In the year actually here in 2024..............
I bet if you asked Paris Hilton or the Kardashians if “gender affirmation surgery” or transgender-fluidity is real, they would say “YES”
But here are these two post-modern twits, using science at the moment of conception, to choose the fixed biological sex of their child
(and can we ignore that they are then simply killing those embryos that don’t match their whim?)
Will the western world have the shortage of young women that China is now experiencing because of their years of sex-selective abortion (combined with their one-child policy)?
Can they chose from all 57 genders?
Diesn’t the kid choose gender, daily?
All that work for nothing.
Kill 8, keep 1. Rest.
A woman said it would be repulsive to have a baby boy?
Some people really shouldn’t be parents.
My (albeit imperfect) understanding of IVF was that the procedure routinely involved the implantation of several embryos - in the "hope" that at least one would "take."
I assume that, if more than one embryo "took," the medical team would then go in and "remove" (abort) the "supernumerary" embryos.
Please correct me if I'm wrong!
India, China and the Islamic world have been using sex selection without IVF for years. It involves a river, a bag of rocks, and a freshly born baby girl. Women’s groups in the west don’t like to hear this but it’s real. Now of course in the age of stem cells, baby parts are valuable so they would never be thrown into a river.