Posted on 01/08/2024 10:31:35 PM PST by fireman15
Text Guide:
1. Go to the Releases page
2. In the latest release, go to the Assets section and download the Windows Subsystem For Android™ version of your choosing (do not download "Source code")
3. Extract the .7z archive and rename the folder (that you extracted) to WSA
4. Delete the .7z archive
5. Move the newly extracted folder to a suitable location (Documents folder is a good choice), as you will need to keep the folder on your PC to use MagiskOnWSA
If you're updating WSA, merge the folders and replace the files for all items when asked
6. Open the Windows Subsystem For Android™ folder: Search for and double-click Run.bat
- If you previously have a MagiskOnWSA installation, it will automatically uninstall the previous one while preserving all user data and install the new one, so don't worry about your data.
- If the popup windows disappear without asking administrative permission and Windows Subsystem For Android™ is not installed successfully, you should manually run Install.ps1 as administrator:
- Press Win+x and select Windows™ Terminal (Admin)
- Input the command below and press enter, replacing {X:\path\to\your\extracted\folder} including the {} with the path of the extracted folder
cd "{X:\path\to\your\extracted\folder}"
- Input the command below and press enter
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Install.ps1
- The script will run and Windows Subsystem For Android™ will be installed
- If this workaround does not work, your PC is not supported for WSA
7. Once the installation process completes, Windows Subsystem For Android™ will launch (if this is a first-time install, a window asking for consent to diagnositic information will be shown instead. Sometimes two identical windows will show, this is fine and nothing bad happens if you click OK in both windows)
8. Click on the PowerShell window, then press any key on the keyboard, the PowerShell window should close
9. Close File Explorer
10. Enjoy
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I run Windows 11 from an external "Windows To Go" external NVMe SSD. I posted directions on how to do that months ago, and can post links if people are interested in that. It is more convenient for me to run Android Apps using Windows 10 and there are definite performance advantages as compared to Bluestacks depending on the app or game. Of course not every Android App will run using this system.
Linux Mint is an operating system for desktop and laptop computers. It is designed to work ‘out of the box’ and comes fully equipped with the apps most people need.
Clean livin’.
I don’t read or understand latin.🤔
That Is latin?😂
Google had a sale that ended last week on their “Play Pass” for $.50 a month for three months. This allows you to use over a thousands of games and apps found on the Google Play store that usually cost a little for free. I am not an accomplished computer game player, but I do like some of the older games. And of course, my grandkids love some of the Android games on Android that actually cost money.
So I was wasting time this evening playing Beach Buggy Racing and some drone simulator flying games for free. Android Games and Apps are typically inexpensive compared to other platforms. But my old eyes prefer to play them on a big screen. I thought maybe there might be a few others here who might enjoy the same thing.
If it looks like Latin to you then you should probably skip this thread. Sorry, it all depends on what you are used to. I have been using computers since the mid 70s, so it doesn’t look like Latin to me.
Yes, I have tried out most flavors of Linux over the years. Personally, I prefer Ubuntu and especially Ubuntu Studio which comes with a large suite of content creating programs already included. Ubuntu and Mint are both based on Debian, so the experience is very similar. Ubuntu typically has a more extensive selection of applications and updates.
Bill Gate$ is a megalomaniac and ‘Doze needs to be eschewed.
I have no idea why you feel that this comment has anything to do with the content of this thread. Megalomaniac Bill stepped down as CEO of Microsoft 24 years ago and resigned from the board years ago as well. Other than in the early years he had little to do with the nuts and bolts of Windows or other Microsoft products.
Nearly all of the big computer tech moguls are leftist idiots. I am not sure why.
What does M$ Windows provide to me as a computer user that I can’t get elsewhere?
Note that I used to do real-time assembly code to run vehicle control systems produced in the millions.
My goal here was to share a project that adds utility to a computer and does not cost anything. It is fairly easy to accomplish and allows one to get a sense of accomplishment by doing something that does an end run around Microsoft. They want you to buy Windows 11 to accomplish this.
I run BlueStacks Android emulator in Windows with the EseeCloud Android app to access my security cameras. I also install the app on my Android phone to access them from anywhere.
It comes with most computers these days unless you buy a far more expensive Apple product, or a much less capable Chromebook. All of my computers double or triple boot, and I have several virtual machines with various operating systems that I keep current as well. Why? It is a hobby.
I also have a large collection of vintage computers and electronic items that go back several decades. I also collect of wind-up phonographs, old radios, and vintage still, movie and video cameras, not to mention old phones etc... I am trying to document these items because who knows what will happen to them when I leave this world.
We use Android for our security cameras as well, on computers, tablets and phones. There are a lot of apps and products made for Android phones these days that work well with a computer.
The Subsystem for Android is not technically an emulator and it is more efficient in most applications. Computers are so powerful these days and BlueStacks is mature and refined that this is not that noticeable. Somehow the system just feels a little smoother to me and a little better integrated into Windows, although you still have to do a little jockeying to do things like add books to your favorite book reading program. Why book reading applications tend to be better on Android than in Linux and Windows... I don’t really understand.
You would probably be interested in Good Old Games,
You can download for $10-$15 old PC games and own them like you used to be able to.
I downloaded CIV 3 from that site.
A long time ago I was trying to figure out how to get my integrated GPU to work in a Windows 11 virtual machine. I never did get it completely worked out, although BlueStacks makes use of it by default.
I love sites like It is much more of a challenge to get old games to work from places like I managed to get You Don’t Know Jack and WAcky Wheels to work in one of my virtual machines a week or so ago. My wife and I used to play them with friends and our kids on a Windows 3.11 desktop many years ago.
I have a pair of SimulEyes 3D stereo VR glasses that work with Windows XP and a CRT monitor with a fast refresh rate. I still have the computer and monitor that I used them with. My favorite games with that system were Descent and Descent 2. The effect was quite amazing. I noticed that had them already set up for a modern OS.
“What does M$ Windows provide to me as a computer user that I can’t get elsewhere?”
Proper low blue light adjustments for using my PC at night. Windows 11 has this and it works great.
low blue light = red shift ..... Your display is now more red oriented and lot less blue light. I am using this right this moment! For my 27” LED display.
Night Light .... and adjust
native -> windows -> native?
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