Posted on 11/03/2023 8:51:41 AM PDT by Tench_Coxe
Today’s Republicans, as well as Christian nationalism, are a greater threat to the United States than the Hamas terrorist organization, which is responsible for scores of terror attacks including the most recent massacre of over 1,000 civilians — according to a recent Salon piece that is drawing fierce backlash for the “gross” assertion.
Following the deadliest attack on Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust, Salon magazine published an essay declaring MAGA Republicans and Christian supporters a “bigger threat” to America than the Hamas terrorist perpetrators.
The Thursday essay, titled “MAGA and Christian nationalism: Bigger threat to America than Hamas could ever be,” was penned by columnist Brian Karem, the former senior White House correspondent for Playboy.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
But given that, I typed "maga bigger threat than hamas" into a search engine. Looking at what popped up, the insane Salon article, and given Wray's comments the other day where he slyly equated Americans with Hamas as potential terrorist threats, the Uniparty is telling you who they deem the enemy.
And its not islamic terrorists, unvetted military age males coming across the border and being shipped throughout the United States, its the American taxpayer. That's "us". And we're funding it.
Let that sink in.
How many MAGA Christians have made news for mass killings while yelling “Jesus loves you!”?
Yeah? And when exactly has MAGA Christians raped and beheaded babies and women?
The commies and Nazis in Amerika are scared shirtless of Patriotic Americans and Christians. The Saloon Magazine says so, so it must be true.
Salon; meet Charlie Hebdo! Charlie knows about terrorists.
Not all fertilizer comes out of a chicken’s rear.
Well, I’m not a republican (although I haven’t voted for a DemonRat in three decades or so).
But you bet your booty I’m a Christian Nationalist. An UNASHAMED Christian Nationalist.
Come and get me. Better bring hardware.
They are in less of a hurry and trying to be sneakier. That is all.
Bill Maher basically said the same thing, except it was before Trump was running, but conservatives love posting Maher’s comments now.
“Salon Magazine: MAGA Republicans, Christian Nationalism ‘Bigger Threat to America than Hamas”
Be realistic.
These are people who believe their revolution is over and that they are simply in the pursuit-mopping up phase (and they may be right).
So, when they use words like “America™” and “Our Democracy™”, they do not mean what you mean when you use those words.
Defining “America” and “Our Democracy” they way THEY intend those words to be used - they are absolutely correct, MAGA and Christian Nationalism are ENORMOUS threats, much bigger than HAMAS, which, as far as I can tell, is no threat at all to my America or to “Christian Nationalism” (unless Christian Nationalists intend to relocate their nation to Palestine), which seems unlikely.
Exactly. None have!
MAGA Christians oppose killing babies.
Hamas all for killing babies and torturing them as much as possible.
Democrat conclusion: MAGA Christians bad.
What kind of kink in your think would you have to have for that to make sense?
But a lot of it does come out of Jack asses and horse’s asses.
When the Islamists attack us on our soil again, they still won’t apologize. They are militant in their hatred.
After giving it some thought, I think I agree with the Salon article.
MAGA Christian Nationalists are *not at all* a threat to America the Beautiful, the “One Nation Under God” Constitutional Republic founded on Judeo-Christian principles by the Founding Fathers. Rather, we represent the best and only chance to save that Shining City on a Hill, to continue to be the beacon of light and hope to a screwed up world, maintaining peace through strength and the force of good.
However... Salon’s right, MAGA Christian Nationalists are ABSOLUTELY a HUGE THREAT to the “fundamentally transformed America” vision of Barack frickin’ Hussein Islamobama, and his cabal of marxists and muslims that stole the 2020 election and installed the pliable demented figurehead Jao Beidan to continue to “run” the “new America” — into the ground.
And I’m proud to be one of those MAGA Christian Nationalist counter-revolutionaries.
Maybe a google search would bring something up.....
OTOH, look for muzzies and antifa to start doing it to make Christians look bad.
His granddad was “Lebanese”.... which probably means he was of Palestinian persuasion.
Which reminds me of the two nutty sisters of Lebanese extraction and links to John Kerry who cuddled up to Petraeus and the SOCOM crowd.
Kentucky born guy, Lebanese on his grandfather’s side but secretive about his family.
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