I’m generally extremely generous with my definition of self-defense (which, for me, includes defense of property) but I have to say that firing into the air, and in the general direction of a group of people who are running away seems very reckless. A white guy would be in huge trouble. A black female might be treated more gently.
If Alijah Golden-Richmond smashed the window in order to steal the car, then I am glad the perp has been eliminated.
14 years old and already committing grand larceny. In the future, this dude would have gone on to commit hundreds of crimes. Good riddance, spit.
This piece was apparently written by a 7-year-old.
Ex. ....they heard a female voice from inside saw ‘mmhmmm!’.....
It seems too much to expect even 5th grade writing competance, I guess.
“Citizens had gathered and administered two doses of Narcan to the victim, thinking this was an overdose.”
“If naloxone is administered in the absence of concomitant opioid use, no functional pharmacological activity occurs, except the inability of the body to combat pain naturally.”
So they may have made the victim’s final moments more painful, if he wasn’t already gone.