Tommy Dorfman actress? There’s another set of movies I won’t watch. It seems like every movie or TV show has one.
This entire event was a set-up from the get-go.
That’s why it was being videoed by the freak ‘partner’.
This was to get ‘publicity’ for his acting career, and national attention.
On that score he succeeded.
It was a publicity stunt and nothing more...................
That’s why I only watch TCM- there may have been some in he old movies, but they at least shut their mouths about their depravity and just acted without preaching about homophobia every 5 minutes in the movie. Plus the old movies aren’t laced with over-the-top angry skinny white girls beating the crap out 250 lb biker dudes, or over the top foul language.
The only new movie I’ve seen in the last say 20 years was the joker movie. It was pleasantly unwoke- it did surprise me thouHg as I thought it would be nonstop woke nonsense.
Tommy is just a mentally challenged man pretending to be female.