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To: daniel1212

When the bargain is too good to be true, YOU are the product.

Too many people are willing to trade their freedom for a few dollars. Or a few dollars off. Are you one of them?

Want cool t-shirts? You can make your own (along with hats, mugs, tumblers, etc.) for a reasonably small investment in a heat press, and possibly a printer.

8-in-1 heat press can be found new for under $200. Sublimation printer also under $200 (though you can pay thousands). Some inkjet printers can be used as sublimation printers.

Once you have this setup, you can print anything you want. Could be a revenue stream for you or your church.

25 posted on 09/11/2023 1:12:13 PM PDT by generally ( Don't be stupid. We have politicians for that.)
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To: generally
Too many people are willing to trade their freedom for a few dollars. Or a few dollars off. Are you one of them?

Trade my freedom for a few dollars? You mean freedom to buy from whom I want, versus restricted to way overpriced local or otherwise domestic products if they are even made here anymore? And which tax-funds a liberal government here that longs to do what the Communist do. And such which, in the interest of votes/power, traded domestic self-sufficiency to China

The US has morally gone over the edge, with almost every corporate entity saluting the flag of Sodom, besides related issues such as the high cost of manufacturing, it is so dependent upon foreign supply that even the military must rely upon China, or other governments who also promote immorality and repress Christians and basic freedoms.

Want cool t-shirts? You can make your own (along with hats, mugs, tumblers, etc.) for a reasonably small investment in a heat press, and possibly a printer. 8-in-1 heat press can be found new for under $200. Sublimation printer also under $200 (though you can pay thousands). Some inkjet printers can be used as sublimation printers. Once you have this setup, you can print anything you want. Could be a revenue stream for you or your church.

You mean purchase more products that depend upon the above?

This is not 1950.

26 posted on 09/11/2023 5:01:31 PM PDT by daniel1212 (As a damned+destitute sinner turn 2 the Lord Jesus who saves souls on His acct + b baptized 2 obey)
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