Posted on 04/16/2024 4:35:07 PM PDT by nickcarraway
Bruce Springsteen is getting some unfavorable comparisons to John Mellencamp following the latter's meltdown at a recent show. The musician walked off after getting into it with a heckler.
Now, fans are saying Springsteen and Mellencamp are cut from the same cloth. Taking to social media, several critics blasted Mellencamp and also brought Springsteen into the conversation. Critics claim that both Mellencamp and Springsteen are out of touch with the fanbase that once propped them up.
One person wrote, "I have seen JCM five times. Just like Springsteen, these guys used to be in touch with the common man. They are way out of touch now and I will not pay a penny for either of them to spew their rhetoric."
Another labeled Mellencamp to be a Springsteen knockoff. They said the musician had a history of bad behavior. They wrote, "Does anybody really care? He's a bad copy of Springsteen. He's known for his bad temper and for being a jerk. He also doesn't sell music anymore. I don't even believe his last CD even crack the Billboard top 200. The one before that only reached 197. He's selling like 5,000 copies a CD. He's an angry, completely irrelevant artist—no wonder he's pissed."
Another one wanted both Springsteen and Mellencamp to both go, writing, "He needs to go with Springsteen...."
Unfavorable Comparisons Between Bruce Springsteen and John Mellencamp Another questioned if Springsteen and Mellencamp were ever like the people that supported them. They wrote, "He and Springsteen made their fortunes by being 'just like us' and now I have to wonder if either of them ever really were... I still like their music but it's not the same as when I believed them, ya know?"
Mellencamp blew up at one of his more recent concerts. The musician got angry after a heckler told him to play some music. Mellencamp reportedly was telling a story about his grandmother that got political in nature. Rather than just letting the comment slide, the musician got angry. He shouted back, "What do you think I've been doing you (expletive)."
Mellencamp then continued to yell. "Here's the thing man, you don't know me," he said. "You don't (expletive) know me." He told other concert-goers "find this guy and let me see him after the show." Mellencamp ended up stopping the show on "Jack And Diane." He left the stage for several minutes, but he ultimately returned to finish his set.
“ saying Springsteen and Mellencamp are cut from the same cloth”
Both are dumb whiney old libtards at least one is a drunk
Both haven’t been relevant since the 80s.
Two American kids doin’ the best they can
Born to be annoying.
Mellencamp was talking about his granny not Trump
But hey let’s not stop FR on a roll lol
Nowadays, probably due to the massive amount of money involved, most rock stars have whored themselves out to the establishment, to a most obsequious degree. Their music has become mostly vapid and formulaic.
It's sad to see.
Maybe they could play songs for President Retard’s campaign and preach down to people who don’t vote for him
Like Frank Zappa said, eventually the hippies took over the record companies, and became even more “conservative” than the old cigar chomping execs who took a chance on experimental music.
He replied, “yeah, I guess you’re right.”
I think Bob Dylan said that it’s hard to maintain the common touch once you’re a millionaire. Or something like that.
Springsteen has always been vastly overrated and Mellencamp has always been a strutting little jerk. The only thing that made them the least bit listenable were their back-up bands. And now both posers are considered irrelevant to boot. No surprise there.
Yeah Kenny Aronoff, doesn’t have a lot of good things to say about John.
Johnny Courgar, just a’tryin’ to be one of the good Whiteys.
Tramps like us, baby, we were born to kvetch.
It said he was talking about his granny and it got political. I don’t know exactly what he said.
Maybe it should be : Trumps like us...
Neil Young pulled his music from Spotify because of his rage at Rogan for not believing the Federal Government.
An old freak corrupted by money and celebrity and Marxism, too stupid to realize what’s happened.
I’ve heard it explained this way. They are motivated by the guilt of their good fortune. They didn’t deserve to earn +100+ million over the course of their lifetime, so they feel guilty.
So, they take virtue standing positions to make themselves feel as though they are earning their fortunes.
Must be a Canadian thing.
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