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One FAKE PCR ‘Test’ to rule us all. How the CDC/FDA/NIH and World Health Organization made themselves gods.
8/25/2021 | vanity

Posted on 08/25/2021 5:07:47 AM PDT by ransomnote

The PCR test is fake. It is not a ‘test’; it is a research tool that can be used to exaggerate the presence of minute amounts of material, which might otherwise be missed, so it can be studied. Therefore it can detect the presence of unimportant levels of damaged organic materials which aren't causing any sort of illness or problem.

The inventor of the PCR called it an assay, and said, in reference to HIV, it could not be used to determine if someone had a disease. The PCR can detect fragments of organic material months after a person encountered a variety of viruses and successfully avoided becoming ill as a result.

When the Covid PCR test was created, the FDA filings stated that the PCR ‘test’ was created without access to the Covid virus. The only meaningful way the Covid virus could be used to create a test is if it was isolated into a pure sample, without any other materials present to ‘confuse’ test results.

No purified samples of the Covid-19 virus exist. After 19 months, no one has successfully isolated a sample of the Covid virus. This should be utterly and absolutely impossible. But in the days of Covid, farce and fallacy are normalized. All our ‘betters’ have to do is raise their voice above ours and reality is redefined, words take on new meanings, science is reconstructed to fit the ‘narrative’.

If you can patiently listen through a conversation that winds in and out of everyday language, right into very technical biolab-only shop talk, and back out into standard English again, you might want to listen to Dr. Mikovitz as she describes with suitable accuracy why the false claims that the virus have been isolated are not true. This is a sensitive subject because the ‘filthy medical elites’ rely on us believing that they know what they are doing, and the failure to isolate the Covid virus destroys their credibility.

The first order of business for those concealing the fact that there are no isolated samples of the Covid virus is to attack and attempt to destroy the credibility of anyone pointing to the ‘inconvenient truth’. Therefore, Dr. Mikovitz will no doubt be called every conceivable name, but I encourage you to listen for yourself. She worked in the NIH labs, she’s spent decades doing this work. No need to throw her under the bus for speaking the inconvenient truth.

Here’s a time-saving way to catch the basics of her evidence. I transcribed about 10 minutes of a video in which she is interviewed.

Want more? This one is less technical. There’s a lot more where this came from. People have been pointing to the fact that isolated samples of Covid-19 are unavailable since the ‘plandemic’ began, and that includes the CDC and pharma companies which created the FAKE PCR and performed an impossible feat: they ‘validated’ shoddy vaccine trials with a FAKE PCR known to give false results!

FDA document admits “covid” PCR test was developed without isolated covid samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else

Oh, I know. Some will rage at the name of the author of that article (she’s a lefty), but the point should be made that EVEN THE LEFTIES know the PCR is NOT VALID and are willing to say it.

So now that I’ve put forth some of the evidence that the PCR test is fake, I stipulate that it’s not possible to conduct a true pandemic response with a fake PCR test. In fact, it’s not possible to prove there IS a pandemic with a fake test. It’s also literally not possible to test vaccine efficacy with a FAKE PCR ‘test’ and ‘score’ results that purportedly ‘prove’ your potential billion dollar product is 95% effective. 

For more about miraculous mystery, you may wonder why Pfizer ignored thousands of sick people in their trials, and focused on less than 200 instead, because the much larger group ‘scored’ a FAKE negative PCR test results, and were therefore merely ‘suspected Covid’ cases, not Covid-Covid, if you know what I mean. It's like only being 'mostly sick' instead of 'sick-sick'. Good thing, too, because if Pfizer had counted all those demonstrating symptomatic illness as 'sick', their Covid 'vaccine' would only be deemed 20% effective, and that would NOT be enough to win an Emergency Use Authorization!

Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—we need more details and the raw data January 4, 2021
6/2/2021, 4:19:19 AM · ^ | January 4, 2021 | Peter Doshi

For the record, of all the debates I’ve had with pro-pandemic supporters on Free Republic, when I bring up the subject of the FAKE PCR test I usually hear crickets. No one wants to touch that 3rd rail. If the test was valid, they would dive in and prove it. Those same people are vigorously pro vaccine no matter what catastrophic evidence emerges that the ‘vaccines’ are harmful, but it’s important to note that one most be pro-pandemic in order to be pro ‘vaccine’. You can’t admit the PCR is fake, there is no pandemic and then claim we all need to risk our lives on experimental vaccines which are harming people.

The fact that the PCR test is FAKE, and that we are being pressured to pretend it’s a valid test, controls EVERYTHING.

For example, our tax dollars are being given out lavishly to those who test positive on the FAKE PCR test. The test results are meaningless, but our tax dollars are offered or denied to hospitals based on the fake results.

It gets worse from there. Tens of thousands of dollars flow to hospitals who ‘score’ a fake positive test (interpret that phrase ‘score’ any way you want) but the hospital is paid to deny treatment to sick people. Yes Covid-19 funds are lavish, and they are used to ensure your mother or husband is specifically denied every conceivable treatment that seems to work, right down to Vitamin D and Vitamin C.

To understand why it’s important to deny all treatment to sick people, particularly the elderly with co-morbidities, you may want to read the following real world example which identifies the design of the CDC’s 340 page Covid Protocol. In it you will learn that the CDC dismisses all effective treatments as having ‘insufficient data’ because you see, it’s better to deny all treatment than give you or your loved ones the ‘right to try’ FDA approved medications and over the counter supplements that can save your life.

Our First Hand ICU Story - What is ACTUALLY Killing People In The Hospital [Includes my notes on video,post #1 lists treatments that helped her husband recover]

Treatments like Ivermectin and Vitamin D are important means of reducing risk and treating illness. That’s why the CDC prevents you from having access to them, and instead pressures you to take poorly trialed, failed vaccine technology. Biden has announced that N.A.C. is going to move to prescription only (it’s effective in supporting recovery from respiratory illnesses) after decades of safe use over-the-counter. Oh and Biden says all supplements are going to move to prescription only; and we know what the Biden regime does with effective prescription medications!

Public servants within CDC royalty have lifted words like “science” from the grasp of mere ‘commoners’ and now reserve the right to define that word for the rest of the tax paying United States. Doctors and researchers outside the royal bloodline exist on a lower social tier than anyone with federal affiliation as do virologists, inventors etc. – none of them have sufficient political party power to use the word ‘science’ anymore.

Misusing CDC property (e.g., words “science”, “research” “evidence” ) without the right federal affiliations can result in doctors and other experts being threatened, fired, smeared, and stripped of their ability to practice medicine or work in labs.

No matter how many researchers put forth evidence that Vitamin D is important in the prevention and treatment of Covid, the CDC steadfastly maintains their divine right to rule.  

If only the sheer volume and extensive medical history of this kind of life saving information could somehow win the unattainable favor of the CDC. Ah well, it’s better to risk letting family members die until the day the CDC lifts it’s gaze to honor what until then must remain hidden, disreputable research by veteran researchers spanning decades.

1 in 4 COVID patients hospitalized while vitamin D deficient die – Israeli study
8/7/2021, 1:53:42 PM · ^ | june 17, 2021 | NATHAN JEFFAY

In addition to denying the existence of research that manages to escape the CDC’s royal powers of censorship (i.e., medical journals, funding etc.), the CDC requires the rest of us to function as if no other ‘science’ outside their dictates could possibly be valid. It seems to be a question of loyalty. Question it too much, and they will make it a question of sanity (i.e., yours).

Doctor Restrained, Put Into Solitary Confinement After Advocating For Mistreated COVID Patient
8/14/2021, 6:14:13 PM · ^ | August 13, 2021 | Stew Peters, Dr. Stephen Guffanti

The CDC has history to consult, when faced with unruly backward peasants who dare ask for supplements like Vitamin D (See the history of the USSR). The doctor was abused to send a message to those of us who lack his level of training; don’t even think about questioning CDC royal decrees.

All of America now has the same, hateful, devious liar for a personal physician, even though Anthony Fauci isnt’even a treating physician. If the CDC finds it expedient, they will replace their ‘royal physician’ with someone else equally malevolent, so Dr. Fauci’s recent discomfort when asked for a straight answer should not be mistaken for a sign of improvement.

Our medicine cabinets can only be filled by medications the self-serving FDA and Pharma companies collaborate to ‘release’ upon us, to see if such experiments work. Along with the NIH, the FDA and CDC are heavily funded and controlled by humanitarians like Bill Gates and George Soros, and we are no better than beasts of the field to find ourselves doubting their benevolence.

Living in feudal America is a transitional phase on our way to facism. It has its own set of unique hardships. Consider that the FAKE PCR test does not distinguish between what is being called Covid, and any other respiratory disease. This means the Fake Covid test can kill you. Allow me to explain.

If you have pneumonia and should you have the misfortune of having your FAKE Covid test ‘score’ a false, positive, you may lose in life’s lottery, as Covid patients are not eligible for any medications or supplements outside of the CDC’s ‘denial of all medications’ protocol. Unfortunately, this may mean you have to weather pneumonia in a highly compensated hospital bed with no treatment at all unless you count an excessively aggressive, damaging ventilator and the gas lighting you receive from the staff.

From the moment “COVID” is diagnosed, you can be forcibly detained (medically kidnapped) if the hospital chooses because you are deemed contagious (courtesy of a test that can’t detect Covid).  Your family members can be denied access to you completely via the almighty powers of a test they know measures nothing, and one which they run at cycle levels which double down on meaningless results.

The idea of “contagion” is another area that the CDC now ‘owns’. The CDC is free to ignore its own data, and that of all research institutions and countries world-wide to create a fake pandemic, and use that fake pandemic to lock down the world and forcibly restrain the public, in their homes or in hospitals. The royals are expanding their controls now – there’s news that you can go to jail based on fake PCR test results. It was only a matter of time.

COVID-19 Patients Who Refuse To Self Isolate Will Be Sent To Jail For 5 Years In Mississippi
8/24/2021, 9:48:42 PM · ^ | August 23, 2021 |

As witnessed in Australia, these incarceration levels are introduced in specific regions, in small steps, to avoid resistance until sufficient numbers of the public are unable to lend support to one another.

To acquire a useful, dangerous contagion, one that could destroy a presidency, an economy, and with it, American sovereignty, all the CDC had to do was DECLARE a dangerous contagion. The fact that they pretend they don’t know ‘where the flu went’ and their lack of curiosity as to why we ‘don’t have the flu anymore’ is being ‘normalized’ at a bizarre pace by their friends in the malignant MSM. They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. They have a fake PCR, they don’t need the flu to exist right now; so it doesn’t exist. Only the science, symptoms, illnesses, and effective treatments that the CDC deigns to acknowledge actually exist anymore.

Thousands of experts and physicians are now designated non-persons and their research and success in treating patients cannot be utilized by the public. Citing a second medical opinion or superior expertise is a sure sign of rampant mental illness or at the very least, treasonous disloyalty.

Personally, I find it odd the CDC is blissfully accepting of the utter disappearance of the flu at the same time they are telling us another Coronavirus will be with us the rest of our lives and change life as we know it. Why can’t Covid just ‘disappear without a trace’ next year, like the flu did this year and winter of 2020? Why would a normal flu that they couldn’t use to justify socially, medically and financially incarcerate Americans be replaced by an eternal flu that will require us to henceforth outsource our immune systems to corporate laboratories for the rest of human history? Seems odd, doesn’t it?

It’s odd that so many tax dollars pay hospitals so much money to deny all treatment to sick people. It’s strange that none of us knows just how mild the illness known as Covid really is, given that even denying treatment results in a survival rate comparable to a difficult flu season. We’re becoming accustomed to living without reality, but in its place, ‘the narrative’ is metastasing.  Masks don’t work medically, but CDC royalty demands that we live like they do. That’s why it doesn’t matter that masks are detrimental to lung health.

Covid vaccines aren’t needed and are in fact weaponized, so now the Biden regime is driving us from employment and school until we pretend that they are essential and safe. If we die or are disabled and unable to work or feed ourselves as a result of having accepted the ‘vaccine’, the least we can do is not contribute to ‘vaccine hesitancy’ by speaking of it. Any quiet corner with sufficient ventilation and firm flooring for an IV stand is all we need to survive in order to protect national security.

I remember when the CDC took ownership of the word ‘vaccine’. We gathered around the computer monitor and pointed, wondering how such a basic concept could change to mean whatever the CDC needs it to mean at the moment. The children the CDC is torturing won’t have that experience – they are growing up wearing needless masks and learning fake terms like “science” and “vaccine” from the CDC; it’s the medical equivalent of royal Esperanto.

Do you recognize the tactics, for the implementation of Facism the use of a FAKE PCR test represents? Is there any other way the government and its servants in the medical community could rationalize putting a physician in 4 point restraints just for advocating standard medical care for pneumonia?

When in history, outside of Hitler’s Germany, have children been separated from their parents for medical treatments the families don’t want? At least 2 children died during Australia’s stadium vaccination event – when did the state get the right to socially capture and give children fatal medical treatments without redress? At least those parents didn’t have to watch their children die, right? It’s probably better to just email them after the rushing around dies down. The royals will not be inconvenienced by the attempts of parents to save the lives of their children.

@Elanders_Voice: AUSTRALIA- 24,000 children will be vaccinated in a stadium next week. No parents will be allowed access.(45 second Twitter Video at link)
8/17/2021, 9:38:03 AM · by ransomnote · 29 replies ^ | 8/16/2021 | Elander’s Voice @Elanders_Voice

Can you see medical apartheid taking shape? Could they bring about these changes without a fake pandemic serving as an excuse?

University In Connecticut To Fine $2000 And Block Internet OQQ.pngAccess To Unvaccinated Students

8/22/2021, 12:53:26 AM · by ransomnote · 40 replies ^ | August 19, 2021 | August 19, 2021

The CDC and it's fellow royals are not the first to portray their facist aspirations as existing for the benfit of humanity.

There is literally no limit on how far the CDC will go to 'protect' us. We have to set the limits, and we have to do it in collaboration with others. United we stand, divided we fall.

Everyday there’s more. The CDC is now replacing the fake PCR test …at the end of the year. Oh yes, the CDC royals have decided to keep using the test that does not identify…anything. By waiting until the end of the year, the fake PCR will continue to identify COvid where there is none, and ignore respiratory disease where it is present. Not to worry - Bill Gates has developed a new Covid with which to 'protect us' as we devolve into livestock.

The FAKE PCR will enable them to deny a living wage or a functioning economy to us all. The children will just have to get used to the idea of growing up without seeing facial expressions on everyone around them, as long as lung infections don’t shorten their lives or, worse, they be forced to take a vaccine that has an alarming records of heart inflammation, neurological deficits, blood clots, strokes and increasing severity of influenza etc.

TOPICS: Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: facepalm; fakenews; firehosing; gityousomelearnin; qtard; qvirus; ransomnut; scienceheldforramsom; tinfoilneeded; wheretostart
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To: ransomnote

You said that the PCR tests were activated by sequences found in cells other than from Covid. I asked you for an example.

It seems you never expected someone to ask for evidence of your claims. It is amusing to see how that that melted your brain with each subsequent post becoming more frantic.

61 posted on 08/25/2021 2:29:30 PM PDT by Renfrew
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To: bagster

or general hospital...

62 posted on 08/25/2021 2:30:11 PM PDT by heavy metal (smiling improves your face value as well as making people wonder what the hell you're up to... 😁)
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To: ransomnote

The WHO are the worst of the worst. I’d just assume take medical advice from Pete Townsend from the band The Who, before the CCP WHO shills.

63 posted on 08/25/2021 2:32:41 PM PDT by Blue Highway
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To: Renfrew
It seems you never expected someone to ask for evidence of your claims. It is amusing to see how that that melted your brain with each subsequent post becoming more frantic.

Said the raven to the crow.

You got nothing, vaxbot, and you know it. Your feeble thrashing is transparent and desperate. Your Fauci b*tch majik is rendered powerless in he face of facts.

64 posted on 08/25/2021 2:43:13 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: Renfrew
renfrew: You said that the PCR tests were activated by sequences found in cells other than from Covid. I asked you for an example.

The only way you keep dragging this out is by misquoting me.

ransomnote: None of those sequences are meaningful as they can be found in many, many, many ordinary substances (Coca Cola, Paw Paw fruit etc.) and that’s why many non-human samples test positive for “covid”

It seems you never expected someone to ask for evidence of your claims.

It seems you're incapable of basic logic. I don't need to provide samples to you when there are no isolated Covid virus samples with which to compare any number of valid examples I provide.

The format of the PCR test is known to be incapable of diagnosing disease - why would it matter how many samples I provide to those who assign me busy work? You're just spinning to make it seem like there is 'reasonable doubt' when there isn't.

Logically, you can't lab test for any illness without knowing what you're testing for (isolated reference sample), and using the wrong lab tool that can't indicate disease. 50 samples I provide would not change those facts.

It is amusing to see how that that melted your brain with each subsequent post becoming more frantic.

You mistake my growing disgust at your feeble distraction efforts. I'm suspicious because you simply can't be that incompetent, or can you?

It's like I'm posting to Fauci.....

Anthony? Anthony is that you? *taps on monitor glass*

65 posted on 08/25/2021 2:46:11 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote
Don't ignore my content and keep asking the same questions over and over like you've never been given an answer. Read the OP.

Time to step back and start over.

First: I appreciate the effort you put into your posts, you are really dedicated. Although we disagree on a lot and sometimes testily, you put the work into it. So I want to have a civil discussion and disagreement.

Second: For everything other than what I disagree, with I agree with you. I have no disagreements with the last half of what you posted at all, just the first half.

Third: From the original post:

"No purified samples of the Covid-19 virus exist. After 19 months, no one has successfully isolated a sample of the Covid virus."

The virus was isolated, replicated, mapped and distributed after "CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel" was published. Here are some articles and medical studies discussing isolating the Covid. Some of them use PCR testing as a research tool, not a diagnostic. Ever since PCR methods were developed they have been used as research tools. The issue is as a medial diagnostic tool, not as a research tool.

Feb 20, 2020: Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19.
Mar 12, 2020: McMaster researcher plays key role in isolating COVID-19 virus for use in urgent research
Mar 25, 2020: I study viruses: How our team isolated the new coronavirus to fight the global pandemic
May 18, 2020: Isolation and Full-Length Genome Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from COVID-19 Cases in Northern Italy
Jun 11, 2020: Detection and Isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in Serum, Urine, and Stool Specimens of COVID-19 Patients from the Republic of Korea
Feb 24, 2021: Phenol-chloroform-based RNA purification for detection of SARS-CoV-2 by RT-qPCR: Comparison with automated systems

Second: You cited Judy Mikovits.

Fifteen years ago she burned her career as a medical researcher due to research fraud on XMRV and chronic fatigue syndrome. TLDR, she made a complete fool of herself and destroyed her career. Using someone who already had no credibility does not help your case. When she says:

"Dr. Judy Mikovits: Correct because SARS Cov2 was never a human virus isolated from human cells and shown to be infectious and transmittable to human cells."

As I linked above, researchers have isolated it from human patients. Doctors are treating patients with it. Patients are dying from it. From post 10, Covid's entire genome has been mapped, Mikovits is denying reality.

When I watched Plandemic, it was clear to me other than her name she was telling only half truths. Looking up what I suspected, I was right. She misrepresented research and oversimplified issues in ways that could only be deliberate. What Christine Blasey Ford is to honest testimony under oath, Mikovits is to ethical medical research.

66 posted on 08/25/2021 2:48:02 PM PDT by Widget Jr
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To: Blue Highway
Blue Highway wrote:

The WHO are the worst of the worst. I’d just assume take medical advice from Pete Townsend from the band The Who, before the CCP WHO shills.

See the bolded text within the transcript below:

Camus on Twitter: ""Conspiracy theorist" Robert Kennedy Jr. explains relationship between world’s most powerful doctor Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci" / Twitter

Transcript of 2 minute video clip in case Twitter deletes it.

Robert Kennedy Jr: I mean that’s what we’ve been talking about since the beginning is Gates has these incestuous relationships with Anthony Fauci that goes back 20 years where he’s you know, paying Fauci and they have all kinds of really corrupt financial entanglements with each other, they He brought Fauci to his house in 2000, his 189 million dollar house in Seattle, brought him into the den, sat him down and said, “I want to have a partnership with you.”

The way that Fauci explains it, is that Fauci would develop the drugs and then pass them on to the drug companies Merck, Sinofi, Gilead, Johnson & Johnson.

Gates would then guarantee markets in Africa through his control of WHO and those companies that want to get vaccines in Africa but it’s very uncertain, you know, Botswana has a government this year that says ‘yeah want them’ and not next year.

And Gates because he controls WHO, he controls those countries because WHO pays for their health ministries, and supplies all their HIV medications, and they have to do what WHO tells them. So he can require those countries to buy the vaccines from these companies and he then is invested in the companies.

In Merck, he owns, you know, and by the way, Gates has no pretension that he gives a crap about public health. His other investments are in tobacco, in processed foods, in Coca Cola, in Cargill, in Monsanto, in Phillip Morris,  Kraft cheese, and all the oil companies, which he owns stakes in virtually of them, so he’s not a guy who cares about climate or public health. He’s a guy who cares about control.

67 posted on 08/25/2021 2:50:25 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote
...or can you?

My fan club grows.

Or does it?

68 posted on 08/25/2021 2:51:36 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: Widget Jr
She misrepresented research and oversimplified issues in ways that could only be deliberate. What Christine Blasey Ford is to honest testimony under oath, Mikovits is to ethical medical research.

But, bro. You just got done citing the CDC. Do you see the problem? You yourself, like CDC, have no credibility. Much less any credibility to question that of an expert without refuting her facts.

And citing CDC is not refuting facts, just so you know.

Show me the lie here, Fauci-lite:

So if that infection RNA was in the blood or in the sputum or in the lung lavage, from a human with Covid-19, what you have to do is take the lung lavage and culture it in a continuously growing human cell line that supports the replication of SARS Cov2.

Well that didn’t happen. They took it out of the lung lavage in people, and I looked at every one of the Biosafety Level 4 labs that purported to have a paper that said they isolated it, and in every single case they put it in the viro monkey kidney cell line.

I don't care if this doctor didn't look both ways when she crossed the street when she was six. She is laying out facts. No amount of squeeing by you will change that.

Your words are wind.

69 posted on 08/25/2021 3:09:16 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster
My comments were directed at the original post, just like you asked me to do. They are not directed at post #27, which you referred to in post #69 in response to me, which were not part of the original post.

Those two post are referencing another thread, and I will not respond to another thread on this one. Back to this thread:

Which one of my sources were from the CDC? None.

Did Mikovits name the papers she looked at? No, so there is no way of verifying what she said.

Of the research I cited, where did they "put it in the viro monkey kidney cell line"? None.

70 posted on 08/25/2021 3:35:09 PM PDT by Widget Jr
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To: bagster
Sorry, I meant, like Ransomnote asked of me. Time to take a break.
71 posted on 08/25/2021 3:36:27 PM PDT by Widget Jr
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To: Widget Jr

Time to step back and start over.

First: I appreciate the effort you put into your posts, you are really dedicated. Although we disagree on a lot and sometimes testily, you put the work into it. So I want to have a civil discussion and disagreement.

But you are a shill. I don't get along well with shills.

Second: For everything other than what I disagree, with I agree with you. I have no disagreements with the last half of what you posted at all, just the first half.

Third: From the original post:

"No purified samples of the Covid-19 virus exist. After 19 months, no one has successfully isolated a sample of the Covid virus."

The virus was isolated, replicated, mapped and distributed after "CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel" was published. Here are some articles and medical studies discussing isolating the Covid. Some of them use PCR testing as a research tool, not a diagnostic. Ever since PCR methods were developed they have been used as research tools. The issue is as a medial diagnostic tool, not as a research tool.

Feb 20, 2020: Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19.
Mar 12, 2020: McMaster researcher plays key role in isolating COVID-19 virus for use in urgent research
Mar 25, 2020: I study viruses: How our team isolated the new coronavirus to fight the global pandemic
May 18, 2020: Isolation and Full-Length Genome Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from COVID-19 Cases in Northern Italy
Jun 11, 2020: Detection and Isolation of SARS-CoV-2 in Serum, Urine, and Stool Specimens of COVID-19 Patients from the Republic of Korea
Feb 24, 2021: Phenol-chloroform-based RNA purification for detection of SARS-CoV-2 by RT-qPCR: Comparison with automated systems

You expect me to keep coming back to trash 'science' citations with interest? If I don't I'm chickening out? Let's just look at the first ridiculous example you cite, shall we?

First, they use a FAKE PCR test to identify Covid patients, even though the test cannot detect disease...

"1. Clinical specimens and RNA extraction

Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab and sputum samples were collected from symptomatic patients to detect SARS-CoV-2 by real-time reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR."


Let's have a further look at that 'unbiased' research the NIH is hosting to defend it's treasonous acts, shall we?

"3. Virus isolation

The virus was isolated from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal samples from putative COVID-19 patients."

Your citation: Feb 20, 2020: Identification of Coronavirus Isolated from a Patient in Korea with COVID-19.

Here's a vocabulary refresher because I know SOMEONE needs it.

Normally, a person identifies a unique set of symptoms of illness, cultivates and isolates a virus specific to that sick person. In La-La Land, we give them a fake PCR test, observe that they have symptoms overlapping with other influenzas, declare 'putative' cases Covid, and isolate that to create...a FAKE PR TEST.

That's pathetic.

So people covering their crimes looked at those coughing with a respiratory illness, declared them "Covid patients" and supposedly isolated "Covid" from that, even though Dr. Robert Malone can trace the origins of the Covid virus back 20+ years and demonstrate it is not a 'novel' virus, is not new by any stretch of the imagination?

THIS is always the 'caliber' of 'science' you people quote. YOu're saying they used a FAKE PCR test to develop a VALID PCR test, and you're saying it with a straight face.

You want civility and then you spread propaganda, and respond to my complaints again with civility to keep me from responding with legitimate anger to lies meant to harm the public. Your calls for 'us' to be civil are calls for me to delegitimize my own outrage at the level of deception you personally are conduting to the detrminent of innocent people world-wide.

Second: You cited Judy Mikovits.

What's that? The sound of a bus backing up?

Fifteen years ago she burned her career as a medical researcher due to research fraud on XMRV and chronic fatigue syndrome. TLDR, she made a complete fool of herself and destroyed her career. Using someone who already had no credibility does not help your case. When she says:

"Dr. Judy Mikovits: Correct because SARS Cov2 was never a human virus isolated from human cells and shown to be infectious and transmittable to human cells."

They impeached President Trump and convicted Flynn - I can't imagine why Mikovitz would have any legal problems when she began to object to Fauci's NIH!

You know, she's not the only expert saying it. Dr. Robert Malone has ample evidence the Covid virus is not what they say it is and has been patented by deeps staters in our government for many, many years.

Try to tackle his unmatched resume for forensic patent Dr. Malone. He isn't the only one either - there is an international community sharing information and launching legal resistance to the medical coup. YOu're going to need a bigger bus.

You supply trash rebuttal and attack the messengers - Mikovits' data matches the work of many others not in the employ of Fauci/Gates/China. White hats have been saying throughout the pandemic that the CDC declines requests from outsider researchers (you have to have deep state connections to claim you have a sample) for isolated samples.

China created the genome released Jan 10th saying, no isolated samples were available, the PCR test was created at a time when 'no isolated samples are available, the 'vaccines' were all created at time when 'no isolated samples were available. ANyone requesting said samples NOW, who is not well connected to Fauci, is always told that 'no isolated samples are available.'

As I linked above, researchers have isolated it from human patients.

False. That lie is kept in place to support the fake pandemic through stupid 'research' validated with fake PCR tests and based on PUTATIVE assumptions.

Did you know that Pfizer dismissed thousands of people demonstrating visible respiratory illness (dismissed putative symptoms) based on the false negatives from a FAKE PCR test? They 'had' to do that to get fake efficacy rates for their 'vaccine' Putative symptoms are convenient in that, like the PCR test, they an be interpreted different ways, at different times, to serve different agendas.

Doctors are treating patients with it.

People are ill. Unless they test postive on a FAKE PCR test, some even get tested. Most of those testing positive for COVID are specifically denied all treatments.

THere are such things as seasonal illnesses. THere are also numerous fake statistics supplemented by the CDC dictate that all persons checking into a hospital (broken ankle, heart attack, gunshot wound) must be tested for Covid (with a 97%+ false positive rate) and if 'scored' positive for Covid, that becomes their primary admitting diagnostic - that is why our "ICU's are overflowing". And if those people die, even within 60 days of a (false) positive FAKE PCR test, they are declared to be Covid fatalities. In May the CDC quietly released data showing that only 5% of "Covid" deaths had a 'covid alone' diagnosis and they other 95% had an average of 4 co-morbidities (hint- they died from other things).

Go in to the hosptial for low flow oxygen for a respiratory illness? The CDC forbids any doctor from treating you - ventilator only. Get a FAKE POSTIVE PCR test, then you can be detained in ICU, family members barred from intervening on your behalf, even though you don't need ICU. Same with broken ankle. All your illnesses R belong to us!

Patients are dying from it.

People denied all treatments for respiratory ailments can die from it. That's always been true. Many have untreated pneumonia. That's why the doctor cited in the OP was put in four-point restraints - he pointed out the man next to him had untreated pneumonia, that's a 'no-no' for the CDC's protocol. The hospital had plans for that pneumonia patient - and treatment was not among them.

Yes, untreated respiratory illnesses combined with the use of damaging levels of ventilators (lung too fragile from infection to handle the pressure) when hi-flow oxygen would work better can results in deaths. The CDC has a 340 page Covid Protocol full of the worst, most damaging 'guidance' that hospitals 'have to follow' or else.

From post 10, Covid's entire genome has been mapped, Mikovits is denying reality.

China supplied the 'entire genome' of Covid without access to an isolated sample of the virus because it said, 'none exist'. China, and all other countries world-wide cannot create an accurate genome map of the virus without an isolated sample, and there are no isolated samples of Covid as it is portrayed to the world

Mikovitz is not the only one you 'need' to attack. There are researchers and virologists world-wide saying the same thing. 'Work' on Dr. Malone for awhile. He has remarkable qualifications with which to support his voluminous evidence the Deep Staters have thousands of patents on "Covid" and have had them for many, many years.

The technology China and others claim they used to 'sequence' the virus without isolated samples can't, by definition, be used to perform that task because from the start, the plandemic was based on the false assertion that Covid is classified as a 'novel' virus.

Almost all of us have significant immunity that helps us deal with coronaviruses. 2003 SARS1 patients were tested with COVID and maintain their immunity because SARS1 is only 22% different from COVID. The way Fauci and CO. started this plandemic was by claiming none of us would have immunity to a novel virus (i.e., claimed Covid was a 'novel' virus and no treatments work etc.).

That's quite obviously not true. Many exposed to Covid in the last 19 months never became ill or just got the sniffles. Immunity was out there - no pandemic emergency need be declared - the COvid 'virus' was never 'novel'.

Oh but Fauci and his Chinese owners SAID Covid was 'novel'. Well then, you can't use gene sequencing, which relies on accessing a library of pre-existing segments of similar viruses, to build a Covid genome that is by definition unlike all others. That's why shills keep screaming that isolated samples exist even though no one ever uses these fantom 'isolates' for anything and they were derived based on one FAKE PCR, and were used to create another FAKE PCR. Or something.

When I watched Plandemic, it was clear to me other than her name she was telling only half truths. Looking up what I suspected, I was right. She misrepresented research and oversimplified issues in ways that could only be deliberate. What Christine Blasey Ford is to honest testimony under oath, Mikovits is to ethical medical research.

Well then how does Dr. Malone's forensic patent work on biowarfare agents happen to validate what Dr. Mikovits and others have been saying? All of it? Everyone is wrong except China and Faucists?
Blasey Ford didn't have Dr. Malone's kind of document warehouse backing up every single statement she made, did she, Shill?

72 posted on 08/25/2021 3:50:59 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: Widget Jr
Which one of my sources were from the CDC? None.

Dude, really? It wasn't that long ago.

Your post #70:

The virus was isolated, replicated, mapped and distributed after "CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel" was published.

The 'other thread' was cited in the original post on this thread. You would know that if you read the original post.



73 posted on 08/25/2021 3:52:18 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: ransomnote

Cargill is a giant agribusiness and is privately held.
It’s the largest privately-held company in the US: were it public, it would be between #10 and #20 on the S&P 500 ranked by revenue.

Hey, they’re a Minnesota firm, I used to bicycle past their headquarters.

74 posted on 08/25/2021 9:25:20 PM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: blueplum
"Delusional poppycock" etc.

Well, then, this must be you.

Because changing the official story on whether masks are required or not, allowing a guy who worked with gain-of-function to cajole 30 other scientists to write an article (without evidence!) to trash the Wuhan origin of the virus, inviting Americans to party in Chinatown, refusing the jabs until Biden got elected and then all-but-forcing them, creating and pressing leaky vaccines which were undertested and use a novel-to-humans technology to force the body to produce the most harmful part of the virus, while denying and trashing proven over-the-counter remedies, is NUTS.

75 posted on 08/25/2021 9:33:15 PM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: bagster; ransomnote
Here, bags, ransom. I found a dramatization of Wedgie, Jr. on this thread:

76 posted on 08/25/2021 9:37:21 PM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: grey_whiskers
Hahaha. That about sums it up, I think.

: )

77 posted on 08/25/2021 11:07:01 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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