So I should change my FR password from “password?”
changing now to “password2”
That explains my camera issues.
Everybody should be using a password manager to generate unique passwords for all their accounts.
That’s a good password “10BILLION” LOL
See tag line.
I think I’ll use 1,2,3,4,5 for my next password. Any fans of Spaceballs will get the reference.
Unique one for each site, eh?
Each of us has more than a thousand passwords by now, so I guess I better hire someone to manage all that. Every invention of man actually sucks more of your life away and actually makes life harder than it was before.
“...sites like X (formerly Twitter), AdultFriendFinder, MyFitnessPal, LinkedIn and Adobe. “
Nope, nope, nope, nope and nope.
People are like pavlov’s dogs on the internet. They will sign up and salivate at anything.
I dont use any of those that were hacked.
With 10 billion passwords, how is one to know they are not changing it to one of those already compromised ones?
Must be why the goats were acting stranger than normal this morning.
jokes on them, i have a different password for every site using a formula
Use an impossible to guess password .
MySpace 360 million???
I’ll change my FR password to “Hang the B*st*rd!”
i tried out the recommended Cybernews “checker”, and like all such checkers i’ve tried they claim in my case 13 compromises, but don’t tell me WHAT accounts were compromised ... most checkers want money to provide that information, but cybernews did not, which tells me that none of them probably know exactly WHICH accounts were compromised ... so the whole thing is pretty much a scam, and much like a blood test that says you have cancer, but not what kind of cancer or where ...