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Louis CK accidentally reveals the bigger plot behind flooding the US with illegals—no, it’s not just for votes…

Finally: Missouri AG concocts clever strategy to shoot down regime’s lawfare against President Trump…

Government Whistleblower: Covid Shots Were Planned 20 Years in Advance

Columbia University Puts Three Deans On Leave Following Discovery Of Alleged Inappropriate Texts

Inside Joe Biden’s secret debate rehearsals ahead of next week’s showdown with Donald Trump - and the biggest mistakes he could make

Gen Z’s widening gender divide has turned political. It’s ruining our relationships.

GIORDANO: Fauci ‘condemned many students to a life of poverty’ after glaring admission

Polls: Confidence in colleges and universities continues plummet to ‘new lows’

Is CBS Suggesting That Biden Will Be Drugged for the Debate With Trump?

Coincidence? Chinese-Owned Farmland Mostly Near Military Bases

Bombshell: Japan’s Former Minister of Internal Affairs Apologizes to the Unvaccinated: ‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones’

Biden Insiders Admit ‘Scary’ Situation Is Developing Within the Campaign: Report

FDA Allowed Vaxx Manufacturers to Pillage the World for Decades
It’s a controversial topic but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Two Ways to Quietly Run Chest Freezers During Power Outages

RFK Jr. Warns of the Danger of a Potential Nuclear War, If Joe Biden Is in the White House

And we all know about Dominion voting systems

UK Politicians Abandon Ship on “Safe and Effective” Narrative
A dramatic shift in rhetoric has emerged, signaling trouble for vaccine pushers.

1,423 posted on 06/23/2024 6:24:01 AM PDT by CheshireTheCat ("Forgetting pain is convenient.Remembering it agonizing.But recovering truth is worth the suffering")
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To: CheshireTheCat

Louis CK is a freaking commie! “The US is just so unfair with it’s brilliance!”

1,438 posted on 06/23/2024 7:39:59 AM PDT by bitt (<img src=' 'width=30%>)
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To: CheshireTheCat

From Beyond the Trees in the Other Forest (CTH Posters)

June 23, 2024 12:51 am
Reply to Troublemaker10

Breaking – New CENSORED peer reviewed paper from @MakisMD out
“A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination”

“[In]325 autopsy cases [We] found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination [and] Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and eath”

Systematic reviews are the highest level of evidence followed by RCT’s

REMEMBER – Since the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines only encode for the spike protein, but not the nucleocapsid protein found in natural infection, autopsies utilizing special immune staining method can conclusively determine if inflammatory changes were caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines or natural infection.

Doctors around the world now have the tools and PEER REVIEWED research to determine for themselves what the truth is


Betsy jones
June 22, 2024 12:51 pm

The pompous jackass (tried to think of a more erudite name to call him but couldn’t) who thinks he is the font of all knowledge, Piers Morgan, gets schooled by Jeffrey Sachs on the history of why we are where we are with Russia and the engineered precipice where we all find ourselves.

Professor Sachs knows.

And he rightly calls out the Empire of Hate, LIES, Deception, Death, and Destruction for its malevolent interference in every war since WWII.

Shockingly, Morgan, a great interruptor on a par with Hannity, lets him talk.

This is an accurate and fascinating dissection of the MIC and its players. And a clear eyed analysis of Putin’s actions based on what he has always warned he would not tolerate.

Thirty three minutes…


Show this to any moron who still thinks the COVID-19 virus came from nature and then wonder HOW the various official “experts” and intel agencies still say they are “uncertain” about where it came from when they, too, must know ALL of this.

Simple answer: cover-up of culpability.

Dr. Quay speaks at TFAS Capitol Hill Lecture on COVID origins (12:19)
22 Jun 2024

So you add these seven (technical characteristics thoroughly described in the video) together and they’re independent, so a statistician can treat each of them separately, and you end up with a probability that a the virus with these seven characteristics has a chance of one in 1.2 billion of coming from nature.


Freedom Ring
June 22, 2024 4:15 pm

WATCH: 9/11 hijackers Saudi government handler surveilling US Capitol for targeting, including filming flight-path landmarks, security guards, unmarked police vehicles


June 22, 2024 10:41 am
We Are Not A Serious Nation Anymore

Karl Denninger

Nations, and the entities within it, achieve when engineering — that is, merit and facts — are placed before all else. They rot from the top when corruption, arrogance and feelings are allowed to intrude into the forefront and override actual requirements.

I can and have pointed to literal hundreds of such examples over the last 15+ years writing this column both in areas of economics and otherwise. It is not just that we are no longer progressing beyond where we were in the 1960s in this regard; we couldn’t even do that again right here and now as we’ve lost the drive required to place competence and engineering before feelings.

This, above all else, is why health care is now 20% of GDP instead of 4% yet despite this wild-eyed spending we get worse results. It is why we spend nearly $30,000 a year per student in Chicago’s public schools yet even in the 1990s the vast majority of the “graduates” could not do four-function arithmetic with paper and pencil nor write a basic business letter, a fact I can speak to because I tested every applicant at my company and kept the records as a defense against being sued under a false claim of “discrimination.” It has gotten much worse since with some schools having literally nobody who reads or calculates at grade level — and yet people believe we should spend even more. It is why we have driven mandates for various “safety” features in vehicles yet the number of crashes has not gone down but the cost-per-crash has wildly accelerated, thus so have both car and insurance costs. And we’ve come to believe in both the stock market and the rest of our lives that we can spend more than we take in, effectively charging the difference on a credit card, and there is no limit to this profligacy nor do we ever have to stop doing it.

None of that is in fact sustainable and that your toilet still flushes, the water in your tap is still (excepting Flint, of course) drinkable, the lights work when you flip the switch and the overpass you are on (or condo you are in) will not collapse while you are where such an event can kill you is far more-tenuous today than at any time in America in the last hundred years. Yes, we all have our “smartphones” but we seem to have forgotten that while having a world of information at your fingertips is great refusing to demand engineering come before feelings and rewarding failure with even more money, refusing to actually earn the funds first and rather putting it all on the credit card, will eventually fold back and when it does it might be so bad that in fact the lights do not come on when you flip that switch.


1,440 posted on 06/23/2024 7:41:29 AM PDT by CheshireTheCat ("Forgetting pain is convenient.Remembering it agonizing.But recovering truth is worth the suffering")
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1,460 posted on 06/23/2024 9:41:59 AM PDT by Bigg Red (Trump will be sworn in under a shower of confetti made from the tattered remains of the Rat Party.)
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1,461 posted on 06/23/2024 9:42:00 AM PDT by Bigg Red (Trump will be sworn in under a shower of confetti made from the tattered remains of the Rat Party.)
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To: CheshireTheCat; bitt; grey_whiskers; sweetiepiezer; norsky; ransomnote; little jeremiah; Melian; ...

ThankQ CtC for the links!


1,469 posted on 06/23/2024 10:11:10 AM PDT by WildHighlander57 ((the more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.) )
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