Yeah. Probably.
Delusional doesn’t even begin to describe these Euro-morons.
Maybe we actually should cancel our membership in NATO, let them see what life is like under Russian domination for a few centuries.....................
Expect the Globohomo Ecomarxist deep-state fear-porn to flow even heavier in the next 8 months.
“Fight climate change”
Send more AK rifles to Africa!
A Trump victory would change the weather for the worse and hasten the end of the world?
Talk about fear mongering. Those poor millennials don’t stand a chance.
Good is bad. Bad is good. Heaven is hell. Hell is heaven according to this dystopian, thinkspeak dweeb.
Euroviews. A Trump win would see Africa (and the world) spiral into climate hell
There have been many, many Democrat administrations over the history of this country: Federal, State, and local. From what the “Euroviews” folks have told us, we’ve always been on a collision course with “Climate Hell”.
“He had also gutted practically all climate funding for dedicated USAID programmes in Africa”
End of story.
First we bribe them to come by offering free sh!t now we want to bribe them to stay because giving away free sh!t is too expensive. Yeah, that’s a plan.
Heat in Africa? Say it ain’t so...
They think Climate is Weather ,LOL
Between Euronews, BBC, CNN, NYTimes and all those NATO and UN pronouncements about "fighting" climate change, surely it sounds like climate change can be "fought," eh?
Oddly, all the post-COP28 "news," it comes to this. Send money. Send money. Send money.
Oh, yeah, and by the way let 'our' Africans all migrate to Europe and the US, while you at it.
But most essentially, send lots of money.
The Goebbels pic needs to be posted on this thread.
Yeah. Probably not. But hey...let’s roll the dice shall we?
Trump can control the climate?
I like fiction.
If fossil fuel burning is causing warming of the earth, that problem will solve itself as the sources are exhausted. Those fuels will become more expensive and usage will go down.
I don’t think fossil fuels are causing warming, and I don’t think a slow warming of the earth is a bad thing.
I thought Africans were a bunch of “homophobes?” Don’t liberals think they deserve “hell?”
Liberals are the only ones who possess the godlike powers to change the weather across the entire world. Voting for Trump will plunge the world into darkness. Are they really that stupid, or do they simply count on the ignorance of the masses?