Posted on 10/07/2021 5:22:13 PM PDT by ransomnote
“So my wife and I have been doing some research, and the organism discovered in the Moderna shot by Dr. Madej appears to be a parasite known as “Polypodium”.” “
This confirms my thinking on why the fanatical, across-the-board demonization of ivermectin use.
I recommend that you discuss with your DIL vaccinations given post-natal.
“Loading” is a real concern, here.
Hospitals tend to jam everything \required\ prior to discharge (there are 2 patients...).
Have her speak to the doctor and move slowly regarding the vaccinations...SHE is in charge of the vaccinations and they should be spread out to evaluate reactions.
Remind her that she has plenty of time over the next 18-24 months for such things.
First vial was just saline (salt crystals found)
Then he finds "the thing".
Here's a quote: "If the injection is tested on a bare dish, nothing happens, and the eggs couldn't be found. Perhaps they weren't inside the injection, because some of them are pure saline solutions. But if tested on a graphite tape that's why there's graphene added inside the vaccines which nourishes the eggs."
Later - "I marked the vials number 1, 2, and 3. Only in the third one was that thing inside. and it grew, developed 4 days. then it is put into a sputtering chamber. There the temperature is high, so that the graphite is sputtered, so the electric arc burns. Another one!"
So the "thing" doesn't grow until it has the right environment. Just like a pine cone seed won't grow until it has the right environment.
Dr. Zalewksi Finds Another Life Form In Vax Vials
The only way I can describe this is like a carbon/aluminum based designed robotic tapeworm.
More future proves the past.
In the early 1930s, Hitler dismissed the influence of the Christian church, wrongly surmising that said church could be molded into a National Socialist institution.
Christians (including Dietrich Bonhoeffer) worked diligently against this effort.
In that time, Germany was both Nationalistic -as well as- a religious nation.
“The Christian Church is the only societal institution and that stand up to the NAZIs.” - Albert Einstein
The lesson here is that the German society WAS religious and therefore a situation to be dealt with.
Hitler used the Aryan Paragraph and the TOLERANCE (>fear<) of religious leaders to alter the evangelical message.
Our current society has rejected God/god in favor of >>SCIENCE<< as the determinant of fate.
Now, we see how the Fascists have co-opted SCIENCE and redefined all societal aspects of “belief” in order to manipulate the ideology.
Since we no longer trust in the providence of The Almighty, we are left to trusting on the pliable, plastic, manipulative rules of NEWScience AS DEFINED by non-scientists (politicians and media).
A difficult time is ahead.
Hitler’s manipulation of the religiosity of Germany is a lesson, but...
The USA is no longer a religious culture and has sold their soul to the voodoo of “government supported science.
The vaxx?
Climate Change?
Even down to the level of a perceived tsunami from the Canary Islands.
The answer is to re-discover our religious roots; a belief in a merciful God that LOVES His creation and wants it to prosper (”be fruitful and mul;multiply”)
Our government is corrupt and beyond repair. They are the enemy of the people. And they call us 'terrorists'.
These animals took ivermectin, and stood by while they and theirs trashed it as 'horse paste'.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!
Will you give all you can give So that our banner may advance?
That’s the Moderna vaccine, right? I’m confused. Is Covid the parasite, or is the vaccine the parasite?
I’ve believed it’s the Covid; otherwise Ivermectin wouldn’t be a cure. When Fauci was cooking up Covid, he also was implanting parasites in dogs inn his lab from Hell/Wuhan. Coincidence? I think not.
Well, both parties are symbolized by animals...
We shoulda' known. Why didn't we see this coming?
Another animal did.
The protest that ate Manhatten.
I’ve been watching / listening to the La Palma volcano. Fascinating. When one hears a dog barking or a cock crowing, it like normal daily life goes on, there’s just a great big fire in the background, that’s all!
Yes, I have not seen anything new there for a week, but I do not have a Telegram account and I think there was a window where one was to sign up for something -—didn’t do that either.
At the IngersollLockwood site there is now this, a PAC, supposedly linked to McAfee...
Countdown 2021
The Answer to the ONE Question you ask yourself every day…follows (email blocked by service provider, we will resolve!)
The Sleeper Must Awaken.
We will only win, if we pool our resources. We are many, they are few. Our solution follows…
First, to those wanting some dirt or dump or leaked files or trash on the Globalists and their shills, we cannot help you – WikiLeaks, Project Veritas, JudicialWatch, EpochTimes and others are doing a fine job.
Second, for those of you who want Ingersoll Lockwood to tell you just sit back, relax, “Patriots in Control” and “Enjoy the Show” those words were a bad choice by those who continue to work behind the scenes on our behalf. Globalists are (mostly) in control and pull the strings of their installed and/or corrupted puppets, globally, now, at an accelerated pace – and to much risk – to implement The Great Reset – because it’s also speeding up The Great Awakening. Australia and Israel – both democracies – have become globalist controlled medical tyrannies. They are only months ahead of the USA if we don’t do something about it.
Third, with Mask Mandates, Lockdowns, Fuel and Food Price Increases, Forced (bioweapon/depop?) Vaccinations, access to Therapeutics being blocked, Open Borders, False Flags including Pipeline closures, Small Businesses folding right and left, and on and on and on…is this “The Show, we should Enjoy, while Patriots (are allegedly) in Control?”
NO – Wake Up. The Sleeper (#WETHEPEOPLE) Must Awaken. You are in control…if you seize the day. #WETHEPEOPLE – We are the Patriots. We will be back in control, but only by working together in harmony, pooling our resources and creating peaceful ‘force multipliers’ in defense of our waning freedoms and our God-given rights.
YES – We have an answer. If you don’t like the answer, or can come up with a better one, or want to go back to waiting on “The Plan” – please do so – we are stretching our resources to make this happen and there’s a minimum threshold of Patriot support or it won’t get off the ground. No one on our team is taking a DIME of this money and we’ll be open book to show it – only overhead and new resources to manage this organization, will be covered and outside of the lawyers, this will be a tiny amount. With that said….
Here is the Answer to your Question:
it requires shared financing, like Medi-Share. Also, please note – this is ALL OR NOTHING…If we don’t reach our minimum goal of $100,000 within 30 days, we don’t launch. The real membership goal is $300,000 to be fully operational (read below). DONATIONS = MEMBERSHIP. Please don’t donate random amounts and don’t be anonymous so we can send you your membership agreement and membership card. Here are the numbers:
By joining our organization, with annual membership donations of $99 for individuals and $199 for small business owners (1-25 employees) and $399 for medium size business owners (26-2500 employees), like Medi-Share, we will pool the financial resources, with very low overhead, to provide services to members. We plan to use legal tactics and law suits to protect our members rights. We will create case law or prove/reiterate that the government of each town, city, state and at the federal level operates for #WETHEPEOPLE. This organization is by and for American citizens only. Feel free to copy our model in other countries and try to take back your rights, where possible.
Please read this more than once and email if you have any questions relevant to this fund raise for launching Peaceful American Constitutionalists by October 17, 2021.
The ONE question you’ve been asking yourself every day is “how do we reclaim our Nation, our personal sovereignty and freedoms while such corrupt, oppressive and evil Globalists have a stranglehold on America?
For many many years, some of us knew this was coming and prepared for it. A great awakening vs a great reset. While the US Constitution and state Constitutions have not yet been destroyed, while the Last President filled many of the courts with constitutional judges, our last moment to launch the Great Awakening and begin a new and positive era for humanity, has arrived.
“What do you have to lose?” Your health, your family, your job, your right to travel, your life? If not NOW, then WHEN, if not US, then WHO?
By joining our organization, with annual membership donations of $99 for individuals and $199 for small business owners (1-25 employees) and $399 for medium size business owners (26-2500 employees), like Medi-Share, we will pool the financial resources, with very low overhead, to fund the following:
Constitutional Legal Defense – Once we have 1,000 members signed up (ie at least $100,000 in the ‘pool’) we will install a Constitutional Lawyer as corporate counsel who will help us help members in a limited direct capacity under our banner, as a strong message to offenders affecting your rights, to ‘back off’.
Scaling it Nationwide – Lawyers in all 50 states will be hired on retainer and standing by to come to the defense of members in URGENT need. This may be to simply write a letter to help resolve an issue where someone (government official, school board, a local government agency or a business) attempted to trample your constitutional rights. To be able to do this, we need at least 3,000 members (or at least $300,000 in the ‘pool’) to have the financial backing to kickoff the P.A.C. We will be open books to our members and show our extremely low overhead costs, each year.
Constitutional Rights Training – We will be limited in what cases we will be able to support BUT we will provide training materials, sample citizen rights documents, and much more.
Extras for Business Owners Members – We’ll provide legal documents on how to turn your business into a private club within the purview of state laws, so you can ignore all medical tyranny mandates, and much more.
Member Communication Training – How to communicate your message publicly, how to communicate with each other. Tools and techniques to stay in touch even if the internet goes dark. HAM Radio training tools, Satellite Phone training tools – where to buy, how to use properly and much more.
Right To Privacy Training – What things you should get rid of or update – devices, apps, smartphones and how to replace them or add a blocking technology to reclaim your privacy. How to leverage and other agencies as well as the credit bureaus to reduce risk of identity theft.
Members Running For Office – You’ll get to see the list of members running for office. They will agree in writing that their Oath to the State and/or US Constitution matters tremendously to our members and that should they infringe our rights in any way, while in office, they realize we will hold them accountable.
Non-members Who Pass Muster Running for Office – You’ll get to see the list of non-members running for office who we will try to vet (like NRA does on 2A). They will agree in writing that their Oath to the State and/or US Constitution matters tremendously to our members and that should they infringe our rights in any way, while in office, they realize we will hold them accountable.
Links and Offers to other resources to help you become self-sufficient – having access to your own power supply, clean drinking water, storable foods, in house and outdoor gardening and much more.
On and Off Grid Communications and Meetups – We will find and deploy multiple ways for all members to communicate and to organize, peacefully, ethically and legally for redress of grievances and to be better trained and better prepared for the challenges and risks that come with being an honest, ethical, peaceful patriotic american who is no longer a sheep being led to slaughter, but a member of a P.A.C. of Lions and Lionesses, standing up for our Constitutional rights and helping each other, collectively.
Membership cards will be provided with normal business hours number and emergency (only if you’ve been arrested) 7x24x365 number for after hours to reach our lawyer(s). Login access to private portal, online training materials and links to critical survival gear to purchase (offsite, discounts may apply).
Our legal defense is for defending your constitutional rights related to the current state of affairs and ongoing activities, post COVID-19 and will not replace DeltaDefense 2A legal support or LegalShield or other normal legal services you might choose to obtain.
The more members, the more legal power and leverage we will share, together. Where we go one, we go all.
Are you doing your Patriotic Duty today? Evil fears You, a Patriot of the Great Awakening.
If you are afraid to email or mail your personal version of this letter, today, or call them and leave a voice mail, the Sleeper has not Awaken, yet.
Where are the fact-checkers on all that garbage put out by Big Pharma?
Spectacular set of headlines. My first glance was “no way is this stuff that effective”, then I read down. Seems that it’s not effective at all.
Given that the big backers of the jab are into population control, I would say that based on your charts, the jab is quite effective in its intended purpose - to remove people.
One could home....
On the other hand, there's a lot of good land and good people between the two.
Orange is today’s color of the revolution?
Ghetto-pottami meeting?
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