But Ukraine chose poorly.
There is no way around this simple fact: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukrainian-president-zelenskiy-holding-talks-with-biden-adviser-says-2021-12-09/
***This caused a war.***
It was our call.
It was foreseeable/predictable.
It was not necessary.
No one can really provide a viable national security argument for why this was needed.
No one can really explain to an average American how this war has made them safer, more wealthy or free.
Any conversation about the wars cause with a supporter of this war, always degenerates into a conversation about some imaginary boogieman, Cold War cliche’s, a threat that isn’t even realistic (the argument that Russia will keep going once they take Ukraine), the use of slogans, personal attacks, and fake moral causes like “sovereignty, democracy, and human rights” which we use conveniently while overlooking those folks allied with us (Saudi Arabia, Jordan) or whom we do massive trade with (PRC) that don’t meet those standards either.
The epitome of dumb slogans being spewed (something like 3 slogans a minute): https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Lloyd-J.-Austin-III-on-Putin.mp4?_=1
If you say “unprovoked” enough, does that make it true?