For anyone that’s gonna post how do drugs get into’s all too common.
Well that a terrible design.
[[“We suspect that particular drug came in through the mail,” said Tommy Johnson,]]
HUH? They don’t investigate the mail that comes in?
They should just open a bar, so the guests don’t have to turn to illegal drugs. Make a few bucks back, too.
kinda solves the problem with lethal injection...
Are Xerox machines banned in Hawaii? This excuse sounds lame.
In Hawaii the entire Justice system is a union jobs program for family. It is a joke. Too many stupid un-necessary laws and too many people’s incomes are dependent on enforcing, trying, and imprisonment for violation of those laws.
There are some bad people out there that need to be locked up, but the majority don’t need to be.
Why can’t they just make regular old hooch out of banana peels and apple cores like we did back in my prison days? ;)