, has long been.....sudden death. That is, the first sign was often death, and that occurs in the 6th decade of life (50’s). When the life expectancy doesn’t let people live long enough to develop symptoms, when most children don’t live through the first two years of life because of infectious pneumonia, when the average person doesn’t get regular checkups and preventive medicines and other therapies to control elevated lipids, glucose, and blood pressure and to manage stress, diet, and inactivity, when inadequate caloric and nutrient intake are the norm, and when there are dangerous working conditions and frequent generational wars, then you see the early deaths, small populations, and young populations that dogged mankind for thousands of years, including Americans in the 18th and 19th centuries.

10 posted on 10/21/2024 6:29:32 AM PDT by Notthemomma ( )
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To: Red Badger
Salted or unsalted?..................


It depends on whatever my wife wants it for. I guess unsalted would be healthier.

11 posted on 10/21/2024 7:19:44 AM PDT by telescope115 (I NEED MY SPACE!!! 🔭)
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To: Notthemomma

No question that untreated diabetes, rheumatic heart disease, warfare and untreatable infectious diseases limited life expectancies ( and were in themselves a form of natural selection). However from an evolutionary perspective, humans never developed capacity to deal with chronic high, blood carbon monoxide levels. Those levels rose dramatically in the population when cigarette smoking became popular. Heretofore such levels were never seen. Cigarette smoking is the solitary worst thing you can do to your health and has been catostrophic for many otherwise healthy people especially men.

Given a choice would prefer an elevated cholesterol to having chronic elevated carbon monoxide levels. Much more research on carbon monoxide is necessary

12 posted on 10/21/2024 7:26:25 AM PDT by allendale
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