Posted on 11/26/2023 2:19:52 PM PST by know.your.why
Nature Ping. Vicious bear fight. Not for the squeamish.
Recorded 3 June 2023 Filmed from a boat... We were watching a tranquil scene of 2 bears shagging on the beach…we thought how lovely…something you don’t see very often. Then we noticed another bear making its way towards them…he was on a mission…and he went in for the attack while our 2 lovers were still joined. She made a hasty departure. The guide we were with said the aggressor had killed and eaten a cub the day before…he seemed to have the blood lust…it was the longest 20 minutes of my life…I felt sick watching it but I knew this was a once in a lifetime encounter. At the 12.45 mark you will see a lone bear in the water…she was hanging around watching the whole thing (not the original female…she was long gone) hoping for some male attention. (We were told she is too young to mate and the males are ignoring her.) We thought it was all over at this stage….both bears had gone their separate ways but they met up again in the bushes…that is when Round 2 started…they went at it for about another 5 minutes…they were so exhausted…they both walked off in the end.
Cool post. That was one of the best videos of bears fighting that I have ever seen. Thanks for posting.
Cherche la femme! Toujours!
(fighting over a girl.)
Why you don’t mess around with bears. They are apex predators in the wild.
I always HATE it when the husband strolls in like that.
My wife always keeps a bear bell on her backpack. We are totally safe.
Don’t start nuthin’, won’t be nuthin’.
No music?! Then I’m not watching.
Dinner bell????????
So far we have not been dinner. Knock wood.
My Dad’s farm bordered the Great Smoky Mtns Nat’l Park...I have been around black bears my whole life and never really worried about them, but if I was out west around grizzlies, I would NOT go out without my Ruger Super Blackhawk....
My old manager was moving to black bear country in western Colorado. She knew I hunted and wanted my opinion on her sons and husband wanting to purchase a handgun. They had been going to Colorado for years for hiking and never took a gun. If I had her email, I’d send her this link of the grizzlies.
“No music?! Then I’m not watching.”
I imagined the Star Trek TOS fight music.
Screw that, I’m going Dirty Harry style, .44 magnum.
Not so sure about the black bears tho, springtime and mama has her cubs with her, you’re in for a whole world of hurt.
wonder if he finished???
I’ve been around them for 74 years...Never had a problem...Just leave them alone and move slowly...Don’t run...
It’s the tourists that cause problems...”Oh, look!!!! A bear with a cub!!! Let’s get pictures!!!!”
And here they go, running to them like idiots...
Ruger Super Blackhawk IS a .44 Mag.....
Well THAT just makes me look ... uneducated 😆. In all seriousness, I’ve never owned a large caliber handgun like that, closest I ever got is a .357 magnum, and that in revolver form.
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