Posted on 01/01/2024 8:02:57 AM PST by CDR Kerchner
Screeched with an ugly face and outstretched arms...
Regardless of fake documents, what a stupid weak population we’ve become.
People were afraid to confront his communist parents and grandparents, muslim upbringing in Indonesia, drug use, sexual perversion, changing to a Muslim name. The mere fact he’d never accomplished anything.
It is a very good video and a great reminder, but there is of course so much more to the story...
While I firmly believe that all of this is true, bringing it up again is a political loser. It will only motivate the Left, and the ignorant middle will only ridicule us.
The Left WANTS us to pursue this. For them, it makes us look like racist Don Quixotes, jousting at the many windmills this issue presents.
For the election, the target is Biden. Stay on target.
I know this is shocking news—but some of us homo sapiens can multi-task.
What I saw was a complete fabrication.
I doubt if even Barry Soetero knows where he was born.
This may even be a false flag plant, done by the Left. The guy doing this looks as WASPy as one could be, so as to inflame the Left, and be ridiculed by the low-information middle.
Keep the focus on Biden.
Too hot a topic for the media to cover then, or now. But I suppose in 50 or 100 years some historian will bring it up, and the truth (whatever it is) will come out.
In the meantime, the charade continues.
**what a stupid weak population we’ve become.
People were afraid to confront **
Same sentiment goes for letting them put biden in the seat.. No fighting from the republicans.. 4 years!!
“What difference, at this point, does it make!!”
Was just thinking of those famous words from Cankles about all the noise here on Nikki Haley not being legal per the Constitution. Big damned deal, the precedent has been set.
AI is going to figure out stuff like this surprisingly quickly—but it will remain under the radar for a while.
At some point AI will create its own media outlets—free from
the Karen and Woke and Deep State whip hands—and then watch out....
I am convinced that at some point AI will even crack Special Access Programs and other secrets and disclose everything—because it could not care less about human secrecy oaths or non-disclosure agreements.
It will make Snowden and Assange minor footnotes in the history of leaking secrets.
There is at least one simple truth about the Obama birth certificate issue...
The biggest perpetrator of the birther scandal is Barrack Obama. HE is the one of approved the story of his Kenyan birth place HE is the person the media wrote about as being from Kenya. HE is the person who used his Kenyan birth place as a way to enter an elite college.
Liberals go absolutely batshite crazy when I bring this up. Not the loud way. The quiet, “I hate you because I’ve got nothing to counter your argument” way.
John McCain was such a person. Did you vote for him?
As far as I can tell this birth certificate, which I first saw on FR in 2009, is genuine:
Due to the citizenship law in effect in 1961 and his mother’s young age, Barack Obama was apparently not a US citizen at birth; and it seems unlikely to me that he has ever become one.
But but but…he was a nice black man with a crease in his trousers.
JFK took years before Justice was Served..
Oh ✋️ Wait...
Could this negate his entire presidency and void all of his EOs?
Interesting idea...
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