Where is Jussie Smolett been lately
“15 FIB agents should be able to figure this one out.”
No, it will take more than that. Is Juicy Smolliet running loose?
Don’t discount a false flag event. Democrats are out of control and want to eradicate their opposition.
Was it a real noose this time, or another bowline like last time, or does it even matter anymore?
Who left it? Who smelled it? Who benefits from it?
It hurts my heart to see such a ruckus over something that is probably fabricated and especially for such a low life bastard who did nothing but divide and ruin (help ruin) our republic. I loathe Barry Sotoreo (BHO) ...FJB and FUBO.
It was Obama.
How do I collect?
We all know with a 99.99999999% probability of being correct the race and politics of the perp.
It’s nice to know that you can bring construction to a halt with a piece of rope.
I wonder what the penalty would be for “leaving a noose at a construction site” would be. I thinking I could turn in my brother (even though he didn’t do it) and split the reward money. It’s not like the rope was ever used by anybody.
The $100,000 reward sounds like a pretty good return on investment . . .
Did they find a missing garage opener cord maybe?
Just like Oj was going to find out who really did it checks watch…27 years ago and seems to be still looking
Bubba Wallace, now where’s my money?.
It was me.
Where’s my $100k?
They should post a picture of the so-called noose...in the exact place and position as it was found. Rope twisting can be a unique skill...and seeing it may be the biggest clue. $100,000. I’d say they’ll never find the supposed perp.
with all the crime in chicago you would think there would be some security cameras
Bubba Wallace did it...
This thing is a total overreaction and probably was not anything intentional, yet they shut down down construction on a project this size for something like that.
Does Juicy Sommelier have a solid alibi? Chicago is MAGA Country, so, we got that goin’ for us.