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The Rise of the Red Fascists
American Greatness ^ | 18 Aug, 2024 | Ned Ryun

Posted on 08/18/2024 7:02:46 AM PDT by MtnClimber

The mask is off, the revolution inside the Democrat Party complete: the red fascists have won and they now have two of their people as the candidates for the party.

In the 1920s, a term was coined that is very appropriate for what is taking place in America today: red fascism. It was a term that likely originated with an Italian anarchist, Luigi Fabbri, who wrote in 1922 that “‘red fascists’ is the name that has recently been given to those Bolshevik communists who are most inclined to espouse fascism’s methods for use against their adversaries.” This description and behavior of course should not come as a surprise to anyone. Socialism is intrinsic to both communism and fascism, as both are movements of the left with a massive, oppressive, and powerful State central to achieving their goals.

Consider where we are right now in this country: some people have said that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the farthest left ticket ever run by the Democrat Party in this country’s history. That’s not quite correct. “Leftist” has lost some of its meaning because more traditional liberals are on the left. Harris and Walz are so far left they’re actually off the charts and into neo-Marxist territory. If for nothing else, their strong advocacy for the Green New Deal plants them firmly in that Marxism camp.

As I wrote in February of 2019:

The Green New Deal exposed [the] lies on that front. The underlying theme to the entire plan is coercion. It has to be. This Green New Deal cannot be achieved without embracing full-blown, coercive socialism.

How precisely would the United States get to ‘100 percent of the power demand . . . through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources” in 10 years? Coercion. How do you pay for all of these ideas? Well you coerce people—and not just the despised “1 percent”—to hand over most of their income in taxes. How do you dictate all of the madness in regards to production and pollution are adhered to? Through coercion, naturally. There is another name for this kind of coercive socialism. It’s called Communism.’

Now tack on to this Kamala Harris’ beliefs in Medicare for All, mandatory and universal gun buybacks (a must for every true red fascist; can’t have the dirty little peasants resisting your ideas of progress by force), which all leads to Comrade Kamala’s newest commie proposal: price fixing on groceries to “fight” supposed corporate price gouging (damn them for their 1.2% profit margins). Mind you, none of that addresses the real rise in costs due to inflation caused by the Biden Administration’s pouring jet fuel on inflation with massive government spending, printing money up like it’s Monopoly money, and driving up fuel costs based on their belief in a hoax. But what price controls will do, as is evidenced by Maduro’s doing this in Venezuela, is lead to even more inflation (1300% for groceries in Venezuela), and then empty grocery shelves and breadlines because that’s what happens when you do such things. Just so we’re clear: there’s nothing joyful about starving.

Now on to the fascist elements of our American Neo-Marxists. For those a little fuzzy on the fascism side of things since the low IQ Left keeps throwing out the pejoratives of “Trump is Hitler!” And “MAGA is Nazis!” let me explain: fascism is all about all-encompassing, single-party state rule, about melding together the State (think big government) with big corporations (think Big Tech) to enforce the State’s narrative and to help firmly ensconce in power that single party and the wealthy elite (think Ruling Class).

The Democrat Party and the Administrative State have decided to absolutely annihilate, via corporations, your rights to free speech, and the free flow of information all while exposing you daily to the firehose of disinformation in support of the state and Ruling Class via the corporate propagandists and stenographers of the state who masquerade as “media” and “reporters.” Nor should we forget the fascist roots of the Progressive Statist movement that most Democrats identify with: Herbert Croly, one of the godfathers of the Progressive Statist movement, openly advocated for the nationalization of corporations.

If there was a silver lining to the political coup in removing Joe Biden as the Democrat nominee in 2024 it’s that the masquerade is over. No more Trojan Horsing the socialist ideals of the unAmerican Left (and by that I mean Democrat Party writ large) via the lie of moderate, likable good old Scranton Joe. The mask is off, the revolution inside the Democrat Party complete: the red fascists have won and they now have two of their people as the candidates for the party.

The question is will the American people be duped by the corporate propagandists’ nauseating hagiographic presentation of Comrade Kamala, who just short weeks ago was previously acknowledged as the nation’s leading purveyor of word salads? Or will the American people see through the lies and reject the threat of red fascism? With us living in a propaganda state, and the truth a daily victim of the lies, the fight is on to preserve liberty, equality, impartial justice, and quite frankly representative democracy. If Trump loses, all of that will be gone and our once free Republic will reside beside the Soviet Union on the ash heap of history.

TOPICS: Business/Economy; Society
KEYWORDS: centralplanning; classwarfare; communists; kamunism; pricecontrols
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1 posted on 08/18/2024 7:02:46 AM PDT by MtnClimber
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To: MtnClimber

Help “#Kamunism” trend on X-Twitter.

2 posted on 08/18/2024 7:03:00 AM PDT by MtnClimber (For photos of scenery and wildlife, click on my screen name for my FR home page. More photos added.)
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To: MtnClimber




3 posted on 08/18/2024 7:05:34 AM PDT by Jane Long (The role of the GOP: to write sharply-worded letters as America becomes a communist hell-hole.)
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To: MtnClimber

The American public is filled with people that either want this, or just can’t be bothered to pay attention. Those that don’t pay attention vote Dem because their TV told them to do so.

4 posted on 08/18/2024 7:05:51 AM PDT by brownsfan (It's going to take real, serious, hard times to wake the American public.)
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To: MtnClimber

5 posted on 08/18/2024 7:06:30 AM PDT by kiryandil (FR Democrat Party operatives! Rally in defense of your Colombian cartel stooge Merchan!)
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To: MtnClimber

We’ve had fascism growing for awhile. It’s only “red” because the fascists are also socialists. Democrat/Republican irrelevant though Repubs more passively accept it (hence RINO).

This is why Trump lit off a panic - he’s outside of the cabal.

6 posted on 08/18/2024 7:07:51 AM PDT by fruser1
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To: brownsfan

The people that want this have no clue what awaits them.

This includes dims and their media that is pushing this garbage.

7 posted on 08/18/2024 7:14:34 AM PDT by Texas resident (Que Mala= Bad Juju.)
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To: Jane Long

I got a bunch of the Kamunism memes off Twitter yesterday.

Check this thread starting at this post:

8 posted on 08/18/2024 7:15:27 AM PDT by kiryandil (FR Democrat Party operatives! Rally in defense of your Colombian cartel stooge Merchan!)
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To: brownsfan

That is one of the things that scares me. They either won’t pay attention or are too dumb to figure it out. Millions of people will vote Dem, and then when Kamala starts implementing her programs, they’ll realize that they made a huge mistake, but it’ll be too late.

I think those that are lazy or stupid are FAR more numerous than those who WANT us to turn into Cuba or Venezuela.

9 posted on 08/18/2024 7:18:58 AM PDT by hoagy62 (Don't let evil win again!)
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To: kiryandil
Thx. ALL of those memes are great.

This may be my fave ...

10 posted on 08/18/2024 7:18:59 AM PDT by Jane Long (The role of the GOP: to write sharply-worded letters as America becomes a communist hell-hole.)
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To: MtnClimber

11 posted on 08/18/2024 7:24:40 AM PDT by Dalberg-Acton
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To: Dalberg-Acton

12 posted on 08/18/2024 7:27:44 AM PDT by Allegra
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To: MtnClimber

“The question is will the American people be duped by the corporate propagandists’ nauseating hagiographic presentation of Comrade Kamala”


for those of us who have ventured into the sphere of the liberal and overheard their conversations, liberals are on another evolutionary branch where their self preservation gene was mutated out

They celebrate their ignorance. They hug each other. Above all else they hug each other.

It’s an addiction to acceptance that blinds them from facing the terrible truth they are wrong about everything.

They are oblivious to the fact they have chosen to kill themselves slowly, handing their lives over to slave masters.

The liberal is a hideous creature.

13 posted on 08/18/2024 7:32:49 AM PDT by WeaslesRippedMyFlesh (there will come a day when FR rejects articles from the NYT, et al. as "Commie trash, no thank you")
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To: MtnClimber

“traditional liberals” are not on the left. Typical lie of commie trash; just like the trannys, groomers, and pedos laying claim to the LuggButt “community” and its numbers — which are mostly gays who want nothing to do with such pervies.

Conflation and justification for pervs and criminals.

14 posted on 08/18/2024 7:49:41 AM PDT by bobbo666
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To: MtnClimber

The fascists were always red. Fascism is a kind of socialism. They were always Leftists. They openly said so.

15 posted on 08/18/2024 8:18:55 AM PDT by FLT-bird
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To: MtnClimber
To answer the question proposed I. The article... “The question is will the American people be duped by the corporate propagandists’ nauseating hagiographic presentation of Comrade Kamala, who just short weeks ago was previously acknowledged as the nation's leading purveyor of word salads?”


America is comprised of a majority of idiots. I see it quite often up here in NH. People who you would think can reason just think she is great! But can't point to a single accomplishment of her’s.

16 posted on 08/18/2024 8:56:23 AM PDT by CapnJack ( )
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To: MtnClimber

A local footnote on the Green New Scam:
In Lincoln Maine, on the site of a defunct paper mill, a company has proposed building the world’s largest battery. Where will the battery power be used? It’ll power 65,000 homes! Where will the power come from to fill these batteries? Why, windmills and solar panels of course! Why on Earth is this needed or even desirable? Don’t ask you fascist!

Meanwhile, before the plans are even remotely finished, the company gets given $147 million in Green New Scam money to augment the initial amount of private equity. They don’t even intend to get this off the ground until 2027. In the meantime they’ll be roping in suckers with great Balls Of Sunshine, telling them what a wonderful investment it is, and the earlier players will get out with their pockets stuffed. T’was ever thus. WC Fields is smiling from the hereafter.

17 posted on 08/18/2024 10:59:26 AM PDT by pingman (It's a Clown World, and we're paying for it.)
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To: MtnClimber

Thanks for the posting!

When 0bama won in 2008. I thought it was all over then. Indeed, that was a recent continuance of the entrenchment of the fascist State. But, as Democrat progressives are wont to do, they pushed too hard too fast (0bamacare), along with zero interest rates and massive State deficit spending and gave rise to the populist Trump last-gasp movement.

Things were recovering nicely on most fronts so the global Powers That Be tricked up the Covid scare, coupling it with their effective mail-in vote fraud operation in 2020 (Stop Counting!!) and deprived Trump of continuing the American recovery.

The Democrats went right back to too hard too fast - but now we are 16 years past 2008. 16 more years of big gov, big tech, big media, big immigration and big handouts further entrenchment. And lately, all the gender hysteria...

The Supreme Court has handed out some legal wins. Good, but also giving the Statists another arrow in their propaganda quiver.

The Left will try the USA election big steal again, prefaced by whatever crises they can gin up. War, 2020-style riots, social media turmoil and lies lies lies...

So, in 2008, I thought it was all over...but not quite. Unless there’s enough people agreeing that the Dems have wildly over-stepped again, the big steal may well work again and this time it will be over. The Socialists/Fascists among us are finished with incrementalism.

They have sufficient power now, they’ll be able to give the Supreme Court the big middle finger and begin detaining or perhaps even locking up dissidents, having your social media and other personal “history” as their evidences - as they did on J6. If taxes and fees aren’t enough, they can always “borrow” your cash and assets “for the greater good.”

18 posted on 08/18/2024 11:16:53 AM PDT by citizen (Put all LBQTwhatever programming on a new subscription service: PERV-TV)
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To: citizen
The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of men who wanted to be left alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the men who just wanted to be left alone.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

19 posted on 08/18/2024 11:38:29 AM PDT by MtnClimber (For photos of scenery and wildlife, click on my screen name for my FR home page. More photos added.)
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To: citizen

They haven’t taken our guns.aThe Founders were VERY smart men.

20 posted on 08/18/2024 11:54:06 AM PDT by cowboyusa (YESHUA IS KING AMERICA, AND HE WILL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE HIM!)
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