Lowe’s is chuck full of toilets made in China. Putin will be just fine.
The US should send over the large flush capacity toilets that were removed to save water in the US.
Then Russia would use up their water and have a drought.
This is pretty petty stuff.
Yeah, lack of lavatories is going to cause a societal collapse in Russia. Next thing you know they’re going to be forced to use bidets!
One would think Russia might have enough trees to make its own TP.
The UK is only screwing over their own companies doing this, it’s not like these items have a military use.
For one, the commode is located in a room the size of a small closet. There's nothing else in there. No sink, no bathtub, just a crapper.
The water tank is mounted on the wall above your head. Hope it doesn't come crashing down on you while you're taking a dump.
The commode itself is a different design than what we're used to. Instead of crapping in a bowl filled with water (which helps to mask the stench), your turds pretty much fall on a dry ledge where they sit until you are finished and ready to flush. Inside a cramped closet with a warm, fresh turd sitting on a ledge, the smell is something else entirely.
And when you're finished, you flush, and most of it usually goes down the drain hole.
Now in the train station in Kiev, I was treated to squat commodes. I held it until I boarded the train, which featured a normal commode that opened up onto the tracks below. They would lock the restroom when the train approached populated areas and only unlock them when the train was in more rural locations.
Was there a shortage before?
A toilet is not of strategic importance in war. Sell them the damn toilets and take their money.
Ukraine gives me the *hits that’s for sure.
Some of the Russian soldiers in Ukraine have stolen toilets while looting civilian houses there. And yes, they shipped the toilets back to Russia. Outhouses are common in rural areas and villages.
The irony is that many of those homes in Central and the Far East don’t have running water yet.
Please make this stop. Make it go away.
More utterly ridiculous propaganda.
The British media's reporting about the war is unintentional satire that is on a level with the Babylon Bee.
Re the book "The Last Battle" by Cornelius Ryan about the Russian's final push on Berlin. He wrote that a German general saw Russian soldiers flushing a toilet over and over again and thought to himself, "Imagine the great German nation defeated by men who have never seen a toilet before".
I once had occasion to flush a Soviet toilet. Pulled the overhead chain and It went off like a rocket-powered Martin Baker ejection seat. My estimate was something like 600 gallons of water blew through it in about 3 seconds.
It actually kinda scared me for a second. It felt like it might suck me right in. Designed without the slightest concern for water efficiency.
Wish they sold those here instead of these low flow fixtures.
What percentage of toilets on Russian market are coming from Europe? I think if one says 1% it is going to be too much.